Twokinds: Trust
Every night when you go to sleep, i want to be there. every morning when you wake up, i want to be there. i... want to make you happy. _that's_ what i want to do with you." keith's heart wrenched, and his vision blurred.
Gates to Misery CH: 5
I want to ask him some questions, but i don't want to interrupt. i know how much training means to him. he once told me he wants to become stronger for pokemon that need help and fight evil.
A chat with Raven and Doreen
You wanted to know why i wanted to help. it is because i have been threatened once, and then raped by someone, who thinking about it could've been acting for them. i can't get them and i want to. i want to..."
Winter's day (WIP)
He raises his eyebrow and looks straight at him, "look, all i'm wanting to do is to get rid of some bandits who have taken my home. i want to get my family back from them, and i want the best of help." the bartender shakes his head and blushes a bit.
Righting Your Wrongs (Prologue)
I never wanted to hurt the other pokémon, i just wanted it to leave me alone, i didn't want to worry about its problems, i just wanted it to leave me alone, i didn't want to take another life...
The Gift
He wanted it more than he wanted anything else, but rationally speaking he knew he shouldn't.
Lyrics *First song writer* NO MELODY*
So for now this is what i wana live for this is how i want to be remembered this is what i want to stand for this is where i will be forever this i what i wana live for this is how i want to be remembered this is what i want to stand for this
Poem: The message of an Otherkin to the World
I don't want justice, i don't own the truth, but i know, the love is reserved for the living and hatred for no one existing. i want some words. i want some mouths, and even when it hurts, i want you shouting loud peaceful words.
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Seventy Four
He wanted them to know it. wanted them to understand what they had wrought upon themselves.
Resonance Universe (V2) - United States map
._ _nobody wants to be defined by their secrets though. everybody has a desire. some want power. some want money. some want knowledge. some want a purpose during their time on earth. love. friends. family. belonging. sympathy. excitement. distraction.
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 47: Battle Symphony
Lain wanted revenge, the third voice wanted blood, yet tom... for the first time in a long time, he did not know what he wanted.
B-but you can spoil it if you want." "hell no!"