Identity: Chapter Two

He'd stick around just long enough to see carlos sanchez arrive, and then it'd be time to go. it wouldn't do to be missed at work, and besides, coming to the scene of his first kill so soon after the event was slightly risky.

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Ramiro's Story: Memory 2

It had taken him 11 years to realize that with this little stick of plastic, he would be considered a criminal by the state. he wondered how many people had "disappeared" without him realizing.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 65

Tim sighed, but finally relented, sticking out his hands like a kid accused of stealing. they were covered in a fine layer of frost.

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Rabbits Don't Tell

The city wasn't segregated by design, but most furs tended to stick with their own kind. foxes stayed uptown and usually drove themselves around, while the wolves kept to the suburbs.


The Outlander 2 13

The first thing he found were thin wooden sticks encrusted with a sweet smelling poultice. stumptail smelt them and then discarded them by throwing them over his shoulder.

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The Human Species Ch.7 - Smug Chief Snivy

He looked down and saw a few large blades of grass sticking up at him. looking closer, he noticed that they were growing out of some kind of purple ball with huge glittering eyes.

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Chapter 13: Long Lost

You will carry my walking stick," he said and passed said stick to the female. he looked down at zeinara and his eyes softened. "something tells me i should be the one to carry her anyway."

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Rexville 30: The Long Week

Broderick as usual sneered challengingly while adding blue chalk to the tip of his cue stick. keanu picked his cue stick from the wall. "i'll try, but just remember, my cousin beat you at skyriders." xavier laughed.

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Blood on Ice - Chapter Nine

He tossed them in a dry patch nearby and started wandering around, picking up different sticks and fallen branches. he measured them to each other until he found two straight sticks about the same length.

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River Blossom Celebrates Midsummer

In spite of having been fed nothing but the one bundle of sticks. camping wasn't his favorite thing to do, but a bundle of sticks with nothing else to go off of shouldn't have stayed burning.

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Gary the dragon

I snort, and sometimes stick out my tongue. it almost made me laugh, but it was starting to hurt down there.

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