A chat with Raven and Doreen
#3 of Thornn
Doreen and Raven talk, and some things come up.
OK plot development time. If you don't want to read it you should still be fine. I just wanted to get into Doreen's psyche a bit :)
As night falls Doreen returns, coming upon the scene with Raven and Lucia. She smiles sitting in the chair next to them with some food, looking at them both. She is not sure what happened, all she knows is that she feels happier now seeing them comfortable enough to be together. She knows in time she will get Raven to tell her what happened, and she suspects a lot of talking was done before hand. When Raven stirs after some time, Doreen gently takes her arm and holding a finger to her lips then nods to Lucia.
Raven almost jumps at Doreen's touch. Seeing the sign she turns to Lucia, who is still asleep. Raven smiles and slides out of the bed, bending over to get her clothes while Doreen pulls the sheets back up. Together they walk into a smaller room with a solitary bed where Raven drops her clothing and falls face first on the bed.
Doreen looks strangely to her, this behavior not being something she is used to seeing in Raven. "That must've taken a lot more out of you than I thought"
Raven chuckles in the pillow and turns, relaxing on her side. Her body is normal again, though still naked. "It was exhausting. It's pretty obvious we are on more comfortable terms that before. It was an eye opener in a lot of ways."
Doreen sits down next to her on the bed "My turn to ask then what you did." she grins.
Raven lies on her back and closes her eyes. "We talked. It helped more than I could've ever thought. We won't be best friends I'm sure, but we have an understanding." Raven opens her eyes looking at Doreen "You came up in the conversation a couple times."
Doreen smiles "I'm sure I did. I can guess part of it by how I found you I'm sure."
Raven smiles "Yes that did come up. More over though she was curious as to why you agreed to help her get revenge."
Doreen's smile fades quickly. Her tail starts twitching in aggravation "You know very well why. You won't let me go after the one who raped me. The least I can do is help someone else."
Raven nods "So you say, but that is something I would do. Before I met you, I don't know if you would have."
Doreen glares at Raven and almost shouts at her. Closing her eyes she takes a deep breath before answering. "If you hadn't been there, who knows what else she might have done to me. No I'm not the innocent that you and Iron Man met anymore, what do you expect? The whole reason I was there is because Tony convinced me to move. He wanted me to be public, thinking I could be good for mutants who weren't super powered. I didn't want that. I wanted to go back to how it was before Dr. Doom changed everything. I think I was honestly convinced it could be." Doreen shakes her head. "It wouldn't have lasted to much longer. The Friends of Humanity had gotten wind of me and had started pressuring the city to have me removed, claiming I was a bad influence on the children who came to the park. They even tried drugging me with food baskets once. Fortunately Tony managed to get hold of it before I did. If he hadn't my first time wouldn't have been with you, but with a gang of racists. It was a date rape basket, with enough drugs to destroy me. I had learned that not long before you arrived, which is why I was so on edge."
Ravens blood begins to boil. It was bad enough one of her children started that damnable group, they also were trying to ruin one of the few bright lights she had met. Sitting up and with a more focused look on her face Raven looks at Doreen. "I'm sure you know Graydon Creed is the founder of that group. What you don't know is my unfortunate link to it. He is my son."
Doreen's face goes white. Before she can talk though Raven stops her. "I am not proud of it. Far from it. Graydon is as ruthless as his parents, me and of all people Sabertooth" knowing what is coming Raven hold up a hand "Don't ask. I abandoned him when I learned he was human. Not of one my better moments. And one that has solidified his hatred of those who abandoned him. I do keep tabs on the group, although I try not to get to close. Victor and I are prime targets one and two for obvious reasons."
Doreen shakes her head. A lot of emotions are running through it right now. Swallowing she tries to speak "I won't ask, why you didn't tell me. I wouldn't want to admit it either."
Raven puts her arm around Doreen's waist. Doreen flinches a bit but doesn't move. Raven didn't try to hurt her, Graydon did. While yes she is his mother, she can't be responsible for what he does. "So back on topic. You wanted to know why I wanted to help. It is because I have been threatened once, and then raped by someone, who thinking about it could've been acting for them. I can't get them and I want to. I want to..." She stops and buries her head in Raven's shoulder.
Raven pulls her close. Like Lucia did earlier Raven lets Doreen have time to let it out. She hears Doreen sobbing now and her heart breaks knowing nothing she can say will help. Doreen's innocence has been ripped from her twice. Once by Doctor Doom and Iron Man who literally crashed into her home, and once by the night guard who raped her. Knowing her son also tried, and indeed could've motivated the guard, makes her feel responsible. She feels Doreen's tears running down her skin, and pets her back. Raven thinks back on how she was abused by those she trusted earlier in life. Her family abandoned her to her fate after learning what she was. She was cast out on the street, where people were all to happy to abuse her. It was only when someone stopped to ask her what was wrong did she break down. She knows what Doreen is feeling, and hopes Lucia can help her avoid Doreen from following the same path she did.
After Doreen calms down, they sit with Raven rocking a bit and hugging Doreen tight. When Doreen sniffles and sits up rubbing her eyes, Raven puts on her top before feeling Doreen hug her waist. "Was this something you talked about? My feelings?"
Raven nods. "We did yes. Lucia has promised me to be there for you. We don't want you ruining your life like I did."
Doreen almost snaps at her, then thinks on what she knows of Raven's past. Sighing she nods "I'm sorry I yelled. Despite our relationship I feel like I'm treated like a child. I'm not as old as you, or Lucia or" she shakes her head "Yes I'm young. Yes I may behave rashly. I know it will be a mistake, but I have to be free to make it and learn from it. You, Tony and now Lucia are my core. Just don't judge me. I don't need a judge. I need a family. I want a family. I want people who I know will be there when I stumble and help me up. This is all new to me. I know it isn't probably the smartest thing I could be doing, " Doreen smiles and gives Raven a kiss on the cheek "but I am glad you are the one who helped me feel comfortable with who I am. You are far from the best role model I could have, but I don't need the best."
Raven smiles hearing her "You deserve the best though." Raven stretches and sighs "The problem is there isn't one white knight out there who doesn't have some dark secret. And not all the villains are always bad. It is a fine line to walk, the trick is knowing when you can stand alone, and being humble enough to ask for help when you need it. I've rarely done that. I hope you are smart enough to."
Doreen nods "As long as I have you and Lucia I'll be good."
"What about Tony?"
Doreen shrugs "He is always busy. When I was talking to him it was all tutors and guards. I don't want that."
Raven relaxes "Speaking of guys, I talked to Forge. I gave him a little of your tail fur, enough to get your DNA. He is aware of what happened with you, and Lucia. While he is strongly against it, he too has skeletons. He is working on something for you. I don't know when it will be done, but knowing him if he has no distractions it shouldn't be long. With luck you will be able to use it when Lucia is healthy enough to go after Feral."
Doreen gets a giddy smile "You are being vague on purpose aren't you. I don't suppose I can get you to say what it is?"
Raven laughs "I'll just say this. It is something that with it will allow you to have an idea of what it is like to be me."
Doreen thinks and shakes her head "I'll just have to wait then I guess."
Raven nods "I should get going. I want to watch Forge work, that way if I think of anything we can work it out now before hand."
Doreen hugs Raven's waist and nuzzles her neck "OK, just don't worry about Lucia or I. I don't know what she did with you, but I think between the two of us she feels much more comfortable, so we should be fine."
Raven finishes dressing and shifts to what is basically her with the skin of a tanned Caucasian. Sliding on some shades Raven leaves, while Doreen moves to the chair next to Lucia's bed. Lucia after a while wakes up and looks at Doreen "Night time now I take it? How do you two do that with no windows?"
Doreen chuckles "It takes some getting used to. I hear you two had quite a talk."
Lucia smiles "We did, about you too."
Doreen nods "We talked about that too." she takes Lucia's hand "Raven told me what you said about helping me. Thank you. I hope I never get that bad, but if I do it is good to know someone cares."
Lucia grips her hand and nods "It's the least I could do." The two then sit back and pass the time filling in their lives to one another.