0 - Mutt meets Billy

"well, my dad was a successful acupuncturist and believe it or not, my mom had carved out a career for herself as a masseuse." billy saw the disbelief in mutt's face. "well, they were!"

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Dragon Legends: The Tale of Orphius Chapter 6

There were books staked on a set of shelves carved out of the stone wall and a low sitting table just right for him to easily read a book while relaxing.

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The Discovery

Wolves after all, lived in caves carved out of rock- why shouldn't he?

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He decided that he would begin to stand up for himself again and put an end to the attacks, being stubborn had attracted the attention of the jocks, being stubborn would allow him to carve out a place for himself and feel like he was reclaiming his life 'or

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Children of the Night

And that i was, it was carved out by something or somepony. i tried to sit up, but a splitting headache sent me right back down and i fell out of my bed. patches came rushing in. "winter? are you ok?" she helped me back into my bed, "here, take this.

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I Just Want to Play a Video Game

I move her towards the carved out pillars. the dragoness crashed down and let loose a baleful shriek. whose soundwaves blew the priestess off the cliff. the game over screen bled over. my phone rang. "i'm sorry.

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Ragnarok - XVI

Varr said slowly, as the sulfur carrier stretched, its knees below the pit its impact had carved out, "do you yet say that this your sword shall cut down this colossus, berserker?"

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Laurin tales: JJ's story chapter 3

Magic is just some fairy tale" said kai, busy carving out a "walking stick" "i saw the wizards tower. they pulled it out from the ground" "did you see them pulling it from the ground" was the otters reply. "ummmm, no" "well then.

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All Hallow's Fright

To their left stood a scarecrow with a pumpkin head carved out with a spooky face a candle set within. to their right was a cheap plywood coffin with a plastic skeleton laying in it with a cigarette stuck in it's mouth.



Over there was the large pool that was connected by tunnel to the ocean, the steps carved out of the rock were a nice touch.

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Between Winters, Part VII

The depth of the cave surprised ash; it was deep and it looked as if it had been carved out over generations. ashford held his torch high and progressed slowly through a series of narrow passages and rooms, all carved out in the rocky hillside.

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High Water

Jonas knew about the wells, many of which carved out of materials as tough as marble and shale, shattering aquetards 40-200 feet below the surface to find underground aquifers- this was how the bone-dry climate of his homeland.

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