Project Warblade: Chapter 1
#1 of Vincent Kazira
Having slept throughout his growth stage, a genetically engineered wolf known as Vincent is awakened from his slumber and cast into an entirely new world. Will he adjust and adapt? Or fail like the predecessors before him?
Any Critique, Comments, Favorites, or anything else will help greatly. I'll be working on Chapter Two sometime tomorrow and I'd really love to know how I can improve!
And yes, this was imported from my FA. All involved stuff belongs to me, including the story itself.
Today was just like every other, nothing but the cold, inky darkness surrounding what he called home. Vincent had been kept sedated ever since his birth from within the depths of the Biological Research Laboratories. He had been one of the most successful and promising specimens of the Warblade Program, a Project that had been founded to develop creatures like Vincent for reasons that would soon be disclosed to him. He had grown used to the darkness, entirely empty with the exception of the humming noises from the machinery that tended to his bodily needs. Perhaps it would have been better if he were to remain this way, for he would soon have to face the harsh, terrible reality that lay beyond a wall of glass and dreams.
As with the others, Vincent had been confined for a good part of his growth stage, the fluid surrounding the specimen was mixed with a variety of hormones and chemicals that accelerated his mental and physical development, while a small cord was resting within his ear, providing audio stimulation to develop his senses. Only quiet, calming music was played, followed by audio-based education programs that would only be remotely enjoyed by a small child. His development had spiked in little under a year, one of the many R&D Projects being developed behind the thick, Altorium walls around the Aliko Facility. So thick, they were almost just able to seal away the sheer essence of the unspeakable acts conducted within it's labs. Horrors that only a select few were allowed to even comprehend.
The wolf was mostly covered in white fur, with red and blue, glowing, runelike lines over his body, and a tuft of fur on his head that was stained in a bright blue, his fur was thick from the lack of grooming and his belly was somewhat taut. Though, he was healthy enough. His large amount of fur and fat provided no hindrance to his movement, and was kept to provide insulation. It was all topped off with a pair of yellow eyes that had remained shut for quite a long time, but when open, almost seemed to stare into ones soul, Vincent had remained sealed here for the first few months of his accelerated life, along with his Brothers and Sisters who were in the same situation.
The subject appeared in his usual state, floating within the tank in a fetal position. The weekly MRI Scans also showed that he was in a period of REM Sleep. The Researchers in charge of the Project were glad to know about this, as it showed that his mind had developed as intended, even with the constant isolation. Today, he was scheduled to be released from his tank, and it would soon be time to get him out of his tube and into the real world. Who was he? Where was he? Was this life? Death? Something in between? These were the only questions in the creatures mind, he was nobody, perhaps he simply didn't exist. As far as the wolvan was concerned, he simply didn't care..
Vincent drifted back into his deep slumber...