Dragon Legends: The Tale of Orphius Prologue and Chapter 1
"orphius get out of here" screamed his mother, but fear had taken grip of orphius and no matter how much he wanted to move he couldn't.
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 86
She was screaming at him with tears in her eyes. and the arrow in his other hand wasn't an arrow at all, but a ram's horn, long and curved, spiralling in on itself. "blow the horn, ander!" she screamed. "blow the damn thing!"
Blink of an Eye chapter 2
"sorry" he screamed and lunged forward tripping on a rock he'd not noticed because he was so frightened. he barrel rolled into the wall of shields causing a domino effect.
In pain, in frustration, in horror, it screamed. it could not comprehend the forces of change, and so it screamed. it could not bear the weight of time, nor accept that time would only bring more change, and so it screamed.
A boy and a dragon a tail of two friends #21
'fuck you' omega two screamed.
The Lost Dragon Saga (Part V)
We all just idled and watched a burning, screaming neo rak until there was no more burning, and no more screaming. in the end, not a single trace of either the old or new rak remained other than the damage which was caused.
Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 8
There was blood the first time, too, and screaming, so much screaming, but shekka never once looked like this, as if she was... _dying..._ kadai pushed the thought away with disgust, as if thinking about it might somehow make it true.
Invane: ReTree
He screamed at us, venting out his frustration before shaking his head afterwards and in response.
Shard - 1 The shattered piece of a Whole
I screamed as the new bears claws tore through my flesh. i closed my eyes and screamed again as i hit the floor upon my back, the mouse atop me didn't help. then, something happened, something in me broke, i almost heard it snap.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 170
She couldn't even scream because of the shock.
Hungry Like The Wolf.
Louise was screaming inside its mouth now, as the soft pink tongue swept over her face.
TOKYO ZONE Episode 1 Rise of the Furry Fighters
Akane screamed. "why do i have a tail?!" sakura screamed. "why am i half naked?" mai shouted out. "did i just burp out fire!?" tafu asked herself in a freaked out way.