Cousin Amber- Release Terms
She'll just have to check in with like the help wanted ads when she gets a place and figure out what she can do to make some money. but that can wait a week or few before she really needs to do that.
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 40: If You Are Going To Be A Bear Be A Grizzly (We Go Down Together Part VI)
After placing help wanted ads within every space station in this sector, these cuddly robot bears were the only ones who answered.
Tauron s Adventures - Chapters 1 & 2
On the wall, he noticed a bulletin: **"help wanted! all volunteers, preferably wanderers and adventurers, report inside for more detailed information"** "hmm, it's about time i found some work," he said.
A Wolf Named Keirn
But spot couldn't help wanting to reach out and push away the fur which had fallen over keirn's mauve eyes. in keirn's last class of the day, algebra, he sat alone at a desk near a window, daydreaming.
Buffy the Big Apple Slayer
"so i couldn't help but notice the help wanted sign out there, you having trouble keeping people around here?" "oh not at all." wanda shook her head.
Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Chapter 2
I'll help. want me to buy you lunch while i'm at it?" leon gave a half smile as he turned back to consus, "yeah, that actually sounds nice." - "so, how long have you guys been hunting heartless? it sounds like you've had a rough life."
Did you forget that you championed the disgusting old pervert, the scale-covered, cold-blood demon with claws, who risked his own life even then because he wanted to help, wanted to love as freely as the rest of you warm-blooded, decent, god-fearing furs?"
Magical Pet Shop: Joseph
Specifically he had been inside a pet store reading over a rather strange help wanted ad. the ad had mentioned being the very best no matter what... joseph had assumed that meant it was related to sales. he had asked about it...
* * * gone were the days of sitting up at the kitchen table, circling help-wanted ads in the newspaper. hell, gone were the days of the newspaper.
Windows to the Soul - chap. 3-4 - by Skyfox
help wanted sarah stood there trembling, staring at those two creatures who were looking back at her. they moved very little, looking at her from top to bottom and glancing at each other.
The Temple of Tikal
You want me to take a few business cards or a help wanted sign i could put up in the lobby?" "i don't have any busssinessssss cardss.
UTO - Mercenaries Chapter 2
"yeah, hard to imagine help wanted signs hanging off the side of the ship, huh. most of them are friends or friends of friends. nick and i knew kat for a while when she joined up, she got sarah onboard and she brought justin.