#1 of Story
The beginning of my out-of-order story.
"Ouch." "Sorry." "Ouch!" "Sorry." "OUCH!" "Well if you stopped squirming it would be easier to sew up your wound"
"Well maybe if you were a better doc- OW!"
"Sorry." He said trying to sound his most sincere.
"Just a few more... and I'm done." he said with a grin of satisfaction wrapping a bandage just tight enough over the stitches.
"What did you do again to get this cut on your head?" "Well me and Ys-" "Ok, I think I get the idea." looking annoyed that he didn't get to finish his story Aluis stood for a brief moment before collapsing back down. Acting quickly Mikaere grabbed Aluis and eased him to the ground. "You shouldn't be going anywhere with an injury like that, at least for a while. Stay here and let me keep an eye on you, Ok?" Aluis answered with a nod."You just make yourself comfortable and I'll go get a meal cooking. How do you feel about fish?" Looking to Aluis for an answer and finding a nauseated expression "Fish it is!" He could almost see the exact moment the vole began to retch.
"Actually now that I think about it I did find some lovely fruit a day ago; maybe there is still a few left." A sigh echoed throughout the cave and Mikaere took it as a thank you.
Being alone for a few minutes, Aluis realized that he had not actually bothered to visit Mikaere aside from when he needed something. He felt like a bad friend, even if Mikaere would never acknowledge their relationship as freinds. Making a mental note "I will have to visit more often. I'm sure Mikaere would enjoy the company since he never bothers to leave his underwater world. Although that would mean having to swim to the cave; and this glowing fungus that he uses for light does leave the cave a bit dark and hard to navigate and if I called asking for help it wouldn't be much of a surprise visit, now would it. Well I will just worry about that later."
Attempting to stand again but with a slower pace Aluis managed to stand and began to explore the cave waiting for Mikaere to return. The ceiling seemed very high even in the darkness and all the fungus could almost be mistaken for a night sky with its own constellations. Over there was the large pool that was connected by tunnel to the ocean, the steps carved out of the rock were a nice touch. Over here must be what Mikaere would call his furnishings filling the open area between the pool and the tunnel that ventured deeper. With a small fire resting in the middle of it all giving the metaphorical bow to the entire present. Finding a mat and laying down on it Aluis stared at the ceiling trying to find constellations in the fungi.
A gentle crunching of dirt on rocks drew Auis' attention to Mikaere as he exited the tunnel. "I found these purple fruits yesterday, I think. But I don't know if you would like them." Mikaere said pretending to not know they were Aluis' favorite fruit. "Oh I don't know. I guess I will have to eat them. I certainly wouldn't want them to go to waste." Aluis playing along with Mikaere's pretending. "Well here you go, eat up." Mikaere placed both fruits beside Aluis then heading next to the fire to cook some fish. Aluis quickly grabbed a fruit and began feasting on it leaving Mikaere a gentle chuckle to echo throughout the cave.
After a while and after both of the cave's occupants had eaten their fill they decided a nap was in order.
Waking after some time, as measuring time in that cave was so difficult to accurately measure, Mikaere checked Aluis' head wound surprised to find it healing so well so quickly. "Well mister healthy are you ready to take your leave?" "I suppose I should get going I wouldn't want to intrude on you any more than I have to." "Who said you were intruding?" Mikaere said with an eyebrow raised. "I mean I know how much you value your time alone. And I wouldn't want to-" Aluis' mouth stopped as Mikaere hand slid to his shoulder. "I said before that you are always welcome here and that I am more than willing to accommodate you should you ever need it, you know that. You also know where to find me should you ever need my assistance." Aluis lifted his heavy head and looked into Mikaere's eyes as the weight was lifted finding just how sincere he was. "Well you always know where to look for me, or perhaps the general area." A saddened feeling welled up in him as he realized just how their relationship was, a one way street. "Oh I know just where to find you" Mikaere said contently lifting the remains of the purple fruit.
"Why don't you join me today as we explore the island find something new, make some new friends, or just enjoy our time together," "That sounds like fun." Aluis' smile grew from ear to ear. "But I do have some things that I need to get done today, how about a rain check?" Aluis' smile disappeared as those words carried on; but he quickly made a fake smile as to not seem discouraged. "Rain check it is, I'll hold you to it." He didn't know he bothered asking, Mikaere never accepted an invitation to deviate from his routine except for the rare occasion.
Aluis waded into the pool of water and looked over his shoulder hoping Mikaere would change his mind but all he saw was him stoking the fire.
Looking out of the corner of his eye then turning his whole head Mikaere watched as Aluis' head dipped closer to the water then under it. A small tear ran down his cheek. He knew he couldn't keep pushing away the only person he was willing to call his friend, even if it wasn't to his face. He couldn't help it he was too set in his ways; constantly remembering his past and trying to forget it to move on but never having the courage to take the extra step when the moments arose, moments like right then.
One day aluis would stop visiting him and then he could finally get what he truly wanted: to be alone where no one could hurt him and he couldn't hurt anyone. His tear dripped onto the fire generating a small sizzle.