The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Prologue

So many years before the story starts, the world of terra, with countless other worlds in the universe, were nothing but grounded race with no knowledge for space travel.

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New Places and New Faces, Chapter one

'i wonder if i could make a machine that could defy gravity then it would reduce the amount of car accidents and reduce air pollution and help with space travel and reduce costs to cargo transportation. but what could i use to make such a device.

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9th official character

Zayn/zain's group eventually captured an other worlder that came to the demon planet in a spaceship and soon after got well educated on space travel and such. learning from this ship mechanic they made their own ship.

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A brief history of Kyruku

This was also a landmark date in the history of kyruku space travel, marking the first probe using experimental sublight-speed travel to successfully reach a system beyond their own.

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space travel was not perfected. there would be sacrifices, as there always had been in this line of work. i just didn't think it would be me. funny, isn't it?


The Poet Monk

Her runner was meant for two things: fast deep space travel and slow atmospheric travel. it was not meant to go, engines white hot and deflector screaming, into the cosmic storm on the edge of a class-d nebula.

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The Mission of Voyager 3

I came to the conclusion that with the world population already at seven billion, that life preserving technologies like the stasis pods would be outlawed for anything but space travel."


Some general info you should know if you're reading my stories.

space travel is not uncommon, but strictly regulated and three other worlds had been colonized. there had been relative peace since the end of the tertius wars until first contact was made with the humans.

Valkyrie - The History of the Altia Galaxy - Part 1 - The Atlantian Age

Unknown (aproximately 100,000 years ago) â€" the people of the planet atlantia advance technology to the point of space travel and find themselves to be the only advanced society in the known universe 0 aa â€" the atlantians colonise the planet of earth

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Chapter 10 - Cold Fire

They had found themselves in a time before any race that they knew of had perfected space travel.

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Settling The Score

I must be losing travel can be such a-yes...i will obey..." the end.

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There is a charge in the air on this perfect day for space travel as you climb up the spiraling metal tower, now staring out 200 feet above the ground and enter the door into the rocket fearlessly and confidently, the way a nasa astronaut should after spending

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