Ozien's journey
#1 of Ozien's journey
In this story I tell you about the meeting of my two main character, Ozien and Akisha in a world of my creation, Arcane-Terra. A world of wonder where creaturs of other realms, of other world often end up for it is a world that can be reached from any other world, but no one really knows how... This story contain Vore and the following will too, but it is not the main point of the story, so even if you don't really like vore, you might just be able to enjoy the story anyway!
OYEZ, OYEZ! (gosh I don't even know if this exist in english aswell!)
Arcane-Terra is a world that I want to share with all of you guys, for as I said it can be accessed from any other world from different timelines or even from different ages. But beware! Arcane-Terra is a world kept in armony by powerfull beings known as Primevals essences, and they won't allow anyone to disturb this equilibrium. I will be making a side story to Ozien's journey that will be called ''The Arcaneum'' in which I will explain in detail how every aspect of my world works, from the fundamental laws of physics that dictacte everything there to the relation betwenn different species that inhabit the lands with those who comes from other worlds. Until then, if you have any question about Arcane-Terra, or anything else, you can always ask me on my Profile page or here in the comment section!
Anyway, hope you are all having a great day, peace!
In the land of Arcane-Terra lived some of the most magnificent and powerful creature someone could ever imagine. Some of then where large, very large, and other where only few centimeters high, but in Arcane-Terra, size means nothing. There, the most important is the power each one of these creatures wield. This power comes from each of the primeval essence such as fire, ice or wind and so on... But some might not be limited to wield only two of those primeval essences, they are called the Arcane and, ounce they have reached maturity, they are charged with the responsibility of maintaining balance within the land of Arcane-Terra. Just like little Akisha. For she was of the smallest of all Arcane-Terra's habitants.
She was what we called a Guardian and unlike the name of her species would describe them, her and her kind are in fact small humanoid creatures with bat like wings and lizard tails, but with felines ears, paws, face and fur. They are also being referred as the kindest of all Arcane-Terra's habitants.
As for Akisha, she was still young and curious, but she was on her way to discover what she was capable of. Her fur was orange and her paws as well as the tip of her tail where pure white. Around her neck, she wore a long blue scarf that her mother made for her before she had to let her go and learn what life was by herself.
About a month after she had left her home and her natural curiosity had led her to venture out in the forest south from where she used to live. She passes whole days contemplating flowered and other creatures from afar as she was also very shy and would address someone only if she really needed to. But one day, as she was laying on her back, carelessly contemplating the skies trough the tree's leaves, she eared an unknown voices.
-Well hello there little one.
Said the voice happily. Surprised, for she though that she was alone here, she stood up and turned around to see who said that while asking nervously:
-What! Who are you, what do you want?
-Wow, calm down my friend, there is no need to panic, its not like if I've been stalking you for days, I was just flying by when I saw you...
Replied the voice kindly. Then,she saw him. He was a large dragon of a species she had never seen before. He was heading right toward her with his large white feather wings still slightly opened as he had just landed.
-My name is Ozien, but you can call me Oz, and you, may I ask you what is your name little one?
He added while calmly looking at her with deep brown eyes before she had to answer:
-I, I am Akisha, nice t-to meet you, well I guess...
-Well indeed its nice to meet you, but why do you seem so nervous all of a sudden?
-w-well, its j-just that you are so huge, and well, I am not used to talk with stranger.
She said holding her hand in her back as she looked away.
-Awwww, isn't that cute. You know what, Why didn't you come over here so we could talk and get to know each other a little better?
-Look, i-its not that I don't like you, but I-I have to go, so... Good Bye!
And she turned away and tried to flee, but she hadn't went farther than a meter that the dragon had leaped on her and was now holding her to ground.
-C'mon, you don't have to leave so early, we were just having a little chat...
-Let me go!
She yelled at him. But it was of little use. He approached his head of her and said softly:
-Well, now that I thing about it, you look very pretty... Pretty Appetizing that is, I thing I'll have you for dinner...
-For dinner!? No! No, no, no,no,no,no! Don't please, just let me go! A-and you are so big, I, I wouldn't be very nutritious, I swear!
She cried as she started struggling under his strong furry paws.
-Don't worry, I'll be very gentle, I promise it won't hurt.
-B-but, I-I don't want to be your dinner!
-Well, sorry about that, but you'll have to make up to the idea...
On this, he grabbed her by her back and held her over his gapping mouth where, he wrapped his slick black tongue around her Feet. Then, he said with a grin:
-Enjoy your ride, little one...
And he let her go as he pulled her down in his maw and closed it around her as soon as she was inside.
She cried again as she was soaked in dragon saliva by this long tongue wrapping and unwrapping around her, moving her around in his maw, savoring her. Then, he moved her into the back of his mouth, looked up to the skies as he placed a claw on his own neck and swallowed her in one only gulp and followed her down his neck with his claw until she disappeared in his chest. Then. He laid on the ground and rested his head on his crossed paws as he listened to the complains of his 'guest'.
-Please, I don't wanna be digested! Let me out...
-Wow! I might be a little, well I like to be cruel, but I am no monster! Don't worry Arisha, no harm will come to you where you are, I'll simply let you out un a few hours. I just love having someone inside my tummy, I couldn't resist...
-Really, you will let me out? And won't hurt me?
-That's right, and now, just make yourself confortable and enjoy your stay while I am taking a short nap...
On this, she moved around in the dragon's stomach and curled her wings around herself like two small orange blankets dripping with saliva and just before she fell asleep, she whispered:
-Good night, Oz...
To what the dragon replied:
-Sleep well young guardian...
(Part. 2) Ozien
When Akisha finally woke up, she was mostly dry and laying down on a pile of dead leaves. She first wondered how she ended up there, then she remembered of this large white and brownish-orange dragon that she met yesterday. She soon realized that he wasn't there and oddly enough as one wouldn't expect her to desire seeing him again after what he had done to her, but she felt like she could trust him now. After all, he kept his promise, she was still alive and mostly unharmed as she could tell. So she stood up, replaced her scarf and started looking for him. The sun had just started to set as it appeared that she slept all day, and it was already very dark in the forest. She searched for him a few minute thinking that a dragon of this size should be easy enough to find in such a small forest, but it seemed he was nowhere to be found. That is when she spotted what looked like a lone oriental warrior. His back leaning against a tree, with his legs crossed and his face covered by an old looking conical hat. His two bladed tonfas crossed in his back and his dark cloth gave him a somewhat mysterious look, which was more than enough to scare little Akisha. Maybe he knew where Ozien went? She first thought, but she was to nervous to ask, what if he attacks her? But why would he? She then thought...
-Emmm, s-sorry mister, b-but have you seen a d-dragon around here?
She finally asked, and the mysterious warrior laughed softly as he placed a paw on his hat and slowly pushed it in his back before he replied with calm:
-I would never have thought that you would actually be looking for me after what I did to you yesterday...
-O-Ozien!? B-but how?
She immediately asked.
-I can change into a dragon, but this is my true form, I am a Pandaren monk.
-A Pandaren? I have never heard of them before. Where do you come from?
-I guess I could say that I come from a land where powerful warrior of many species fought together for the good of all. I come from a land frightened by war where two powerful kingdom have been fighting for dominance for centuries. But I have only eared of this war, for as a Pandaren, I lived my childhood in the peaceful valley of the four winds where I then decided to follow the path of wisdom and became a monk. I swore to protect my people from any harm that might come to them and I was ready when the corruption began. But after our beloved emperor sacrificed to seal away that corruption to protect us, the Horde's warchief, Garrosh Hellscream, unleashed the Shas that corrupted the heart of the land in search of power and the peace was broken. Then, both the Alliance, for which I fought for, and the Horde, thier ever lasting enemies, joined their forces to take him down! The fight was hard, but we walked away victorious and peace ruled ounce again in the land of Pandaria...
-Wow! Thats, thats amazing! Ho, I'm sorry, it must have been so hard for you... But how did you ended up here then?
Asked little Akisha who was now sitting in front of him eager to learn more about this strange place.
-In Azeroth, which is how the realm where I come from is called, we have built many portal that allow us to cross immense distance instantaneously, and in some cases, even cross between worlds, like to a place we called the Outland via the Dark Portal. And as I was on a quest given to me by the great Lorwalker Cho, which consisted into finding a way to explore other realm, I was sent to investigate on a long lost ruin in which he thought I would find a way to do just that. But when I went there, I found something strange, some kind of artifact, a small glowing sphere. Carefully, I tried to pick it up, but when I touched it, it sent out a huge pulse of energy and everything went black. When I finally woke up, I was here in this unknown world transformed into a dragon! I have met many people on my way here and was surprised of how respectful most of them where. After about a week, I realized that I had no real need for food as I felt no hunger even if I had not eaten anything since my arrival. I then met another dragon to who I asked if he ever felt hunger and replied that he did and we talked for awhile before he left. As the next week passed, I realized that my personality had began to change, I was becoming more like the beast I had become and less like the monk I am, I started to enjoy scaring smaller animals, but I still wouldn't hurt them, I simply couldn't... I flew across these lands in search of answers and this is when I saw you...
-Ho, I see... But how did you transformed back into, well you?...
-That, I still don't know, in the middle of my sleep, as you where still sleeping inside me, I started feeling some kind of strange heat around my heart and that heat then started propagating throughout my whole body, worried that whatever was happening to me could also hurt you. I spat you out and gathered some dead leaves to drop you in so you could continue to sleep comfortably, and a few minute later, I felt every muscle, bone, organ in me shrink back to my original form and just as my transformation was about completed, my old leather armor and my weapons somehow materialized back on me.
-Did it hurt?
-No, oddly it didn't, it felt strange but it didn't hurt at all.
-Do you feel like you could change into that dragon again?
-Emmm, I think, well I suppose I could try, here, I gathered those earlier I figured that you might want to eat something unless you are like me.
And he handed her a few small pink berry about half the size of a grape, that where still similar to a large apple in her small paws
-Thanks, I love Namgo berry!
And she took a bite of one of the fruit while she stared at Ozien who was now standing up in front of her. She already seemed so small compared to him as he was about ten time taller than her, but when he closed his eye and joined his paws together like a prayer, a sudden gusting wind started blowing around him, and she took a few step back when he started growing larger bathed into some kind of bluish light , his spine and tail stretched out, his paws , legs and arms grew larger and from his back grew a pair of beautiful feather wings in a mix of white and brownish-orange ones. His muzzle grew longer and his head larger. With his short brownish hair growing into a thick mane running along his spine to the tip of his tail forming some king of fluff at the very end and his beard spreading under his neck and building a soft looking patch of Thicker brownish-orange fur on his chest. His face was ornate with four small black horn, two on each side of his head and two longer ones, one on each side. All six pointing backward with the larger ones sticking out of his skull just behind his ears. His transformation now completed, he fell back down on his front paws, with each one landing on each side of an Akisha that was stunned in awe...
She then said.
-No one ever told me of anything like that before!
On this Ozien added looking down at her:
-Where I come from people can transform into a dragon using a rare object called a vial of the sand, but very few people have it for it is very difficult to make. But they all change into a sand drake, and only after an incantation, while I only had to focus a little to get this started.
-Your world seem to be such an amazing place! Do you think you could take me there one day?
-Hmmm, I suppose I could, but I don't even know how to get back there myself, so taking someone else there seem a bit unrealistic.
-Ho! I know someone who could help! My people often come to see her when something unusual happens, and I think she would be glad to meet you, but it's very, very far away from here though...
-How far away exactly?
-Well it was a while ago, but if I remember it correctly, it was at least two weeks of walking, but here, take a look its that small spike here on the horizon!
Akisha said as she pointed a finger toward that mountain that the dragon could only barely see.
-Ho, I see, but I don't think it will be that long if we fly there, isn't it?
-Yea... But the thing is, I am kinda little scared of heights...
She said while looking down at her toes with her hands crossed in her back. Ozien first looked at her wings, wondering how it could be, but he decided not to bother her with that and instead, he tried to comfort her saying softly:
-Don't worry Akisha, you'll be perfectly fine, I won't let anything bad happen to you.
Then she looked up at him, in his great brown eyes and replied:
-Thank you Ozien...
-Should we go now?
-I guess so... But you promis you won't let me fall?
-I promise.
-Ok... lets go then!
And she jumped into the dragon's open paw before she climbed up his arm and sat comfortably in between his shoulder, at the base of his neck.
-Hold tight back there and be ready for takeoff!
Advised Ozien as he took a short sprint forward, spread his wings, pushed himself up from the ground and finally propelled both of em high into the sky with a few, but powerful flap.
Akisha kept her eyes closed the whole ascension and only dared to open them ounce the dragon asked her:
-Are you alright Akisha?
And she replied that she was, but this time, Ozien couldn't resist and started laughing softly when he saw the expression on her face.
-What is it that seem to be so funny?!
-Haha, I am sorry, but its the fact that I can't seem to figure out how a small winged creature like you can be this scared of height.
-Hey! For your information, I can only barely fly a few feet above the ground with these! A-and on top of that, who are you to judge others fears?
-I'm sorry, I swear, but, I don't know it seemed so strange in my mind, that's all...
They flew all night long, forest and valley whizzing by and that mountain that was their destination did not even seemed to get closer. Until the morning came, as they reached what could only be an ocean, in the middle of which stood an what seemed like a mountain, but was in fact the most impressive structure one could imagine... From the ledge of the cliff that circled around the whole ocean, Ozien could now clearly that it was in fact a huge white tower that progressively got narrower as it got higher. It seemed for an instant that the tower was reaching for the sun that shined upon them. But it was impossible he thought to himself. Then he realized that there was a single bridge joining the tower to the land, a bridge so long that it was almost as impressive as the tower itself. With no apparently nothing to support its weight other than the tower and the ledge on which it rested, the very fact that such a structure existed baffled the dragon.
-This is the Arcane spire, the greatest temple of all Arcane-Terra, legends said that the primeval essences themselves built it for us to be able to communicate with them, and with them with us...
Said a Akisha with pride in her voice as she climbed on top of Ozien's head. But as they both where staring at the majestic structure, the sky suddenly went dark as stormy clouds blocked out the sun all around the tower.
-What is going on?
Wondered Ozien just before a thousand lightning struck the water beneath while gusting winds nearly picked Akisha off the dragon's head.
-Hu ho, this looks bad, real bad, we must get there fast! Go Ozien there is not a second to waste, something must have disrupted the balance between the Primeval essences, and the Arcana is trying to restore the equilibrium.
-Is it possible that I am the cause of all this?
-Emm, I don't think so, but you could be part of the problem, that is why we have to go meet with the Arcana, she will know what is going on.
-On my way then, hold tight now!
And he jumped off the ledge, keeping his wings folded as long as possible to pickup speed, and just before he hit the surface of the ocean beneath, he spread them as wide as he could and simply glided over the sea at astonishing speed. But as they came closer to the tower, Akisha began to feel weaker, and weaker:
-Oz-ien, I don't feel so good...
And she tried to climb down his arm to reach his paw, but she lacked the strength to do so and lost her grip, but she had just started falling that the dragon had caught her. Now holding her in his paws close to his chest as if to protect her from the winds while he was hovering above the waves.
-Aki? Are you alright?
-My strength, just left me... I need, to see, the Arcana...
-Don't worry Aki, I'll take you there as fast as I can.
-Ozien, I fear I won't last long if I stay in the open like that...
-You, you want me to swallow you?
-Its not like I have any other option...
-Alright then, I will let you out as soon as we get there, I promise!
-Thanks, Oz...
She whispered as her friend lift her up to his muzzle where he slowly opened his maw, just large enough for her to crawl in. Everything seemed so slow now, so calm. When she laid down on the dragon's soft tongue while she pulled herself to the back of his mouth, she remembered the last time she was there, how scared she was at the time. Now she was about to let herself slide down the beast's throat willingly and knowing that she was safe. Her hands where hanging down in his gullet when he lifted his tongue to push her inside. As soon as he started swallowing, he also started beating the air with his wings as hard as he could. Picking up speed as his friend was moving down his throat. She could feel the effort that Ozien was giving to save her and when she finally reached his stomach, already fallen asleep, leaving her body sink slowly into the soft flesh.