Dont cheat.

Story by james mikoto on SoFurry

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#3 of helping hand

To me I think cheating is treason in its own way

Why does a man cheat on their girlfriend?

Is it a great feeling to betray them or did they loose their benefits?

She's nice to you and loves you she is right for why...

Why don't you fight for her... don't you want that brilliant light of hers?

Stop being deceiving to the one you said you 'loved' come tomorrow one of you might die because of a suicidal mind....

So please don't use that bottle of cyanide there are always problems so don't run and hide!

Stand up to your oppressors and pass on my words and your words that we say to each other so our successors will learn for the better....

Yes it'll never be easy to forgive most men but don't forgive the ones that try to relive their life with plenty of other women....

Saying I 'love' you is one thing but can you really show it? Sex is love to most peoples mind but is it really....we all see things differently so who am I to assume that I'm better than everyone...

Adults too they were once young and they are humans too...we all may look different act different talk different but on the inside out its flesh, blood, organs, and a brain...We all came from one place.

Just rise up

I will rise After every fall I will rise and stand even more tall I will rise over the wall I will rise above them all Like the sun which never dies though sets every night every day it does rise Like the ocean whose tides many...

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the trouble maker pt(1)

On a cold winters night the owls were '_whoing'_ and no houses were stiring here in a little town called Ocrain..... The people of Ocrain were docile and clean people.... they didn't fight with each other they didn't argue or steal and lie, but you...

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A lonely child(father's day)

"Hey dad nice to see you again" \*......\* "Dad can I ask why did you leave when I was ten?" \*..........\* "Hey dad it's my birthday today so I was wondering if you would come before seven at the end?" \*..........\* "Dad you dated mom for a...

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