The Audio Slave Chapter 1

I pulled out my gloves and mouth pice and fitted the gloves over my paws and flexing my hand i said to danger in a mock demon voice "are you ready to rage!"

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 29

He screamed against sorrin's arm, he screamed against all the pain, he screamed against the rage and the fury, he screamed and screamed and screamed until it felt like he couldn't scream anymore.

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A Tale of Two Lives || Chapter 2 — Sparks of Love

Crystalia says weakly, her body still shaking, despite the obvious calm that had washed over her mother's rage.

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BX-132 Chapter 5

The bear raged, shoving his desk out of his way as if it were made of matchsticks it crashed into the wall. "no sir. our operative in the area reports an outbreak of bx, sir" captain mullans reported.

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Gemini – Chapter 4: Contemplation

Asked the dragon as his rage quickly turned into concern. "i honestly don't know." stated clover as he moved back from the door allowing spike to enter.

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Prologue - Out of Character

I woke up with a start, and felt an overwhelming rage that i had never felt before. i logged into my computer, opened up word, and the story flowed from my rage-stricken body and into my computer. i hafta admit, i felt a lot better after i'd finished.

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Falling for a lioness 2 revenge of the fallen part 44

As his body shock with rage, his fur fluffed up. from his rage, as nightshade chuckled with happiness. " then go my son, and me proud" nightshade said to her son. kovu said nothing as he walked towards, the pride lands for the plan.

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Stories in Jasper: Moonlight Howl

Without warning, the flood of rage and adrenaline was gone, leaving akita empty and tired. "deke, let's not worry about it, okay? i'm sorry i growled at you." deke looked a little wary, but accepted the apology.

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Ch. 8: Boot Camp

Every blow they landed on him was dulled by his blood rage. after two months of confinement, they would understand what it meant to trifle with an ursar.

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A Lead Crown Contribution: Changes and Memories

It was rage, pure an unadulterated rage against my father, rage that had formed by the way he was trying to build my life for me, after he spent countless hours teaching me to make my own decisions, after he told me to follow my dreams and be myself, he had

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{The Conquest} - Chapter 1 - Strength Amidst the Chaos

He exclaimed, spit exiting his mouth, and his eyes widening in rage. but all it elected was another dark cackle from the male who sat on his golden throne.

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Tales of Azoria - Chapter 11

He jeered, though his eyes still appeared to be filled with rage. azuri tried to set himself free from his claws using his venom again but with no success.

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