Opening - The Wolf of Lavanta

"what is the matter with you child?" the gasbag sighed, "now you care what the help thinks of you? honestly i wonder why i was cursed with such a pathetic child." he reached into a pocket on his jacket and produced a small watch.

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The Long Journey Inside Warwick's Body Chapter 1

You notice a kid who attmepts to steal by a strange gun. but that kid failed from to do so. instead, he accidentally shoot the gun, which was supposedly to be stolen, at you. you screamed painfully and yelled at the kid.

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Tribal Legends [last] - Cold

And so, after years from the tribe only one family was left - him, her and their child. when the last of the others died their child began showing the first signs of the disease. they decided that they had to go to the countries where the sun shines.

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The gods decided to interfere once more, but not with force but with love, they came together once again and created a child, one single child.


Springtide: Winter Warmth

He was the young child version of himself he had seen in the mirror. he was barely older than toddler if even that. he knew there was something weird about the mirror! but he hadn't expected it to fall into another world and turn into a little kid.

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A Halloween Tradition

His costume was that he was pretending to be a kid dressed up as a wizard. the fact that he actually was a wizard and not a kid pretending to be a wizard was what made it work on so many levels. it was very postmodern.

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Thirteen Tales (2019): Second Tale

Maybe his experience playing a video game would somehow help the kid. well... he'd play the mentor role for awhile... or at least try. if nothing else it wouldn't leave the kid worse off.

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Undertale: subject 13 part 1

It was the young child that she met at the ruins. the child look at her and starte to smile, then the child summon out the knife once and attack her again, where she see nothing more but bright red.

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The White Cub Part One : Please see me

"i can't possibly understand why anyone would like a problem child like you" she said before heading back down the stairs and outside to check on the kids there. problem child. that's what he was. somebody's problem.

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Fairyland Magic

"yes, my dearest child, i really mean it. cinderella _shall_ go to the balls."

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The Champion

Daniel was going to have to knock the kid out to win. the good news was that daniel could outmaneuver the lizard. he ran laps around the kid. the bad news was he could floor daniel with a single punch, and his species advantage.

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An event in a robbery.

Many think i'm some sort of wolf, so i'd rather them ask," i replied, giving the child another smile. "is that what you thought i was?" the child nod slowly again. "i met a wolf once, he snarled at me and made me scared."

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