A Wolf Named Keirn
Hi everyone! This is my first story, so please let me know what you think!
*Warning! This story may contain adult and/or sexual material. Do not read if you are under the age of 18, and if you do, don't get caught! ;)*
Keirn North had always wondered what love felt like. Whether it was something that occurred naturally, like morning dew or the birth of a baby, or something that you could control, like the deterioration of a flower in a vase, or the life of a pet bird. But he always thought that he lacked the capacity to feel something so strange, and yet so real; regardless, he had forever wanted to share that feeling with someone.
In the beginning, Keirn had always assumed it would be a female for whom his heart would ache; he had never even considered another male. Of course, he was soon to find out that his destiny had other plans.
The alarm clock went off at seven a.m, the same as every morning. Keirn rose from his warm, comfortable bed grudgingly, looking toward the day with a bored anticipation. Keirn glanced at himself in the mirror, trying to smile. Admiring his lean, toned body, Keirn couldn't help but feel slightly more optimistic.
Keirn was a wolf; a handsome one, at that. He was completely black, excepting a line of misty white fur running down his torso to his navel. But somehow, through the shocking intensity of the jet black coat, Keirn managed to retain a resplendent air of gentleness and compassion. His eyes, which were the exact colour of wood violets, shone in the early morning sun with a mysterious twinkle, almost like a star. Keirn was tall for his sixteen years; either that, or all his friends were short. Keirn shook his head fur out of his eyes before stepping into the bathroom.
Keirn let the hot water of the shower run down his body, soaking into his skin with a warm sense of safety. For all the gentleness and quiet dignity Keirn exuded, all he felt inside was a desperate loneliness that no fur seemed to be able to fill. Keirn sighed and after soaping his fur clean, stepped out of the shower and towelled himself off. Pulling on a pair of black jeans and a dark blue T-shirt, Keirn descended the stairs and ravaged the kitchen to find his breakfast.
"Morning, Keirn," Keirn's mother Rosetta sang cheerfully, her chocolate brown fur combed into careful layers.
"Good morning," Keirn murmured automatically, deep in his own thoughts. Rosetta smiled wryly to herself and heaved a basket of freshly laundered towels into her arms before exiting the room. Keirn crunched his cereal slowly until the phone rang, startling him. Rising to answer it, Keirn banged his knee on the kitchen counter. Cussing quietly to himself, Keirn picked up the phone and answered it, trying to sound like he was happy.
"Hi, Keirn!" Keirn recognised his best friend Spurk Topher's voice on the other end of the phone line. Spurk was a wolf, like Keirn, but was completely white except for a small patch of black over one of his eyes, earning him the nickname "Spot".
"Hi Spot, what's up?" Keirn asked as he rinsed his cereal bowl in the sink.
"Nothing much, I was just wondering if you needed a ride to school? I just got my new car and I'm itching to try it out." Spot's voice sounded impatient and excited. Keirn thought about Spot's erratic driving skills, and opened his mouth to say no. But, ever compassionate as Keirn was, he couldn't bring himself to deprive Spot of his favourite activity.
"Sure, I'll be waiting. See you soon." Keirn replied before hanging up. Keirn sighed and sat waiting for Spot, once again enveloped in his own thoughts. Keirn thought about his friend Spot, with his white fur and cute black spot, his long legs, his muscular arms...
Keirn shook his head. No, he thought, I can't think about my best friend like that. And besides, I'm not gay.
But Keirn felt a slight sense of uncertainty gurgling in the pit of his stomach. He thought nothing of it though, and cast the thought away like a leaf in the wind.
Spot pulled up in front of Keirn's house in a shiny, metallic blue car. Keirn had never been one to admire a vehicle, but he had to admit that this was a pretty sweet ride
Spot opened the passenger door for Keirn and patted the passenger seat invitingly. Forcing a smile, Keirn sat next to Spot, quickly buckling his seat belt. Spot chuckled when he saw this and revved the engine loudly, forcing a surprised yip from Keirn muzzle. Keirn blushed and pushed Spot's shoulder lightly.
"Just drive, Mister Jokester," he said as Spot continued to chortle. Spot pulled away, still laughing, and drove in the direction of his and Keirn's high school. After his laughter died down, Spot noticed that his friend seemed unusually withdrawn.
"Hey, Keirn," he said, eyes still on the road, "is everything okay?"
Keirn didn't answer straight away. He stared out of the window, seeing furs downtown, shopping and talking with friends.
"I don't know," Keirn said quietly. Spot gazed at Keirn with a look of concern on his face before he turned his attention back to the road, where he just barely missed a passing sparrow. Spot knew that Keirn could take care of himself, and decided that he would leave Keirn to his thoughts.
Arriving at their high school, Spot parked the car before nudging Keirn gently, who seemed to be in a trance.
"Keirn," Spot said kindly, "We're here now."
Keirn looked at his friend, whose face was still set in that same look of raw concern, and gave his friend a reassuring smile before retrieving his bag and stepping out of the car. He and Spot walked together toward their first class, which happened to be Gym.
Spot and Keirn walked into the locker rooms, chatting about television and a new CD Keirn had just bought. Several furs were already inside, stripping off their clothes and slipping on the dull uniform of Gym class. Keirn found himself staring at one fur in particular, a bull, whose muscular physique seemed to have caught Keirn's attention for some reason. The bull lowered his boxer shorts, revealing a long brown sheath and two large brown balls. Keirn's eyes widened and he drank in the sight, whilst at the same time berating himself mentally for even looking in the first place. The bull turned to retrieve his uniform from his bag and caught Keirn staring. Keirn turned away, chagrin washing through him for the second time that morning.
Oh God, now he probably thinks I'm a fag, Keirn thought miserably.
Keirn and Spot got changed and entered the gymnasium where their Gym teacher Mr Forley was waiting. The teacher quickly split the furs into two teams and directed them to play a game of soccer. For a short time, Keirn was lost in the game, shouting to his teammates and enjoying himself all the while. But Keirn noticed that the bull he had seen in the locker room earlier was giving him dark looks, and shivered uncomfortably.
Keirn gained possession of the ball and quickly dribbled toward the goal. Spot waved to him from his right and Keirn quickly kicked the ball to him. But then a huge force careened into Keirn, knocking him into the gym floor, hard. Keirn landed face first and felt blood spurt from his nose, forming a pool on the floor. Mr Forley blew his whistle and pulled whatever it was that had crashed into Keirn off of him, helping Keirn to his feet. Keirn wiped blood off of his muzzle before spinning around to find the culprit. He saw the massive bull arguing with the teacher.
"But Mr Forley, I tripped over! I swear!" the bull protested loudly as the teacher told him to sit on the sidelines. The old wolf frowned before consenting that the bull had indeed tripped, and allowing him to return to the game, despite Spot's loud objections.
"Quiet, Spurk, or you can sit off in his place," Mr Forley growled at Spot, who immediately ceased his complaining before looking apologetically at Keirn. Keirn sat on the sidelines for the remainder of the lesson, staring dejectedly at the vicious bull who had "tripped" into him. Keirn thought he knew why, and was ashamed about what he had done in the locker room, but at the same time defiant and annoyed.
Even if I were gay, which I am not, that doesn't give him the right to hurt me, Keirn thought angrily. A snarl built in Keirn's chest, which was quite rare in someone so gentle. Keirn smothered the snarl before it could escape his maw, not wanting to provoke the bull further.
Class ended and the furs shuffled back to the locker rooms. Keirn tried to be inconspicuous as he changed back into his jeans and blue shirt, and as he went to leave the room, he thought that perhaps the bull had forgotten about the incident already. His hopes were shattered, however, when he felt a rough shove on his right shoulder, nearly felling him for the second time. Keirn turned and found the bull's face inches away from his own.
"Keep your eyes off of me, faggot," the bull whispered savagely. Fear built in Keirn's chest as he slowly nodded and edged towards the door.
Outside, Keirn felt a tear creep from his eye. It slowly travelled down his black cheek and came to rest on his chin. Keirn wiped it away with the back of his hand, barely managing to stop the flow that would follow it. Blinking away his tears, Keirn turned to find Spot staring at him with that same expression of sympathy on his usually bright face. Without a word, Spot stood beside Keirn and placed a paw on his shoulder, a quiet gesture of compassion and friendship. Keirn smiled faintly at his friend, considering just how lucky he was to have a buddy like Spurk.
The rest of the day passed in a surreal blur. During lunch in the cafeteria, the tormenting bull, whose name turned out to be Tauro, passed Keirn and Spot's table, giving Keirn a look of unbridled disgust. Keirn stared back, though his gaze was sad and forlorn. Spot grimaced as he saw the pain flicker across his friend's face.
I wish I could do something to help him, Spot thought sadly. But then, I'd need to know what was wrong with him. Spot examined his friend, noticing how his fur shone in the afternoon sun.
Almost like an angel, Spot thought dreamily. But then he frowned and blinked twice. He wouldn't allow himself to think of his best friend that way. After all, he had a girlfriend. But Spot couldn't help wanting to reach out and push away the fur which had fallen over Keirn's mauve eyes.
In Keirn's last class of the day, Algebra, he sat alone at a desk near a window, daydreaming. He didn't even notice the light tap on his shoulder and only turned when he heard a soft voice.
"Excuse me," the voice said, "can I sit here?"
Keirn looked at the source of the voice. A slender, blue-eyed fox of about Keirn's age was smiling sweetly and gesturing to the empty seat beside Keirn. Keirn nodded and smiled back; it was hard not to like such a kind face. As the fox sat, Keirn stared at him, not recognising him.
The fox's fur was light orange, apart from his muzzle and paws, which were white. Keirn could also see white fur peeking from the top of the fox's shirt, and assumed that his torso was white as well. The fox's eyes were the palest of all blues, like the sky on a sunny day. He had a cute little nose and small, fluffy ears. And he was well muscled, without being too bulky.
He's pretty, Keirn thought before he could stop himself. As the fox sat, his big bushy tail brushed against Keirn's arm. Keirn shivered; the fox's tail was so soft, like mink. It felt wonderful on his skin.
The fox turned and smiled at Keirn.
"What's your name?" he asked. Keirn swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry.
"I'm Keirn," Keirn said. "What's your name? I don't recognise you."
The fox giggled. "That's because I'm new. My name's Miles. Miles Vulpo." Miles held out his paw to Keirn, still sporting his adorable smile. Keirn grinned shyly and shook Miles' paw, thinking how warm and silky it was in his own. Holding the handshake just a little longer than necessary, Keirn felt a strange emotion deep within him. The whole world seemed to revolve around this cute little fox. Keirn, bewildered, pulled his paw away and resumed staring out of the window. Miles cocked his head in mild puzzlement.
"Are you okay?" Miles said, touching Keirn lightly on the shoulder. Keirn inhaled sharply as the fox's paw made contact with his skin; it felt so nice. Keirn felt like he could trust Miles, but he didn't want to be overheard.
"I..." Keirn began, his voice shaking a little. Miles' face creased with worry at the sound of Keirn's quivery tone.
"I'll tell you after class, okay?" Keirn said, controlling the tremor in his voice. Miles nodded and the teacher called for attention.
Class dragged for both furs; Miles, burning with curiosity and worry, wished the teacher would shut up about quadratic trinomials and let the class go. Keirn watched the hands on the clock on the wall, barely hearing anything the teacher said. Finally, gloriously, the bell rang to signify the end of school. Miles practically jumped out of his seat and gathered his possessions. Keirn rose slowly and retrieved his books before exiting the room with Miles
As soon as they were outside, Miles turned to Keirn, ready for an explanation
"So, what's up?" he said lightly.
Keirn couldn't meet Miles' eyes; he knew his own eyes were brimming with tears and was embarrassed that he was becoming so emotional.
"Miles..." he started nervously, "I...I think that-" Keirn choked, and buried his face in his paws. Miles whimpered helplessly and looked around, making sure they were alone.
"Keirn, you can trust me. What's wrong?" Miles asked, concern making his voice softer, gentler. Keirn wiped his eyes and looked at the friendly fox, who had only just met him but was so anxious to help him.
"I think that...I'm gay." Keirn hung his head, two more tears rolling down his cheeks. Miles lifted Keirn's chin with his paw to look into his eyes, which at the moment resembled water-soaked lavender. Slowly, Miles raised his free paw and wiped away the tears on the wolf's cheeks. Keirn stood there, shaking with silent sobs, letting Miles dry his tears. Their faces were mere inches away from each other. Keirn could feel Miles' warm breath on his muzzle. Miles leaned in closer; closer. Keirn's eyes closed.
Keirn turned to the noise. Spot was standing a few metres away, staring at Keirn and Miles with wide eyes. Seeing the two furs standing so close, with tears in Keirn's eyes and the strange fox's innocent expression, Spot couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy.
That's part 1 done! I hope you enjoy it! I'll try to get part 2 out ASAP.