I , Dragon

who am i? i am known as the flying wyrm,breather of fire, and eater of ashes. the winged lizard of death and destruction, the scaled god of rain and life. i am a dragon.

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The Fountain of Lamneth

In the valley "who am i?" the wolf asked himself. his entire memory had been wiped clean. "and how exactly did i end up here?" in his hand, he held some parchment with some illegible marks on it.

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I Ask?

who am i?_ _poem: i ask?_ _from: heart of pure light and darkness_ _made by: rogue wolf_

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floating shadows

I balance between the candle and the rising star between the storm cloud and the sun i balance between the midnight and the twilight between the darkness and the light who am i?

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who am i you ask, well i am just a shiba who loves being many things. i have done many plays, in different places and with different people. there are many who ask me how i can change who i am so often and with such fluidly, and my answer is.


Ch. 1&2

"who am i? who am i? i am the destroyer of worlds! the demon of demons? i am zartenshu!" "well zartenshu by my guess if i die you die with me." "am i right?" "yes." "then lend me your strength."


The new age (introduction)

I must go now for i'm needed, oh who am i lovey's the name and we have a journey to do.

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who am i? what in my? i do not know the answer to my own questions. i am on a journey to discover the answers. the journey has been hard and long but i continue on against all odds.


The Final Decision! (It works!)

who am i?' my thoughts pulsated through my mind as i slowly came into consciousness. everything around me was blurred; unclear. i saw a faint light above me. i was moving closer to it, my body moving without stimulation from my mind.

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Dont cheat.

Sex is love to most peoples mind but is it really....we all see things differently so who am i to assume that i'm better than everyone...

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Thunderlord: The Beginning

who am i now?" thunder rumbled overhead, and as lightning flashed through the clouds above me i thought i could see decker's mocking sneer. my fury raged to the fore in an instant, and i blasted my own lightning at the sky in defiance of the storm.
