Kage's Camping Trip 6

Story by Shadow55419 on SoFurry

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#6 of Kage's Camping Trip

just fun stuff all the time here :P

Chapter 6

Ty went to the store about an hour before dinner to get more glow sticks for the students to wear even picking up a shorter set of bracelet sized ones for the young kit to wear. When the black furred German shepherd returned he was shocked to see Mr. Williams being passed through the spider web by the students while David, the teacher's younger brother, was laughing his head off near by with Kage and Tizra as the students tried to keep their beagle teacher from touching any rope.

"I really wish I brought a camera," David said between breaths of laughter.

The loud sound of a digitized camera shudder took everyone by surprise and caused the students to very nearly drop their teacher. A graying snow leopard was walking down the path, her smart phone in hand and the sound played again.

"Mrs. Melik, what are you doing up here?" Melony asked sweetly, the fox kit's red furred head sticking out clearly against the blue of the husky's shirt as she poked her head out of the unzipped portion of the husky's coat.

"Why Ms. Melony, you have two heads, and this one looks like a fox," the graying leopard said with a giddy smile as she patted the kit's head.

"Yeah, she took a shine to Kage and I last night, so it seems we have our first kit," Melony answered as the kit rubbed her head against the husky's chin.

"Well I came down to see how this class was doing for a bit," Mrs. Melik said with a wide smile towards the kit, "And you stay cute," she added scratching the kit's chin gently.

"So Mr. Kage, how are we doing this week?" the leopard asked completely ignoring the fact Mr. Williams was half through the spider web.

"Had a rough first day, had a little spat between myself and Mr. Williams and a little squabble between a fox boy and a feline boy, but today seems to be going better, my buck has already been by with his fawn and mate, and it seems I've picked up a kit with Melony," the wolf answered facing the shorter woman with one ear pointed towards the spider web just in case, "Mrs. Tizra here tried to hold her for a few minutes but she screamed something fierce, so if anyone is to hold her it's got to be me or Melony."

"MR.KAGE!" a student hollered causing the black wolf to look to the web and see Mr. Williams tangled by the tail about three quarters of the way through.

Kage simply shook his head and held the beagle up by the belt while four students stabilized his shoulders and another crawled under him and started working on getting his tail loose of the ropes.

"How did you get your tail tangled up in two pieces of rope?" the black wolf asked once the beagle was free of the web.

"I don't know, I can't see back that far," Mr. Williams laughed as he walked up to the kitchen canopy to greet Mrs. Melik.

The rest of the week went smoothly, Melony kept the kit in the tent with her during the nights so Kage was free to take students to the bathrooms and not worry about coming back to the kit missing or stepping on her if she tried to follow in the darkness. They also found that she would gnaw at the bracelet sized glow sticks so they didn't try putting a second one on her. Both the wolf and the husky grew very attached to the little kit, feeding it small portions of their meals probably wasn't the best idea but it was all they could do short of Kage catching something for her which would frighten the students. During the third day they hiked out to the Living History Farm that the Mr. Williams had called about so it was up and running so his students could learn even more about how people lived in the 1800s.

As they packed things up David, the second beagle and the teachers brother, had to hold his tongue as a few of the students hugged him before they left since he'd been teaching them simple magic tricks most of the week. Titan, the black furred German shepherd, had signed off several of his scout's achievements and was contacting other packs and den leaders as well as a couple of girl scout troops to tell them he'd be approving some of theirs as well.

Mr. Williams was a little more open to suggestion as far as tips on group camping from Kage, Melony, and Mrs. Melik who showed up twice more during the week, once acting as the resupply for the class. A few of the student's cried a little before they left not wanting the trip to end so quickly and all of them asked for updates on the fox kit despite being told she would probably have to be left behind.

Kage and Melony waited for Tanker and Wilds to come by so Kage could say his goodbyes till the next year and meet the newest Ranger in the park. The kit was running around Melony's feet when the tan German shepherd and a young almost black furred husky with a white chin and hands came walking up to the pair.

"Is that the kit I've heard so much about this week Tanker?" he asked seeing the little thing running around Melony's feet.

"Yeah it is Wilds, cute little thing isn't she?" Tanker replied bending down to pet the feral fox, the husky only nodded with a smile on his face, "Kage, this is Wilds, new guy this is Kage, biggest damn feral wolf you'll ever meet," he added with a laugh that Kage joined.

"He's kinda cute himself Tank, I think he's confused by your statement about me being a feral wolf so explain it to him later," Kage said continuing to laugh, "Wilds, I won't be back till next year some time, so enjoy the down time because when I'm here you best be on your game if I call," he said with a more serious tone once he'd calmed down.

"Why, what makes you so special?" the black husky asked with a cocky grin.

"Because I know I've been on this mountain longer than you and I think I've been here longer than Tank here too, I'm one of the biggest contributors to the mountain as far as bringing in classes for the camp grounds and site tours as well," the black wolf said with a serious tone, "Plus as much as I hate to admit this, that grey furred brick wall of a wolf that is your boss, is my old man."

"I think you had him at the biggest contributor bit Kage and for future references you had already been here for two years when I came along," Tanker said with a small grin, "You should know Wilds that he wouldn't call Jack unless you did something incredibly stupid like losing a kid, everything else he'd call me or Tizra."

"Hi I'm Melony, Kage's girlfriend," the golden eyed husky said with a sweet smile since no one else introduced her.

"Nice to meet you ma'am," Wilds said politely.

Kage noticed that the black furred husky was now staring at Melony whom thankfully had already gone back to playing with the kit.

"Wilds get your eyes back in your head, I'm the jealous type and I don't like folks staring too hard at my girl," Kage said biting the inside of his lip to keep from laughing at the husky's nervous reaction.

"Kage leave the pup alone, by the way everything is settled with the camp grounds about the changing of sites so you're set to leave any time," Tanker said before standing and facing Wilds while Melony and Kage stood on either side of him, "And you pup are going to play deaf, dumb and blind for about five minutes, nothing you see within the next five minutes ever happened after it, are we clear?"

"Why what's going on?" the black husky asked seeming a little scared.

"Absolutely nothing, these two are going to get in his truck and drive out, the fox kit ran back into the woods," Tanker replied calmly, "If that's not what you say happened then your career might be in danger," he added in a threatening tone.

Wilds nodded slowly watching Kage pick the kit up and put her Melony's arms, both of them going up to his truck and climbing in and driving out without slowing down.

"Tanker, what the hell just happened?" he asked in a completely confounded tone.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, I saw Kage and his girl get into his truck and drive off, trailer in tow," the tan German shepherd replied with a grin a mile wide.

"But they just took a wild kit out of the park," Wilds said nearly shouted.

"Wilds you ignorant, foolish, pupsqueak, Kage and Melony just did the best thing in the world for that kit, she was abandoned and starving because she's too small to hunt on her own, she needs a parent they're just being surrogates," Tanker replied in a low tone with a hint of anger, "So I saw them take nothing more than a ball of reddish orange yarn with them."

"But how will they know what to do, they aren't wild animals after all," Wilds said with a confused and concerned tone.

"Kage is just as wild as that fox kit is, probably why she's so attached to him," the tan furred German shepherd said rolling up the left sleeve of his shirt to reveal a long scar that showed through his fur of his forearm, "That wolf gave me that scar the first time I met him along with two broken bones under it because me and three others were forcing him from the only home he remembered."

"And what does that have to do with this kit?" the husky asked with a now completely confused tone.

"His home was the northern woods near the peak of this mountain pupsqueak, he had no contact with people for eleven years, I got this scar ten years ago when he was fourteen, so he knows well what to do to raise a kit since he pretty much raised himself and survived on basic animal instinct."

The black and white husky went deathly quiet for a few minutes before simply nodding and walking away from the bigger German shepherd, who let out a relieved sigh.

When Melony and Kage got back to his place, Melony called her parents and informed them of the situation with the kit so she could pick her things up and stay with the black wolf for a while longer. The first thing her father did was shout to high heaven till her mother managed to steal the phone away from him and tell her things would be settled by the time they got there before the red wolf stole the phone back and started shouting again.

"I need to know what you're aiming to bring this trip, cause if I have to unload the trailer we may not get there till dinner time," Kage said calmly while covering the phone with his hand.

"My dresser, my cloths from the closet and my bed if you think I need to," Melony replied quietly as her father continued to shout on the other end of the phone.

"No need for the bed, I'll just unhook the trailer and clear the bed, the dresser and any small things you'll want to bring will tie down nicely in there," the black wolf said taking his hand off the phone with a wink.

"Dad I'm only bringing my dresser and the contents of my closet," Melony said into the phone while blushing at the possible ideas behind Kage's wink, "Damn it Dad I've told you he'll likely have me sleep in Shara's room again."

Kage made quick work of emptying the truck bed and unhooking the trailer, it took a few minutes for him to wiggle the huge flat hard cover off the bed though.

"You talk to him," Melony half screamed throwing her phone at Kage.

"Hello, whose this?" Kage asked after catching the phone.

"Mr. Kage, I'd like to know why you're letting my daughter move in with you after knowing her only three weeks," the man's voice said on the other end of the phone.

"Did she explain that a fox kit found us during the camping trip sir?" the black wolf asked with a serious tone.

"She did, but why must she move in with you to care for it?"

"The kit is very young and rather attached to me in particular since I fed her the first night sir; she's also rather fond of Melony since she has a similar scent to my own after staying in my house last week and wearing one of my coats most of the camping trip."

"And Melony moving in with you was your idea?"

"Actually it was a mutual decision sir; we felt that with the kit's attachment to the both of us as her surrogate parents it would be best for her that we both be in the same place."

"Why don't I believe you son?"

"I honestly have no idea sir, but I'll tell you now this wasn't a decision easily reached, nor lightly made either sir," Kage said with the utmost respect even though he wanted to smack the red wolf on the other end of the phone, "We'll be there in half an hour to pick everything she wants up sir, you can punch me then if you like."

Kage pressed the 'end call' button on the screen while Melony's father was still shouting some rather unfriendly remarks about his character.

"Melony, get the kit dear, we're ready to roll," the black wolf putting his head through the open door way of the house.

"We really should name her, we can't just keep calling her 'the kit' all the time," the golden eyed husky said as she walked out to the truck with the small fox in her arms happily trying to catch a feather her new mother had found in Shara's room.

"I've never been good with names, so nine times out of ten, I'm going to call her kit," Kage replied as they climbed into the truck.

"Well what about when she grows up? What will you call her then? Vixen?"

"Probably just keep calling her kit, so why don't we just name her that?"

"What do you think little one?" Melony asked the little fox who just kept batting at the feather with her two front paws, "Okay no reaction Kit it is then."

"Oh, just to be an evil little wolf I want to introduce her to your father as his first granddaughter," Kage said with an evil grin on his face.

"That would be evil, do you have anything to wrap her in for the illusion?" the golden eyed husky asked with a wide grin of her own.

They walked up to the door with Kit very carefully wrapped in one of the black wolf's thicker t-shirts that he kept in the truck just in case. When the door opened it was Melony's mother who immediately caught on without having to be told. The older platinum blonde husky called her husband to the door to greet the young fox.

"Dad, Kage and I would like you to meet your first granddaughter," Melony said with a calm tone as she handed the small bundle in her arms to her father who at the moment looked like he'd rather have his hands around Kage's throat.

"That's not funny dear," the red wolf said with a serious tone after seeing the young feral fox in the bundle.

Of course Melony's mother was about to keel over laughing and Kage was becoming more and more certain he might have to take a punch before the day was done while Melony simply un-wrapped Kit and sat her on the floor to run around a bit.

"It was my idea sir, after the conversation we had earlier I thought it might lighten the mood a bit," Kage said without taking his eyes completely off Kit as she ran around their feet.

"She might be an adorable little critter, but I don't think a husky wolf mix and a pure breed grey wolf could come up with a fox," the red wolf replied with a wide smirk of his own.

When the two younger people caught on to what he meant Melony blushed all the way up to her ears, Kage simply stood there wondering if he should say the one thing he knew would level the red wolf or to remain silent. The urge to stay silent about the very distinct though faint scent in the air lost.

"Well, no more that a pure breed husky and a pure red wolf sir, though they might come closer on fur color and build, and I doubt Melony would mind a baby brother or sister any way you look at it," the black wolf said with a small smile when the older husky blushed just as much as her daughter had and the red wolf just stood with his jaw hanging open.

Melony was doing her best not to snigger as she pushed her wide eyed father's jaw closed. She looked to Kage trying to figure out what he was talking about, the black wolf simply tapped his nose. Kage and Melony's father moved her dresser into Kage's truck bed, everything in her closet that was clothing would be laid across the back seat.

"You take care of her Kage, or so help me you'll regret it," the red wolf said with a slight pant in his voice after loading the heavy dresser.

"I'll regret not doing so long before you get to me sir," the black wolf replied sitting up on the tail gate, "Your daughter is the first person I've been comfortable with being around male or female outside of my mother and my sister, I don't want to lose that."

"Well, I should warn you, she has an ex whose been trying his hardest to get her back the last few weeks, but she's been with you so he hasn't had a good shot at trying. He'll be here in a minute, his car just turned onto this road," Melony's father said pointing towards the black Camaro coming down the road, "Best you call me Mac while he's here, or dad which ever you prefer, and try not to tell Melony he's been around before today."

"I think dad will do, I enjoy watching people squirm," Kage replied with his evil grin coming back to his face, "Best you stay out if it comes to blows by the way, I can handle myself."

Mac barely had time to nod his agreement much less ask what the younger wolf meant before a six foot nothing red furred husky with a pretty face and bright red hair came out of the Camaro that had just pulled in the drive.

"Who's this guy dad?" Kage asked without hesitation gaining the full attention of the large husky as well as Melony's as she came out the door.

Melony saw the red furred husky towering over both her father and Kage and was about to go nuts and start screaming but she quickly put together a much better idea.

"Kage honey, come help me with Kit, she crawled her way up the steps and I can't pick her up with all this in my hands to bring her back down," the golden eyed husky said with a sweet innocent smile.

"Be right there darling," the black wolf replied before turning back to the red wolf next to him, "Can you handle him dad or should I come back empty handed?"

"You best do that, I'm sure I'll be fine for a couple minutes though," Mac replied with a grin on his muzzle.

Kage could clearly hear the husky shouting from inside the house about Mac lying to him about Melony being home the past few weeks.

'Well that little white lie of yours just got blown to hell Mac,' the black furred wolf thought as he picked Kit up from the top of the stairs that she simply refused to come down.

"You know you're going to have to learn to come down them too Kit," he said with a soft chuckle as the little fox batted at his nose, "Now you stay down here with grandma while daddy goes outside and beats up a mean old husky," he added with a playful tone.

The black wolf handed the little fox off to Melony's mother and walked back outside to where the tall husky and the red wolf were still standing, the husky still shouting as Kage walked up to the pair.

"So dad, aren't you going to introduce me?"

"Oh yes, where are my manners, Kage, this giant lump of red fur is Chris, Melony's over obsessive ex," Mac replied with a chuckle, "Chris this fine young gentleman wolf here is Kage."

'Oh brother dad really is laying it on thick this time,' Melony thought as she continued to load things into the truck.

"Why does he get to call you dad and I never was allowed?" Chris asked seeming more angered than curious.

"Because Kage and Melony are moving in together and I have a granddaughter through them, so he gets the privilege," Mac answered calmly even though he figured it might set off the giant.

Kage's reflexes allowed him to dodge the first swing while shoving the red wolf out of the way in the same motion. The black wolf then swept the red husky's leg bringing his chest down so the sternum took the full brunt of the hard right jab Kage laid into it. The husky fell back hard struggling to breathe as he held his chest.

"You come near Melony again, you call her ever again, I see you so much as look at her in a way she wouldn't like and I will put you in the hospital without second thought, you have five minutes to pull yourself together and leave or dad will call the police and I'll make sure you're still here when they arrive," Kage said calmly standing over the red husky.

"Did it have to be five minutes?" Mac asked jokingly as they walked away towards the truck.

"It'll take about that long for his chest to stop hurting enough to breathe properly again so yeah," Kage replied seriously, "And if he isn't gone in that amount of time it means he passed out like a pansy," he added with a smile.

"How did you know where to hit him?" the red wolf asked turning to face the red furred husky laid out on his lawn.

"He had most of his weight on his right leg during the swing so I hit it, the chest hit was based on the fact it looked like he was holding his breath to make his chest look bigger," the black wolf replied with a chuckle, "Another weakness I used was the bulk of his muscles slowing him down considerably compared to even a feral bear's right hook."

"I won't even ask how you know about a wild bear's right hook, but Melony told me something about you and finding weaknesses like that on the phone earlier, care to demonstrate?"

"Matter a fact I do dad, don't want to hurt you by accident, I can get a little carried away some times."

"Are you really calling him dad without even thinking Kage?" Melony asked from the other side of the door on the truck.

"I'll stop if you want me to honey, but it's kind of nice having someone I can call dad," the black wolf answered with a nervous chuckle and scratching his muzzle.

"How old were you when your dad passed?" Mac asked sounding concerned for the first time that day.

"Oh Jack is still alive, he's just one hell of a first class asshole who pretty much...left my mom and me when I was three," Kage said catching himself before he admitted something he shouldn't.

"Okay, that was an obvious catch and you said you had a sister, so I'm assuming he did more than just leave you and your mom," the red wolf said calmly as he leaned against the truck and continued to watch Kage, "I won't pry but judging solely on some of the things you've said you don't have a traditional schooling, and I have a funny feeling it was your old man's fault."

"You can really judge all that on something I've said?"

"Mind if I take a swing at profiling you? I took a few courses in it since I got my doctorate in psychology but haven't really had a chance to use the skill set."

"If you think you can sir, do try," Kage replied with a smile.

"Well, you carry yourself with great confidence in yourself, but you're not arrogant and you hide more than you show about yourself, knowing what a wild bear's right hook looks like hints at that, you're reflexes and speed are more like a wild animal's than your average person, your hearing and sense of smell are very acute, to the point where I'm sure you could hear every word Chris shouted out here without a single problem," Mac said in a calm tone, "I think you spent more time in the wild than you care for me to know since my wife and I are both doctors and enforce a strong and complete education, and all caused by Jack, who I'm guessing left you out there."

"Pretty close, didn't know you were both doctors till you said it," the black wolf chuckled while he watched the red husky still on the ground, "Go call the police, tell them to bring an ambulance too."

"Think you killed him? I'd like that," Melony said with a cold tone.

"If I did it'd be the first time it wasn't a feral critter for food," Kage said walking over to check on the husky, "And one should never wish that someone else is dead Melony, without damn good reason that is."

"And stalking is not a good enough reason dear," Mac said calmly hugging his daughter.

"What about abandoning a three year old in the wild with no means at all for eleven years? Would that be a good enough reason?" the golden eyed husky asked while Kage tried to wake Chris up.

"That would depend on the person I think, if it were a direct close relative and deliberate I'm sure the abandoned would feel a deep resentment for the abandoner, if the abandoned were left by accident it would bring on a fear of it happening again and they wouldn't want to be away from personal contact again, but either way I don't think it calls for wishing someone dead," Mac answered before pausing to take a breath and check to make sure Chris was still on the ground not causing problems, "I guess I really should call an ambulance."

The red wolf walked back into the house and Melony heard a groan come from the big red furred husky lying in her parent's yard.

"Are you still living husky?" Kage asked in a cold tone kneeling over him.

"What the hell did you hit me with, a brick?" Chris asked with a groggy tone.

"The police and an ambulance are on the way, I can hear the sirens already, best you stay down," the black wolf responded ignoring the question asked.

"I think you broke my ribs," the red husky said with a pained breath.

"Don't doubt it, felt them crack when I hit you, why do you think I told you to stay down," Kage said with a smirk, "The ambulance is about three minutes away, I'll leave the decision to press charges to dad since you swung at him."

"I won't be since he didn't connect, but I will reserve the right to shoot him if he shows up here again," Mac said with a warning tone.

The ambulance arrived, everyone told their side of the story to the police, no charges were pressed against Kage or Chris but the works for a restraining order from Melony against the red husky were started to be safe. The ambulance took Chris to the hospital so they could check him out before leaving him in police custody, he had one rib completely broken and two more cracked.

"Well that was not the blow I thought I would be taking this afternoon," Kage said once the last police officers left.

"I never thought he would have shown up, I'm just wondering how the hell he knew I was here at all," Melony said with a low tone.

"Sweetie the only thing you need to worry about right now is Kit, she's not too fond of your mother and I think she's getting hungry, as am I," Mac said with a smile pulling both the black wolf and his daughter back towards the house, "So let's go in and have a nice family dinner."

They went into the house and Kage was semi forced into telling his story to the psychologist side of Melony's father, who took it better than his wife did.

"Oh you poor thing, you must hate your father so much," the older husky said hugging the black wolf to her chest.

"Mom, I happen to know he does, but would you mind letting my boyfriend breathe," Melony giggled when she saw Kage start trying to push her away.

"So Kage, tell me something, how long did it take you to relearn everything?" Mac asked once the black wolf was freed of his wife's hold and breathing normally again.

"About five years for the basic schooling but most of that came after walking and talking like normal instead of on all fours, yipping, growling and barking," the black wolf replied with a nervous chuckle.

"And how long to adjust to being in a city?" the red wolf asked calmly.

"A bit longer, as a matter a fact, no offence to either of you or your home, but I don't like being here that much."

"No offence taken, after eleven years in the near silent woods I can see not liking the noise. What about the rangers that brought you out?"

"Three of the four are okay, still talking to two of them, the third transferred to another part of the park a short time after so I've lost track of him, the fourth still walks with a limp and cares nothing for being anywhere close enough to me for me to talk to him."

"And what of your father, what kind of damage did you do to him when you saw him?"

"He got three broken and two more cracked ribs, pretty mangled right arm, and a busted left knee and a fair sized shiner out of it," Kage smirked, "Can't imagine what I could have done without the two bear sized doses of tranquilizers running through my system."

This made the whole table go silent and Melony to go wide eyed. She had never heard that part of it, she knew he'd taken his father with one in his leg, but not that he took the other four with one already in his system. It all made her wonder just how strong the black wolf really was.

"I have to ask now," the golden eyed husky asked with a low tone, "Just how strong are you really?"

"I was pretty pissed off that day Melony, I had four big men I didn't know trying to take me from my home by force and was face to face with the one who put me out there, I had more adrenaline in my system than tranquilizers, it was something I probably couldn't do again," the black wolf answered with a soothing tone, "But if you really want to know, I'll answer."

"I want to know," Melony replied with the same low tone.

"I could have probably crippled Chris for life in two hits, or worse with three or four," Kage answered solemnly, "Knowing where and how to hit counts more than strength in a fight against me."

"Okay, my question is, how did you take down so many bigger men than yourself so quickly?" the older husky asked with a curious tone, "I mean you couldn't have been more than a hundred and twenty pounds at the time."

"No ma'am I probably wasn't, but it was all lean muscle, still is too, living in the wild staying fit is much easier since you eat less and work harder for the food you get," Kage answered with a chuckle, "I took them the same way I would have taken a bear or some other bigger animal, find the weak spot and hit it hard and if necessary repeatedly."

"Okay one more psychology question and then I'll stop bugging you," Mac said with a smile, "Do you regret any of the time you spent out there?"

"Only when I think back to not seeing my sister born or being there for her during her first year," the black wolf responded even more somberly, "I learned a lot about me during the first couple months, the biggest being I wasn't actually afraid of being out there, even less of being alone, it felt like home even in the first days I just didn't realize it till later."

Melony hugged him as best she could from her seat next to him while her mother got the other side until he growled rather loudly and suddenly causing them to let go in shock. When he pulled his tail into view, Kit had a good hold on it and wasn't letting go.

"Alright you, you've got teeth and that hurts," Kage said with a chuckle as he picked the young fox up off the floor making her let go, "Guess you're learning to hunt tails for now aren't you honey, well I've got a sister that's going to love you."

The fox simply growled playfully and batted at his nose with a paw which only made the black wolf chuckle and rub it against her belly before putting her down on the floor making sure to keep his tail moving this time. The conversation was lighter and Kage learned that Melony's mother was a physician and that she would love an opportunity to at least examine him just to see how he survived without all the basic immunity shots or anything against the worst of the worst that could be found in animal meat. Kage only agreed because he had gone through one exam with the doctor his mother took him too shortly after coming home and the black wolf gave the old badger such a fit that he gave up and declared the teenage wolf healthy, he hadn't been to a doctor since.

By the time Melony, Kage and Kit got back to their house the little fox was sleeping in Kage's lap while he backed into the drive way and it was rather dark.

"Well Melony, welcome home," the black wolf said moving slowly as to not disturb the sleeping ball of fur in his lap.

Kage called one of his neighbors to help him move Melony's things into the house before simply falling into the couch and enjoying the comfortable silence of living in the middle of nowhere.

"So, why do you hate that red head husky so much?" Kage asked after a few minutes of quiet.

"Quite a few reasons, the easiest way to explain it is that he was a possessive jerk who laid out a classmate of mine for making a fake pass at me," Melony replied with a cold tone, "Not to mention he spent more on his cars than he spent on me."

"I'm interested in this fake pass thing, you can explain the cars later," the black wolf said with a chuckle.

"It was one year anniversary date for Chris and I, kind of anyway he spent a total of fifty dollars on the actual day so I made him try again. This classmate of mine took a seat next to me in the booth when he and the rest of his little study group came in and asked if I wanted to join them, innocent enough no real intent to ruin anything. Chris jumped up, grabbed the guy by the collar and decked him right in the muzzle without giving me a chance to explain I was on a date with him."

"Certainly reason enough to break things off, especially if it happened more than once."

"Well to tell you it didn't would be honest, but telling you I knocked that red ball of fur flat on his ass for it would be more fun, and still true."

"Nice, you said he spent fifty dollars on the whole thing? Was that gift and all or just the meal?"

"That was the first time, but it was a three course dinner, a movie, and my gift from him. For the 'makeup date' he shows up at my father's place in a brand new car with the window sticker still laying in the seat, but still managed to spend less than eighty dollars on the whole date."

"Could he not afford anymore after that?"

"He still has more money than you do Kage, not to knock what you have, but to him it seems like chump change," Melony said with a low growl in the back of her throat, "After I broke up with him he followed me around, cops found pictures of me in his place when I called them the first time, I made sure a female officer was present to be sure nothing got taken by any male officers for..."

Kage immediately picked up the train of thought and felt a genuine flash of anger towards the red furred husky named Chris. He stood up and leaned against the sliding glass doors at the back of his home so he'd have a way out if he needed to leave.

"How did he get pictures like that?" The black furred wolf asked with a cold tone, "And how did he get away with it?"

"A really good camera pointed at my window and he didn't. They slapped him with a month or two in jail and a several thousand dollars in damages to my sanity, which paid for my new bathroom and the alarm system in my parent's house," Melony said with a rather inappropriate giggle, "It also paid for the car sitting in the driveway next to your truck. He stayed away from me for almost two years until today, what brought him back the last few weeks though I have no clue. Guess he was dumb enough to think I'd be over it."

"Well, if he thinks I'm going to leave you alone long enough to get at you again he best think again," Kage replied with a cold smirk on his muzzle.

"Well with him in jail for the night and not knowing where you live, I think it's a safe bet he won't be able to find me again, even my classes are in a different place now," the golden eyed husky said stepping over to Kage and leaning into his chest as he wrapped an arm around her.

They spent the rest of the weekend getting things straightened out in the house, finding supplies for Kit and restocking the fridge for what was left of the month.