All's Fair... Ch. 6

The three of us edged closer to each other, each thunderous bang made me shift my focus to another tree or bush, my heart began to beat faster, falling into sync with the sound.

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Switch Failure

The server that it accessed was "keeping in sync" with over 1,000 messages in archive. just browsing them, he saw something that caught his attention: the name of the company who ran the train.

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Kazufox Interview #5

The 'mariachi band 5' left to be in the music business and are were successful until the guitarist left to go solo, a classic case like n' sync, but we all await for the reunion.

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 32: Shayde Vs. Yun, Exceeding the Limits to Attack!

I guess that means that in order to use your sound based attacks you have to first create some sound and sync your timing with sound manipulation. it must be easier to do when the sounds last longer. so, that's why you used the tuning fork blade.

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Memories of a Past Life

I'm not sure how it came about, but it happens when your soul and your instincts aren't in sync. it used to happen to me and susuka. your body is constantly fighting itself, trying to determine right and wrong.

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Of Heart and Stone

In that single moment, sekyr feels the rhythms of his own soul finally lining up, finally in sync. thorn, the thought of his name now quickens his heartbeat. i love you.

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For Your Paws Only - Chapter 1

Each time you send or receive a message the systems will sync though one of our satellites.

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003 Vermilion Dragon

One the chant has stabilized and become strangely in sync with everything going on around it, in the snarl of the wind and the dashing of waves, sethkill reaches with his spare hand for the staff which is strapped to his back, grasps it firmly, wiping off

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Teatime on the Titanic

He mouthed the words in perfect sync with the beaver's angry protest. "where is that waitress?" at that moment, boltz phone rang. "hi dear. i was just thinking about you."

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Maskfall: Chapter two

They weren't always in sync, sometimes a sentence would start the same, but a word would be different. "i'm sorry that you had to find out this way, jason." made jason's ears perk. did they mean him?

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 10: Backbone

The patter of rain against the room almost began to fall in sync with the passing moments. when finally cynder could take no more did gilda's beak open. however instead of a ridiculous answer, cynder received one that made her flinch. "anger."

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Playing With Magic

Her curvy hips and ass swinging happily back and forth with each step in sync with her happily-wagging tail and, despite the width of the main road being wide enough to accommodate even someone of her prodigious size, the sway of her hips was still

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