Jackie-The-Junior First-Day-Part-One

Story by Slatepaws on SoFurry

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#1 of Jackie-The-Junior

Book two starts!

I was going back and forth on if i should just put up her entire first day as the first chapter or not, I chose the latter due to how large it was turning out.

Public High school, such a fun place, not. Well, lets see how Jackie deals with her first morning of it.

Jackie-The-Junior First-Day-Part-One

Why does the fucking women's school uniform have to be a first to second knee-length dress and a plain color only sleeveless blouse!? Sitting in the front passenger side seat of mom's car with Christine sits behind me, I watch as the scenery of the city go by while mom takes us to school.

It would also have to be a day when internal combustion engines are banned, so I can't even drive myself. Here I am, after learning how to drive it in the past month or so, among other things, and I can't even use my own car!

I was planning on trying to make a strong first impression this time around based on what remember, and being dropped off by your parents is low on that list, sigh.

"I still think you look cute in a dress hon." Rolling my eyes at moms comment while letting out a sigh.

'It's the wrong color for Alpha Jackie's fur. The color needs to be lighter to contrast or darker to compliment.' Christine adds.

She's been giving me pointers on how to act, so I would look more like a naturally born female. Man, that was boring. Move like this, talk like that, write like this. Christine thankfully stopped at make-up and fashion stuff, with a promise that she'll eventually have me learn those too.

I'm, not looking forward to that, I look fine without them, dress notwithstanding.

"Still cute though." Mom comments and Christine voices her agreement. I just huff.

'I 'don't' like dresses.' Replying to both of them in the bio-morph language. Known as the tongue. I spent the past month and a week in a crash course via full immersion to try and master it.

Well, master is the wrong term, fluent but with rough edges is more like it. But, we have an excuse ready for those that ask, ironically the same one I used at the mall on my first visit. I just recently got my voice back from a laryngitis infection.

The forged doctor's note to create a paper trail is in the baby blue backpack, ugh, laying on the rear drivers side passenger seat. Along with everything I need for high school, next to Christine's bright pink one. Hers even has a unicorn key-chain hanging off one of the zippers.

This whole situation is surreal, that I have to go back to high-school because of my new biological and thus legal age is sixteen. Why couldn't they have just made me eighteen or twenty when they converted me? Or alter my age at all when I was converted?

"I know Jackie, I know, Just can't be helped, because of someone ruining things for others. They implemented uniforms last month due to the student body, and parents not making sure they dress decently." She sighs.

"Or at all with some Bio-Morphs, of course we didn't know this because Flint failed to tell us. Claimed to have slipped his mind, and lost the notification flier too, my ass he did." I don't think that was an accident either, probably views it as petty revenge on me.

Not only are they too 'girly' for my tastes. Dress's make me feel like I am just in my panties from the waist down while I walk. The weight of the loose cloth tugs and snags at the base of my tail via the god-damned buttoned tail hole. Not to mention any sort of breeze billows it up even further driving home the point of how little im wearing under it.

At least it is not floor length, otherwise I would be tripping over it constantly.

Dawn light casts its rays into the car via my window as mom lets the car drive itself onto the road in front of the school. Morning traffic on foot, in cars and buses surround us. The school is named after some french person whom I couldn't even pronounce even if I wanted to. Time to play the part of the natural born Jackie I guess.

'Wow, this is more than were in the private school I was shipped off to last time I was in high-school.' Christine looks wide-eyed out the window. Not that much different population wise from the last time I attended. Maybe even a bit more crowded.

"This is normal for a public school, which has to serve everyone in their district regardless of income. They also ask fewer questions and don't look too deeply into students history. Both are good things for both of you." Mom points out. There's one thing that does cause me to stare like Christine.

I've never in my life seen such a large concentration of Bio-morphs of various breeds in one place. Yet, they are more or less around the same age. That makes sense when you think about it.

Most of the Bio-morphs here are the first generation naturals considering their ages coincide with the wide spread adoption of Bio-morph slavery in the united states. Not to mention the conversion of undesirable humans.

It causes me to be nervous in a way that I haven't been since I ran from that other pack with what I needed for my failed escape attempt. Mom, now in control of the vehicle, pulls the car up to the curb and parks it.

The weight of my baby blue backpack being gently placed onto my lap snaps me out of my revere of the scene.

"Thank you, Christine." She chirps 'your welcome' back to mom, already getting into character.

"You'll be fine Jackie. I mean sure, you're the new girl, joining part way through the semester. That's never good for a girl's rep. You also have the looks I would have killed to have at your age.." Frowning she pauses, then sighs.

"Okay maybe you'll not be okay considering how cruel some kids can be. Look at the bright side, at least the classes should be a breeze considering you already know most of the material this time." Yea, that's not helping my anxiety about the situation any.

Still, I can't stay in this car all day either, especially since Christine has already left and is waiting on the curb. Sighing I unbuckle myself, open the car door, then yip loudly at the gust of wind billowing my dress up momentarily.

Grumbling I get out of the car then shoulder the backpack, wincing the moment its weight shifts one of my bra straps, I'll have to fix it soon or my fur will tangle around it.

"Remember to stop at the main office to get your school assigned equipment and class schedule!" Mom yells over the wind gust before I close the door with one hand, the other keeping my dress from being blown over my head.

With a sigh I watch mom drive away, Christine waves and before I know it she's adjusting both the backpack and the bra strap that was pushed to the side. She whispers in my ear as she does this.

'Sorry, it completely slipped my mind to show you, you carry a backpack like this as a girl who's wearing a bra. Otherwise, well, you know the result.' Folding my ears a little to hide a blush. In thanks, I give her a pat on the head while looking around.

No one seemed to have paid attention to us, and many still look half asleep. That's a part of school I do remember. Getting up early and being tired or plain half asleep after staying up so late.

Mom didn't have to remind me either, I already knew we have to go to the main office first to inform them we're here. I just, don't know where it is located in the building it is.

Merging with the crowd of people Christine holds one of my hands, with the other I gently tap the person in front of me on the shoulder. Whom just so happens to be one of the minority of humans that attend this school.

'Hello, can you tell me where the main office is? My sister and I are new.' Smiling at him without showing teeth he smiles back and looks around before pointing the way. Christine and I thank him, though my sister raises the tone of her voice a bit.

I glance at her as we make our way through the mass of people to the office. Considering the dull roar of the mass of people, still not as bad as the food court at the mall, I figure we're safe.

'What was that about?' Christine only grins back at me.

'Just because you consider yourself taken, doesn't mean I can't find someone. You do have the final say though who I can date Alpha Jackie, he's kinda cute don't you think?' Meh, he wasn't even as well-defined as Flint let alone Patrick, eh, I guess he looked okay if you like lanky men with some muscle.

For a few more minutes we have to navigate the sheer mass of people till we find a door labeled main office. Christine hasn't let go of my hand the entire time, while I find some comfort in the familiarity of the situation.

Pushing open the door, Christine follows right behind me, as it slowly closes I half fold my ears back at the same time she does. It isn't loud enough or even in the right frequency for a human to hear, but the door squeaks rather annoyingly as it closes. It could use some lubricant, new hinges, or both.

Neutral toned carpet, standard lightly padded chairs and fake plants make up the waiting area but what draws my gaze, and Christine's, is the receptionist desk. An older, but not elderly woman sits behind it. She has thick rimmed horned glasses, her hair is obviously dyed, no human I know of can have hair that color of red naturally. The only other time I've seen that shade of red is on red-fox vulpine Bio-morphs.

Focusing on her face I think I can recognize scowl lines etched on it, as for what she's wearing, it screams she's in denial about her weight. Its stretched across her frame, tightly.

In total, it makes her, rather unpleasant to look at. The small part of me that is still male finds her completely revolting, I just make a mental note to be a bit more watchful what I eat, I don't want to end up the bio-morph equivalent. This, unpleasant looking woman breaks the silence first.

"May I help you two?" Between the door and her voice, the door's squeaking is winning out. The forced and weary pleasant tone hides a venomous element that's worse to listen too.

'Ms Jackie and Christine Strader here for our first day?' I answer her while taking off my backpack and fishing out our paperwork. Transfer papers for both of us, doctors note for the fake laryngitis, doctors note for the bullet wound leg injury, etc. The sound of her clothes straining and her chair protesting fills the office while she reaches for them.

Can't help but notice, while everything else on her desk has a well-worn look, and discoloration like stuff was there at one time but has recently been removed. Her name plate in contrast is brand spanking new.

"Christine and Jackie Strader. You're five minutes late." Blinking once I look over to Christine, she shrugs back at me.

'We were told to come in here as soon as we arrived for our first day, not at a specific time.' Using a calm tone doesn't stop this lady from letting out a disgusted 'hmph' sound at my reply.

I know she's a bit overweight but I didn't realize it is to the point that she has to slightly push the arm rests of her chair open to stand up. Even after that, the chair does stick with her ass for a second as she does this. Its disgusting, and yet entrancing in a car wreck sort of way to see a human being like this. I'm so used to seeing them much thinner.

No one at the jobless center could in their dreams have enough food to get this size, and the fattest people I saw at Mauri's were men with beer guts. Still disgusting, but not to this degree.

She 'walks' over to a nearby locked shelving unit, unlocks it, and takes two boxes from the spot with a pink dot on it.

"I can feel you two staring. Never seen a 'real' woman before? With how they coded your gene's you'd most likely die of starvation if you missed a meal." Okay, yea, I don't like you now. I have to figuratively bite my tongue, so I don't reply with something like her being able to skip a month of meals and still get stuck in her chair.

What I have trouble with is keeping my ears in the 'polite' position, but I do let my tail do an agitated twitch or two. Glancing over to Christine shows she's not doing the same but my glance gets her to stop.

Her chair protests as she sits back down before thrusting the two boxes at me, I take them quickly least she drops them.

"Hand one of them to your sister, open them up, and turn them on." She barks out at us, I just let Christine grab one of the two since I think their both the same color, pink. I don't want pink and my suspicion is confirmed when I open mine.

Inside is a pink colored hardened and rubber coated tablet that looks similar to older style 'child' tablets I used to repair. A stylus sticks out of a hole in the side and under it is a charger. The box is otherwise empty.

I'm about to open my mouth to ask for a different color, black, maybe green or yellow. This 'lady' just glares daggers at me and I have no choice but put my ears flat back at this.

"You two get pink because pink means 'female', and since 'my' gender is no longer considered one, 'you' no longer get to decide what 'you' want. Just like those misogynist assholes in the government WANT. Now are you hard of hearing with those floppy ears? Turn the damn things on, so I can register and activate them. Goddess, you genetically made cis bitches are annoying." Okay.. Fat and crazy.. Christine and I glance at each other before we both press the power buttons on our tablets, thankfully labeled as such. Then Christine and I help each other by putting the charger cable's in our respective backpacks for each other.

Both readers let out a loud beep, this, well, bitch more or less hmphs and mutters 'about time' seeming to forget that we can clearly hear her. The sound of her typing fills the office and as she does this, my eyes are drawn to the fact that she's doing so with enough force that a pen on her desk. One of the few things seemingly allowed on it other than the computer, jumps ever so slightly at each key press.

Suddenly, the screen on my tablet flashes through several screens till it ends up on what appears to be my class schedule as its being filled out. Reading through I notice a mistake.

We'd made sure I'd be exempt from gym for at least this semester, while the leg looks healed on the outside, I was told that it may take months for the muscles and ligaments to fully heal on the inside.

'Um, excuse me Ms..' That's as far as I get before her death glare lands squarely on me, I have to grab Christine's hand to keep her still, least her P.I.D. kicks in and sees this bitch as a threat.

"Don't you fucking DARE call me THAT! I'm a Xor, Xim, Xee and best your cis bitch brain remembers it. You think you're so special you get exempt from a class for a minor wound?" Minor? I was laid up in a hospital, unconscious for a week while they pumped me full of antibiotics! You probably cry for hours from a paper-cut.

"That doesn't even COMPARE to what 'I' have to go through! Discriminated against on a daily fucking basis due to the white supremacist misogynist assholes who proposed and voted into law the repeal of my RIGHTS! You don't get the privilege, I'll make sure of that if there's any justice left in this world." I watch, stunned as she flips through our paperwork, taking out my doctors notes and sticking them under her desk. A split-second later the sounds of a paper shredder assaults my ears.

Following that, I watch as she furiously moves and clicks the mouse while typing. I don't have to see it to know that she's deleting the digital version of the paperwork she just shredded.

Glancing over to Christine I tighten my grip. She's not growling but everything about her body language says anger. The slamming of something on the desk prevents me from trying to get Christine to calm down, and causes me to jump a bit.

"These are your locker key-cards. Take them and GET OUT, or should I just mark you tardy for your first class right now?" A quick glance shows one intact card and the other bent, grabbing them reveals that it is just my luck. The broken one has my name on it.

I want to say something but another death glare from this, this, freak of a woman shuts me up, so holding them in one hand I quickly drag Christine out of the office and out of sight from its windows.

'Christine. You're okay, take some deep breaths and look at me.' Gently speaking to her while petting the back of her head with one hand, my other holding the tablets and key-cards to my chest.

Her eyes go from dilated to focused on me as her breathing slows. Yea, her p.i.d. was kicking in, we got out of there in the nick of time. The last thing we need is for her to physically attack someone.

'Alpha, I mean sister-alpha, I mean 'sis'! Yea I'm, fine. I didn't lose control.' You were about too, at least from what I could tell from the warning signs I was told to look out for. Christine takes several deep breaths and then looks at the key-cards I'm holding.

'I'm no expert in computers, but even I know when one of those cards is bent like that they no longer work. You can use my locker till we, somehow, get you a new one without having to deal with 'her'.' Yea, it's pretty much trash now. Still, I hand Christine hers, and her tablet, then try to pocket mine only to remember, these female school uniforms lack pockets.

So I hand it to her as well, and she just sticks it into my backpack as I look at my class schedule in more detail now.

I have seven periods and six classes. Lunch is smack dab in the middle of the day, and a few minutes longer than any of the other classes. Glancing over at Christine's tablet I see we have the same classes except for two periods.

So, while I'm off taking gym, which I'm should be medically exempt from, Christine will be in Science one oh two. Then while 'I'm' there, Christine will attend gym class. We'll then be reunited in home room / study hall for our last period.

'Well I guess it is a good thing we have mostly the same classes.' I tap my our first class, mathematics, I'm rewarded with a map showing us how to get there from the exact location we are now.

'No doubt it was 'her' who made it so that one period we're apart.' Nodding in agreement to Christine as I lead her via the map to the class least we end up late and have to talk to her 'again'. Only for Christine to tug my arm to stop, which I do. Then taps the locker icon on my map.

The path now changes to my locker, which is also next to Christine's, thank goodness for small favors.

'Locker first sis. Didn't you have to use yours, well..' Considering the crowd is thinning she stops talking but I get the idea, I shake my head. At my last school, if you left stuff in your locker, you ran the risk of it getting stolen.

Still, we head there first. Christine waves her card in front of small black square where the dial combo lock 'should' have been if this was my last school. It beeps, clicks and the locker opens automatically. I just stand impressed and Christine smiles.

Not at that she opened it, because of the fact it seems like luxury to have them open on their own like this! Collecting myself I follow her example. Placing my backpack onto the second hook next to Christine's, then I take out a college ruled notebook and some pencils to take with me along with the tablet.

To close the locker she gently pushes it and it does the rest itself.

Mentally sighing I use the tablet to direct us to our first class again. The crowd is not that dense or loud, we'd be overheard, so I can't ask her if she had them in her last high-school. Most likely did, rich brats get all the neat new tech.

As for said class, we need Algebra one oh two room fifty. We're at least in the mathematics section, the nearest room is numbered forty, so we have a bit of a walk. The both of us hold our supplies in one hand, and each other's hand with the other, Christine making sure to not walk in front of or parallel to me.

One of those 'little things' possibly to keep her condition under control. I also learn that walking fast and wearing this dress is also uncomfortable. The breeze blowing through it from people walking by in the opposite direction also doesn't feel good either. Another reminder of what little is underneath.

"Hey. Aren't those the two new girls?" One of my ears twitch as I that as I pass by someone walking the other direction. Paying no mind to it I look at the nearest door, forty-five. Almost there.

Glancing about I also notice that there are some smaller packs of Bio-morphs. It comforts me to know that Diane's isn't the only one here, even though it was obvious to know that. We pass by a female mouse Bio-morph breed wearing a gym uniform close to where we need to go, she glances down at my chest and rolls her eyes.

'Obviously fake' Said just loud enough that I can hear her, Christine snorts while I ignore her as we arrive at room fifty, algebra one oh two.

'I guess it is nice to see things haven't changed in that regard. Girls with big boobs get accused of having breast implants. Girls with small to no boobs are made fun of and questioned if they're really girls. Normally by each other.' Shrugging, I'll take your word for it, considering all I had to deal with last time was 'if I was man enough' to do this or that.

The name plate next to the door says the teacher's name is Mr. Mathew, I commit that to memory as I grab the Bio-morph friendly door handle and open the door for both Christine and I.

I know what's going to happen because I've seen it before, and it does happen as I expected. When the door is fully open Christine and I walk in, me leading the way. The room, which was in mid pre-class gossiping quiets down.

Don't know about Christine but I instantly feel the pressure of everyone's gaze. Some curious, the familiar appreciative male gaze, one I know oh so well from back at Marui's. Then the sharp, envious, and jealous eyes of the girls whose looks do not compare to mine, both Bio-Morph and Human.

That one is unfamiliar, not unexpected, just unfamiliar. Christine and I were converted into pleasure model vulpine Bio-Morphs, rather than the daughters of one. So we're now at or near the top of the list of best looking girls in the class. It is not a pleasant feeling, so it ratchets up my anxiety.

Both the door opening and closing as well as the quieting down of the class alerts Mr. Mathew of our presence. An elderly gentleman looking as if he's in his sixties stops typing at his computer. Which unlike the one on in the office is smaller, the monitor is paper thin, and the keyboard seems closer to a touch one than having actual keys.

Unlike us students he doesn't seem to have to wear a uniform per se, just semi formal business ware, yet not a full suit. He turns to face us before getting up to greet us.

"Ms. Jackie and Christine Strader. Welcome to algebra one oh two. I'll assign seats for both of you, next to each other of course, after the tone rings out signaling the start of class." He shakes my hand and then Christine's politely but firmly. Only to turn his attention back to me.

"Jackie, can I call you that?" I nod. "How's your leg? This country used to be a nice and friendly place when I was your age. Nothing like it is now." The classroom conversation picks back up, so I take a small step forward.

'Calling me that's fine. I'm well enough to be allowed to attend school, though it still gets sore from time to time.' Pausing for a second just to play part of the act I'm supposed to keep up, this is harder than I thought it would be.

'I did have one problem though sir, the secretary in the main office seems to have misplaced my medical exemption for gym, as well as giving me a broken locker card.' His shoulders slump a little when I mention that fat secretary. I'm guessing she's infamous then.

"It seems I must apologize again. She has, never been the nicest person to deal with, that has gotten worse once the government returned some sanity to the human rights code last month. Tell you what, I'll shoot an email to the vice-principle and one to the women's Bio-Morph gym teacher to see if we can work something out. We can't have our newest student hurting herself on her first day right?" Yea, I don't want to be injured either.

Thanking him is all I'm able to do before a tone sounds over the wall embedded P.A. system signaling the start of first period. Mr. Mathew walks back over to his desk and picks up a small wireless mic. Clipping it just above the pocket on his shirt.

The class gossip dies down as he walks back over to us and the center of the white wall behind us, removing a marker sized wand out of his pocket. He motions for both of us to take a few steps to the side, we politely do so.

I realize the entire wall is a touch screen whiteboard as the second Mr. Mathew touches the wand to the wall, a black spot appears as if he was writing on a whiteboard. Moving fluidly he writes my name, then the roman capital A, followed by Christine with a roman capital B. Next he connects the two roman letters with an arrow, going from me to Christine.

"Good morning class. Hope you all had a good weekend, but before we get back into the swing of things, I have an announcement that won't be a surprise to anyone. Since I assume all of you use the social media site, that is. We have two new students joining us today, so please say hello to Ms. Jackie and Christine Strader." He waits for everyone to say hello, and points to two empty seats side by side in the second row two-thirds back.

"Why don't you two take those two seats over there?" Giving a polite nod for an answer I go and place my tablet and notebook on one of them, Christine follows suit with the other.

I've gotten used to learning how to sit down without hurting my tail, what's still new and uncomfortable is learning how to sit like that, while wearing a dress. Do it wrong and you end up flashing your panties to someone in front of you, god I miss pants.

While Mr. Mathew writes today's subject on the electronic whiteboard for the class, I turn my tablet's screen on to find a pop-up box that I can't get past.

'Jackie Strader; Mr Mathew's Algebra, One oh Two. Present?' With a yes or no box. Tapping the yes box I have to wonder who would say no, and of course what it would do if you do so. Everything on the screen is now replaced with the cover of a digital Algebra textbook. This is new, both the revision of it and the fact that at my last school we used paper books circa the first decade of the century.

With my tail twitching I satisfy my curiosity and flip through the text-book. Only to lower my ears in a silent sigh, yea this stuff is the same compared to what I did last time. The word problems are different though, and that's about it. So I'm going to be bored for the first hour of school for at least till the end of this school year. Maybe they'll have something different for the seniors next year?

Suddenly my control of the device is yanked away as the text-book goes to a page further in on its own, this is followed by a polite cough from Mr. Mathew.

"The system says everyone is present and accounted for, good. Your transcripts Ms. Jackie and Christine Strader say you two more or less were about here in your last school, so that means you can jump right in without having to do any catch up work." I don't know if I should be thankful they were forged like that, or disappointed.

"Okay, so let's begin. Please take a look at page.." I already know this. So I just sigh and zone out as he talks, explaining the concept, then calls on other students to use what he just taught to solve the problems in the book.

It is semi interesting to see that to allow them to answer it without having to get up to the front, he taps their spot on the attendance map that appeared on the oled whiteboard wall once attendance was done. Whatever the student writes on their tablet shows up real-time on it, frankly, trying to figure out how that works is more interesting to me than the math problems.

"Here's a good one for you Jackie, don't forget to show your work while answering it." Ears perking forward and my tail giving a surprised twitch happens the second I hear him call my name. A few chuckles yips fill the room, Mr. Mathew seems to ignore them.

My tablet's screen changes from the textbook to a copy of what's on the whiteboard. Yea I know this. Taking the stylus out of the tablet I pause a moment to get used to the feel of it in my hand, then promptly solve it in less than a minute, including showing the short steps it takes to do so.

My answer appears on the whiteboard in a different color compared to his writing, and by the look on his face, which is hard to tell from here. I think he's impressed.

"Okay, I think you pretty much have a good grasp of the subject. Your previous math teacher did their job well." Well crap, I just wanted to get his attention away from me that I answered it too fast.

Feeling the stares from some other students around me nails in the fact that if I wanted to not stand out, I just failed spectacularly. Bad enough I look better than many of the girls here, drawing looks from the guys. I just made them think I'm smarter than them, even though I know this equation pretty well.

I used a similar one in the past to calculate logarithmic resistance scales for bodging some electrical circuits to work properly in electronics. So it and the subject at hand are well ingrained in my mind.

Mr. Mathew chooses Christine next after erasing the problem I solved and replacing it with a different one. Not surprisingly to me, but to the rest of the class and Mr. Mathew, she solves it about as quickly. She reaches over and squeezes my hand reassuringly.

As if to say, if you're going to be treated poorly for your looks and smarts, I'll take the treatment alongside you. It makes me smile, but does nothing for the boredom of the rest of the class.

I find myself zoning out again and wondering how the system works, some kind of screen mirroring? But with input and with so many clients?

Jumping a bit when the end of period tone sounds, I regain composure, collect my stuff, then lead Christine out of the room. She waits patiently by standing at her desk for those few moments to allow me to move first. Mr. Mathew gives us a polite wave as we leave his classroom that both of us return in kind, despite being boring, he's nice.

The moment we exit his room, the mathematics textbook disappears and is replaced with my class schedule again. So we don't get bowled over by the sheer mass of people I lead Christine by the hand to our lockers, then lean up against them to allow the crowd to pass by.

'Our next class appears to be English-French.' Mathematics is grayed out above it, but I can tap on said class to bring up the map. 'And, of course it's all the way on the other end of the school. We're going to have to get in with the crowd to get there.' Christine nods but I can see the nervous look on her face.

'I don't like how many people are jammed into this hallway.' Complaining as I lead her into the crowd, allowing it to take us in the direction we need to go. I understand her feelings though, her last high-school was private, smaller, I'm used to it though to the point I've barely noticed I've brought up old habits in dealing with such things.

I don't think it is doing her P.I.D. any good either, she has to stay next to me and not walking behind me. Otherwise, someone 'will' push themselves into the gap if it gains them the few seconds to get to their next class.

We're already a period into the day and I'm also bored. I've forgotten how boring school was, or I suppressed it, either way I hope our next class is more interesting. I don't want to pick up one of my older bad habits and fall asleep in class.

The dull roar and sheer pressure of the mass of students lets up, space opens up between us and everyone else. We're in the main lobby again and I can feel Christine relax as she's no longer nearly crushing my hand with hers.

When a space opens up behind me she instantly takes it up, and I can hear her let out a sigh the second she does. Was she that close to having an incident?

'Christine?' I take a moment to stop in a small alcove between concrete pillars to face her. She's breathing a bit faster than normal, and her eyes are slightly dilated.

'I'm fine Alpha-Jackie.' Nope, you said you'd call me sis, calling me by my pack title and name says you're not completely in control. We're going to have to do something about this. 'I'm', going to have to do something about this.

I can't have her get this way every single time we have to go in between classes and through crowds where she can't appease her instincts properly. Not to mention the two times she'll have to manage it alone. Looks like I'll have to give her an order, something I've been reluctant to do.

Closing my eyes I focus on phrasing it correctly knowing she'll follow it to the letter, her instincts won't let her do anything else.

'Christine, look at me.' An authoritative voice while gently cupping her chin gets her attention. Ears fully forward, eyes open and pupils dilate some more. I have her, and her instinct's attention, here goes nothing.

'As your Alpha, this is an order for you, my Beta. Walking next to me side by side in a crowded area is okay, you're not asserting undue authority over me.' I'm not done yet but the effect is near instantaneous. Her posture, breathing relaxes as her pupils return to those normal vulpine slits. That takes care of the having to walk behind me bit, now for her having to handle these crowds alone.

'Additionally, I as your Alpha am confident that you, my Beta can handle braving these crowds alone when I can't be with you.' Upon finishing, I smile at her, she returns it and gently takes my free hand again.

'Thank you sis. I wasn't expecting it to be so crowded nor that it would bother me so much to not be able to walk behind you. I can handle it now, that has, quieted my P.I.D. down it seems.' Nodding once I glance at the tablet, we're not far from our next class and this, thankfully. Didn't take up too much time doing this either.

So we make our way back into the mass of students heading for the literature arts wing.

Just like the Mathematics wing it is crowded with people in a narrow hallway compared to the main lobby, only difference is there are more girls than guys here. Yea just like last time, art electives are more popular with the female student body, most of the guys here are for the mandatory credits.

We need room five ten, English intermediate and French basics. Considering the entire wing is for the five hundreds, it is a short walk from the wing entrance to our destination.

Pausing a second before opening the door I notice the nameplate under the room number, unlike the last room, it has the teacher's first name on a worn out plaque. Except, where the pronoun is, is a piece of paper clear taped over it with 'Ms.' on it.

My ears droop to the sides, don't tell me I have to have a class with someone like the secretary for an hour a day, for the rest of this school year. I guess I spoke too soon, I'd rather be bored than deal with another one of them.

'Maybe she won't be as bad as that bitch?' Christine pipes up as if she was reading my mind. I push the lever down and open the door, just like last time the conversation in the classroom dies down as we enter, even if it isn't as boisterous as Mr. Mathew's class.

The other difference is that Ms. Alice's gaze is on us the second we enter. An older woman, much thinner than I was expecting to be honest, more or less a normal weight I think? What stands out is her hair, one half of her head is shaved completely, the other side grown long and dyed a neon blue, then flopped over to cover the shaved side.

A style that I know was popular at the time my mother was my 'current' age. She's wearing something that would look better on a younger woman while wearing a similar but thinner framed set of horned glasses. Rather than scowl lines, her slightly wider than normal eyes give her a half crazed look, her hair's a better giveaway on that.

An all to fake smile appears on her face as she stands from her desk, and I wish she would've stayed there as the scent of her strong perfume smacks my muzzle now that the outside air has cleared. Christine seems to flinch at the scent too.

"Jackie and Christine Strader?" The saccharine coating of her words manages to cut through dull hum of the classroom conversation.

'Yes, we..' I'm cut off by the start of class tone, the second it sounds Ms. Alice holds up one of her hands and the conversation instantly stops. Curious, I glance about, looking at the other students. Emotions on human faces are still hard to read for me, but I can instantly notice the signs of fear from the Bio-Morph students.

Except for one, a komodo dragon breed. Hard not to notice as he towers above everyone else, I can see why he's not afraid. We no longer hold Alice's attention as she takes a few steps away from us and to the middle of the room.

"Good. I see everyone is present. You're slow learners but you can still be taught. First order of business is something that is blindingly obvious to the most CIS privileged among you. We have two new students starting today, replacing the two 'something in french' that decided they couldn't '_handle'_the truth. So they had their parents pull them from class." The second her gaze returns to the both of us I instantly feel the weight of it, one of 'holier than thou', I instantly hate it.

Christine gently takes my hand and I don't resist in the least.

"Go on, sit! Go take those two empty seats or do you have to be told how to do everything 'some more stuff in french I don't get.'" I expected her to introduce us like Mr. Mathew did, guess not. Leading Christine I quickly head to said seats.

They're next to each other, but unlike the last class, each seat is around a large communal table with little room for private belongings. All the while Christine's hand squeezes mind, hard, and there is a barely audible growl coming from her.

Below human range as none of the humans near us react to it, but the Bio-morphs with flexible ears, swivel one in her direction. Sitting down, I give our neighbors a polite smile, place my tablet on the table with the notebook, taking a page out of it while I feint attention to Ms. Alice.

'What's the matter? I know she's faking being nice, but that's no reason to growl.' Passing it to Christine under the table I continue to feint interest in what this teacher is talking about.

Wait, she's talking about a book I had to read the last time I had this class, only she seems to be filtering it through her own personal beliefs. Yea, the book says nothing of the sort. The female characters do what they do because they want to, not that they're forced to. Why would a loving father even DO that to their daughter, and how the hell did she get that idea is beyond me.

Christine passes the piece of paper back but I wait till Ms. Alice is busy writing something on the electronic whiteboard system with her back turned to us to read it.

'I'm angry because she insulted you Alpha-Jackie. Called you a big breasted whore in french. I'm fluent in French, and I know enough German to find my way around in Germany. Well, the non Arabic sub-state parts. She's also an idiot, that book is no way how she describes it.' Didn't know Christine knew anything other than English, must've been her private schooling.

I quickly write a reply in thanks and to point out I also know she's not telling the truth about the book, then quickly pass it to her before Ms Alice turns around.

From there Ms. Alice launches into a rant about gender norms, patriarchy etc, etc. Considering how she's acting I more or less let our private conversation drop least we face her ire, then the secretary's. I am just aghast at how nuts she seems and how my mother's generation actually survived.

It makes for a boring hour, and from the looks of the other students, except for a few. Most seem just as bored as Christine and I are, considering we've resorted to holding hands for comfort. Also, to stave off the crazy.

Not since the last time I was in high-school have I been so welcoming of the end of class tone, Christine and I couldn't gather our things fast enough to get out of the class and away from 'Ms' Alice. I don't look back, but I can feel her eyes burning into the back of my head.

Only when we're out in the hall and a few yards away do I turn to look at Christine.

'That's two nutjobs from my mother's generation here. Dear god I hope there aren't anymore.' Christine solemnly nods once.

Repeating the previous procedure to find out where our next class provides a welcome distraction compared to thinking about the previous hour.

General History room four thirty-eight, not far from here being in the next hall. Taking Christine's hand I give a relieved smile that she shows no anxiety or signs of P.I.D. now walking next to me.

'Two are two too many. The boarding school I went to didn't tolerate that shit. After the first class that bitch would've done that with, and she would've been thrown out on her bony ass.' Thankfully the hallway leading to the common area is noisy enough no one can eavesdrop on our conversation.

Also, the insult 'bitch' feels like to me that its lost all meaning considering it refers to a female canine, and I'm a female of a canine like species. We enter the common's area, turn, then head into the neighboring hallway for the four hundreds.

'Leave it to the rich to want their brats properly educated. What we went through in there wasn't education, it was an hour of Ms. Alice trying to shove her ideology down students throats. What's worse is a few looked like they liked it.' Our next class is actually closer than I realized, for some reason they skip four hundred and twenty thru four hundred twenty-nine.

So when we arrive at History one oh two, room four thirty-eight I let out a sigh of relief. There's no taped over pronoun, nor does the name indicate a female teacher. Mr Mathew was a nice person, so I'm hoping for Mr Mason to be similar.

Just like the other classrooms, opening the door quiets the conversation in the room as the students get a look at us. I lead Christine in of course since we can't walk side to side. She won't go in first for obvious reasons.

The room looks more or less a carbon copy of Mr Mathews class, the teacher's desk in one corner, the same paper thin monitor and touch keyboard connected to a computer somewhere in the desk. Student desks laid out in neat rows and columns, and the wall sized oled touchscreen whiteboard taking up the wall the desks are facing.

Mr Mason, unlike Mathew, doesn't get up to greet us. He's instead busy touching the screen at certain places, then typing away on the keyboard before repeating. Upon somehow noticing us, he just raises his hand and waves in the direction of the student desks.

"Just take a seat anywhere you like, I don't do assigned seating." Glancing at Christine, we shrug at each other. Despite it being a bit rude to not directly address us. It is a better reception than what Ms Alice did.

So we can have seats next to each other, I quickly lead Christine to a couple of adjoining desks, I take one, and she takes the other. Most of the rest of the students for this class file in as we do, I don't pay them much mind, other than a wolf Bio-morph that appears to be on some kind of sports team considering how well toned he is. He has a good tight ass on him.

A little eye candy is always nice, sigh, already missing being able to mess around with Patrick and it's only your first day, god you're pathetic Jackie. The start of class tone sounds bringing me out of the pleasant memories Patrick and I made.

For a few minutes silence reigns before Mr Mason pushes himself away from his desk, picks up the same wand device that all the other teachers have used, then walks over to the wall then turns to address all of us.

"We have a couple new classmates starting today. I won't bother introducing them as by now everyone must've looked them up on the school social site. So before we get started, I'll say this once for them. I'll cover what I feel like when it comes to history, so don't expect any of it to fit what it says in your textbook. If you want something to refer to, other than notes, which I strongly suggest you take detailed ones. I can direct you to hard copies of older textbooks in the library." With that, he turns and starts writing with deliberate speed on the whiteboard.

Tilting an ear, and finding Christine looking just as curious about this, unintentionally we both turn on our tablets and bring up the book he should be teaching at the same time. On the cover it doesn't seem odd, a Canadian branded history book of North America, the copyright puts it in the mid twenty twenties.

Only when delving deeper do I see the reason he's deviating from the prescribed curriculum. Ms. Alice's ideology, filtered onto the fabric of history, written into a text-book.

It covers the colonization of North America by the Europeans, only casting them as purely malicious. No mention that they didn't even know what bacteria or viruses were, that they 'intentionally' spread them. In contrast, it paints the natives as purely peaceful nature communing groups that in no way what so ever fought each other.

The whole thing would be comical if it was not for the spelling and grammar errors, outside of everything else wrong with it of course. Closing it I look up at what Mr Mason is filling the whiteboard wall with.

He's writing out what I remember being taught last time through. The whole thing being an unintentional clash of two civilizations, one still in the stone age due to geographical and environmental circumstances. Guess it is a blessing that the last school I went to was so poor they couldn't afford newer textbooks, so I got taught from ones printed before the crazies in moms generation took over.

Mr. Mason's so focused on writing everything out he seems to be ignoring the small bits of gossip welling up among the student body in here. Up to and including the kids wondering how he's still a teacher here since he isn't following the curriculum.

Zoning out, I fall into an old habit, placing my elbows on the desk, palms up. I lean forward and place my muzzle into my hands, takes me a moment or two to work it out as the last time I did this I had a chin, also, I didn't have cleavage either. My muzzle and bust makes this not as comfortable as I remember, but I manage nonetheless. I just stare forward at nothing in particular just to let the time pass.

Someone pokes me, sharply, from the side and it takes me a moment to realize its Christine. Glancing over a folded piece of paper is shoved into my hand that my muzzle just vacated. Curious, I unfold it.

'Unless you want every guy staring at your tits, I suggest you refrain from leaning forward like that with this style of desk sis. Not to mention, squeeze them any more like that and you'll pop out of your bra. Instead, I suggest you either lean back against the backrest, or scoot your rear into the back of the chair more so your tits aren't laying on the desk.' All it takes is a glance down to see that she's right, quickly and silently I choose the latter.

Okay, so now my tits aren't laying on the desk but I've scooted back far enough I fear I'm suggestively pushing my ass at the person behind me. I have to wonder, is that any better?

A light 'aww' from the wolf Bio-morph 'I' was staring at, at the start of class causes a fierce blush in my ears, so I fold them down.

I'm not interested in getting any attention from the guy's here, yet, I did enjoy the view at the start of class. Sigh, turnabout fair play I guess? Sigh, this was simpler when I was a guy. Bored? Put your chin in your hands and lean forward.

Due to having some luck so far today, Mr. Mason chooses that moment to start addressing the class. Which in turn forces everyone to pay attention to him rather than each other, and me.

Going over everything he spent the last few minutes writing on the whiteboard, taking digs at the textbook, etc.

Sooner than I thought, he seems to lose the attention of more than a few of the students. At least they don't turn their attention back at me.

Some are messing around with their tablets, possibly doing homework. Others have their phones out and are using them. Wait, neither Christine nor I have one. I never kept one once I fixed one to sell, they were far too valuable. Yet, everyone here seems to have one meaning we're the odd ones out.

Great, I'm going to have to ask Mom or Patrick for one and, sound like the stereotypical teen girl. All in the name of fitting in and not drawing attention to us.

With no phone I turn to looking around on the tablet for my entertainment. I'm not going to repeat the previous fiasco.

There's no obvious button or spot to touch to close the text-book on the screen, so I try the next obvious thing. Swiping my finger pad from the edges of the screen, doing it from the bottom of the screen results in a small navigation menu to pop-up, allowing me to exit out of the book reader.

That menu stays on the screen as I'm presented with a school logo for the background, some icons, and a status bar on top containing the battery meter, time, and notifications.

Textbooks, Messages, Map, Assigned-Homework, Contacts. Nothing else seems to be on the screen, nor can I bring up any larger list of programs via any means I know how too, including swiping. Pretty good on the obvious lock-down points I see.

Tapping Text-books brings me right back where I started, comforting to know I can go back without having to have a teacher reopen it remotely. Saves me some embarrassment.

The map application it obvious, and checking messages show's its empty. Don't know if I can send one to anyone I want, granted I know who to address it to, or if it's for the administration to message me. Ignoring contacts, as it is most likely empty as well, I tap homework and I'm greeted with a list similar to my class schedule, only the ones I have not been to yet are grayed out.

So I tap Mr. Mathew's Algebra one oh two. A pop-up message box loads before the homework does.

'Ms Jackie Strader. I would like to know the extent of your math education as it seems your transcript may be out of date. So your assignment for class tomorrow is the attached sheet of equations, they're of escalating difficulty from basic Junior High to college level algebra. You do not have to answer all of them, just the ones you can. I'm also sending a similar assignment to your sister, but please try to work on them alone.' Tapping the box dismisses it.

It looks similar to the Text-book program except I can write on the pages with the stylus. He wasn't kidding though in scope of them, they start off real simple and by the last page I've got no clue on how to solve them at a glance.

Being in this program also changes the top of the screen, instead of the current time, there's a count down timer that will hit zero at the start of his class tomorrow. I'll do these later.

Backing out leaves me with only on other option, sigh, I tap Ms. Alice's class. A giant stop sign greets me before anything else loads with text at the bottom of the screen indicating that whatever it tried to load, was blocked by the school's network filter.

These can be either real easy, or down right infuriating to get around. Either way, I have no desire to do so to see what she wanted us to see.

'Fill this survey out and if you come up CIS, I want a two-page single spaced essay as an apology for oppressing the marginalized groups here in class and at school.' Nope, I tap the box to dismiss it, then back out of that assignment intent on ignoring it entirely. Mom was right, nut jobs like this need to be ignored.

Going back to Mr. Mathew's assigned homework I start answering the equations to keep myself occupied rather than listen to Mr. Mason drone on about a subject I already know.

The first fifteen are easy enough, I already know how to answer them upon a first glance, I have to bring out a piece of paper to use on the next five. They're harder, but nothing I've not done before, albeit infrequently.

For the last few minutes of the class I'm staring and scratching my muzzle at the second one of the last five. They have me stumped and I have the feeling I'm missing something to know how to solve it, I just don't know what it is.

The end of class tone plays over the P.A. system. Quickly exiting out of the assignment, gather my things up, I stand. Once I'm on my feet I feel like I need to stretch to let a kink out of my back, Christine follows suit as I readjust the tail-hole in my skirt. It seems to have shifted during class, another reason to hate dresses, pants stay put after you put them on!

Christine follows me out of the class and to our lockers, since I'm not exempt from gym I'm going to need something to place my school uniform in.

I expect just like the last time, gym will have us wear a completely different uniform while we're in class. That something will have to be my backpack, and I rather go to gym straight from lunch, rather than having to come back here with Christine.