Canvas and Melody - Prologue

#2 of canvas and melody fuck it. got any questions about the story? ask below, i'll answer in character, and it'll be canon. ... doesn't work as well with the prologue because it's not really from any character's perspective, but i'll try.

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The Shadowed Canvas (Short Story.)

Enjoy the shadowed canvas. plowing through the snow, his mind focused into the black asphalt ahead of him. looking to his left, he stared into the sleeping body of a dog. 'she's already asleep.'

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Canvas and Melody - Chapter 7

#9 of canvas and melody chapter 7 _danny_ me and michael were in the gym after school, setting up some of the decorations and picking music.

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Canvas and Melody - Chapter 6

#8 of canvas and melody chapter 6 _chris_ "seriously guys, i just don't get it. how did all these prom posters go up in a _single_ night?"

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Canvas and Melody - Chapter 5

#7 of canvas and melody chapter 5 _chris_ they say a picture's worth a thousand words, but even millions couldn't begin to properly describe the ceaseless beauty of the woman i loved.

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Canvas and Melody - Chapter 4

#6 of canvas and melody well, i guess the daily uploads were shot to hell this weekend, so... i'll just upload a chapter a day when i can from here on out.

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Canvas and Melody - Chapter 3

#5 of canvas and melody all comments and critiques welcome, and any questions will be answered in character and henceforth canon.

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Slamming the giant

His back before standing on his knees andre grabbing the ropes pulls himself off of the canvas.

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Canvas and Melody - Chapter 1 - Fixed

#3 of canvas and melody sofurry glitched and didn't upload it right yesterday, here's hoping it doesn't error tonight.

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G.R.R. Chapter 10: Gold and Glory Pt. 1

I try to get back up but when i manage to make it up to one knee he grabs my head and twists it and slams it down on the canvas in a neckbreaker. i lie on the canvas as my neck heats up.

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G.R.R. Chapter 3

My eyes water as i look down at the canvas and see tears and blood drop and make puddles on the canvas. i look up and see nubis husky with a steel chair in his paw. fwap! he strikes me with the chair and i fall down on the canvas again.

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Big Dude Wrestling #2

"1 . . . 2 . . ." the referee counted but rico was now the one getting his shoulders up off the canvas.

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