Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 3: It follows

At the far end of the lab was a large dark brown weird humanoid creature. it had a spade like head with red eyes, long arms and legs with a boney torso. its most striking feature was its very poor posture. (another experiment?

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U.C.O.D. Scorn of The Lost: Chapter 7 (A Battle Plan)

It appeared to be shaped like a bipedal humanoid creature. grimlock looked at it for a second, then retracted his claw and laughed. "whew, it's only you!"

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The Human Species Ch.9 - Hopeless Romantic Rukario

Zerobi suddenly yelled, lucario looking up and seeing the green humanoid creature from earlier right in front of him. its oddly shaped hands made it look like it was holding a pair of bouquets.

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The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter Seven

Partially because chess does not have access to a sword, and partially because he is not a humanoid creature! now, chess has to fight the treecutplace itself!

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 02

It slowed to a stop in the atmosphere and began to suck in smog and other light pollution into the fireball as it began to transform into a humanoid creature. "smarla... arise and conquer for your master!!!" the evil emperor yellede from his lair.

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Ozien's journey

She was what we called a guardian and unlike the name of her species would describe them, her and her kind are in fact small humanoid creatures with bat like wings and lizard tails, but with felines ears, paws, face and fur.

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Danger in Hidden Water

In the center of the floor, a huge, flat-faced humanoid creature, without the characteristics of any known species, rested kneeling and immobile. "lord ramas?" the mongoose asked aloud, trying to make out its host.

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The Human Species Ch.14 - Young Prodigy Lucas

The red color of the pokeball never quite left its inhabitant, a humanoid creature that looked like a cross between a lobster and a dragonfly with both pincers and wings appearing to the left of the trainer.

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Legend of Phiro Chapter 1

A flaming humanoid creature, a fire sprite, turned towards them, and roared. phiro eyed its claws, which were bony, and on fire. phiro looked at blake, and then charged, shield raised, yelling at the top of his lungs.


Black-Winged Angels Chapter 16: Black-Winged Angels

Avet wondered if this was something in the draconian's world, where they were fighting not as a beast, but something between a beast and a humanoid creature. he wanted to go to that world at least once, before they closed the gate.

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Cracking Ships

A few seconds later though it began to coalesce once more and this time into a complete humanoid creature that started to approach, though it still dripped with goo along the metal.

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Cursed Ruins: chapter 1

Unfortunately what they found instead was a skeletal body of a humanoid creature with feline characteristics the bones that made up the tail far from their original resting place.

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