Mac asked once the black wolf was freed of his wife's hold and breathing normally again.
Husky, Small Fight, Wolf
The black wolf asked with a chuckle.
the buck simply dropped his head before raising it back up as a sort of nod to the wolf.
Husky, Mild nakeditity, Wolf
In only a few minutes the black wolf was through the field of traps without setting off a single one.
Husky, School trip, Wolf
Meanwhile, the black wolf scratched his arch and the bottom of his foot, making his brother laugh loudly.
Brothers, Feet, Foot, Paw, Paws, Tickled, Tickling, Wolf, Wolves, playfull, tickle, tickles
The black wolf shakes his head no. "no... how would i know his name?" eve is about to continue on with the next question but is stopped when the black wolf continues. "none of them had names on their uniforms, they only have numbers.
Clean, Fox, Jackal, Raccoon, Series, Skunk, Vixen, Wolf
The black wolf laughed and sat down in the other desk and answered a few phone calls while waiting to see his mother.
Husky, Little crazyness, Wolf
The black wolf watched as she did and knew from her form this girl knew how to land on her feet so he let her.
Husky, Small scuffle, Wolf
The black wolf growled. brandon fell silent and then the black wolf spoke.
"to make a long story short, brandon, i am your father."
Fantasy, Firestone, Werewolf, brandon