The raid was scheduled for eleven, there were three more hours to go. to be continued in part twelve...
Lyonesse, Prologue
"in light of recent events, you shall adhere to your normal feeding schedule and allotment." said the elder, from his chair on the stage. the succubus looked absolutely infuriated for a moment, then sat down without a further word.
The Gryphon's Goal: Chapter 2, Part 2
His flexible schedule allowed him to torment larry every day at school for three weeks in a row once, then for no reason at all he gave himself and larry a month's vacation.
Gaid 2 riting gud: Srsly (episod 1)
If someone points out that you've made a grammar error and you say 'well it doesn't matter' then i sincerely hope you put the keyboard down forever and return to the rest of your regularly scheduled life.
The Eternal Night
_ the sun was scheduled to rise at 6:00 am on the dot. the sun was a large ball of gases made by anthro, to replace the first sun that died in 2450. and now, that sun won't rise. dunthyon knew what was happening.
Acies Aeternam (eternal battlefield) chapter one
"and me to, i've got an intensive training schedule planned for tomorrow. then we'll see what these new kids can do" jake said with a sly smile. "holo combat?" misha asked. jake only smiled, misha smiled back, she knew that smile.
Project Warblade: Chapter 1
Today, he was scheduled to be released from his tank, and it would soon be time to get him out of his tube and into the real world. who was he? where was he? was this life? death? something in between?
Funeral on a Station (Otherwise Untitled)
~ it had been scarcely a week since in the incident in the shipyards, but the schedule and tempo of the station didn't abide delays in ritual. in his robes, chaplain hatch practiced his lines.
Werewolf Baes 002 - In the Doghouse
Her day had started much earlier than normal, the announcement of the long awaited toggle console landing her squarely on the schedule at 6:15am.
WeylandYutaniCorporation Date Log22361AG
But given the circumstances and the tight schedule, the old saying was clear: if you want something done right, do it yourself.
Jackie-The-Junior First-Day-Part-One
The moment we exit his room, the mathematics textbook disappears and is replaced with my class schedule again.
part of your world
We may need your help after all... you see i'm afraid ariel's still infatuated with the human world a busy rehearsal schedule might be just the thing she needs to stop thinking about life up on the surface .