Blue: Chapter 7

Story by xXAnonymousBunnyXx on SoFurry

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A/N: This chapter is going to be a little longer than usual. Hope you enjoy~

Dylan held Clyde as he wept. The small blue rabbit seemed like he was never going to stop crying, though Dylan was sure that was impossible, even for Clyde. He softly murmured in the rabbit's ear as he held him, running his hand slowly up and down Clyde's back. Clyde eventually tired himself out, and fell asleep. Dylan gently picked him up and lay him on one of the couches in White's room. Red and Gold were gone for the day, at Brown's funeral. He thought he'd better go see if Gray was alright. Gray had been fussing over Black more than Pink had since previous day, which was quite the feat. Dylan stepped into the room and was immediately grabbed by Gray as who began sobbing into his shoulder. Dylan sighed and pulled his brother closer. He swore they got it from their mother.


Red watched the casket as it was lowered into the hole. Gold placed a hand on his shoulder and whispered into his ear.

"It's gonna be okay."

"I know." Red looked down at the large black top hat he help in his hands. It belonged to Brown. The bear had worn it every day. As the casket reached the bottom of the hole, Red tossed the hat in, turned his back, and left. Gold watched his brother go with a worried expression on his face. He sighed. He just hoped Red would be able to move on someday. He walked to their car where Red was waiting for him. Gold climbed into the driver's seat.

"Anywhere else you need to go?" Red looked down

"No, let's just go home."


The Following Day


Clyde sat down nervously. He didn't like to be away from White but Red had called an emergency meeting. As soon as everyone had taken their seats, Red began.

"I've called you all here to discuss what happened two days ago. We all know that Brown tried to kill both Black and White but what we didn't know was that he was hired to do so by the same organization that appeared to have hired a hit on Green."

Gold spoke up "Why do you think they did this?"

"I'm getting to that, Gold. The organization calls itself A.I.D which stands for Anti Intelligence and Defense. They're usually hired to bring down agencies such as our own, which appears to be what happened, though why they ordered a hit on Green remains a mystery. I think that they were ordered to do so by another organization entirely, which would cover their tracks almost completely. It may be safe to assume, therefore, that this same organization payed A.I.D to try and take us down. Vio and I are going to keep looking into this but in the meantime I want all of you to be extremely cautious. That is all. You are dismissed." Red waved his hand and turned his back to the group so they wouldn't see the tears that had begun to stream down the bear's face. His own brother.


Later That Day


Dylan held the gun up and aimed it at the target. His accuracy had only been getting better since yesterday, and Orange seemed to be proud of him. Dylan fired three rounds, and lowered the gun. The fox walked over to him and together they watched as the target automatically made it's way up to the front of the shooting range. Three little holes had been made in the middle of the target. Orange's eyes widened.

"Three bullseyes?! That's incredible lad!" Orange was sure he'd seen everything, until this rabbit came along. He'd trained almost every agent currently in Rainbow Squad, but almost noone progressed as fast as Green had, Excluding Red and Black of course. "Ye're sure ye've ne'er done this before lad?" Orange questioned. Dylan blushed and shook his head no. Orange scratched the back of his head with his good hand and chuckled. "We'll, let's run it again."


Gold waited nervously inside Red's office. Red had called him in here, but refused to tell him why. Gold looked up at Red entered the office, quickly shutting the door behind him.


"SHHHH!" Red hushed him loudly. He walked over to the wall and, bending over, pushed in a specific part of the moulding, causing a secret door within the wall to open with a click. Red went over to the door and opened it silently, beckoning Gold over. "Follow me." He whispered. Gold got up and followed hesitantly. The door led into a secret room with soundproofing covering the walls and a single table sitting in the center of it with two chairs. Red gestured to one of the chairs in front of him. "Please, sit." Gold sat down, still with no idea as to what was going on. "I have a new mission for you Gold, but you can't tell anyone." Gold raised an eyebrow.

"What kind of mission would that be?"

"I know that you're used to assassinations, but this is important. We've discovered the location of one of A.I.D's bases not far from here. You're mission is to go there, find one of their major terminals, and insert this into it." Red held up a small USB drive "This will give us access to their entire database, allowing us to find out which organization ordered the hit on Dylan."

Gold frowned, "So all I have to do is get in, plug the thing in where nobody will notice it, and get out? Seems to easy." Red smiled.

"I'm afraid that's the gist of it. You're dismissed. I'll be telling the other's you're on vacation, so you'll have about a week to complete the assignment. You're to leave tomorrow morning. An intel envelope will be waiting for you in the weapons cache. Good day." Gold stood up and left.