After they graduated in 37m, they married and anika was soon pregnant.
The Pack ( all characters)
She is 26 pregnant and dating shawn. she is the alpha of the pack andrew is bluish silver wolf with a white underbelly and eyes the color of grass. he is 16 years old. marcus is a brown wolf white strips down his face and shiny silver eyes.
Return of the Shaggi
Then vespa became pregnant again, and this time they had a daughter, who we'll call betty, a few years after jim. jim was away at boarding school at the time, so he didn't meet his sister until the summer vacations.
Chapter Eleven Golden Orange Memories
Through magical means i gave birth to him by a curse from his mother who magically gave me her pregnancy. she left me calling me a soulless bastard and to enjoy being a bitch. i knew then that she was a demon.
Doctor's crappy day part four
Camaro also does not like storm, her reason for not liking storm is because if storm had not told the leadership of the alliance about her pregnancy. she would still be doing missions for the alliance.
WC/LotW Preloage
Cut scene- (at the village) the raid has begun, a pregnant female (my mom) is captured (among others) but she kicks the leader in the nuts and everyone is able to escape, during the chaos the owl (yes he's still there) is becoming increasingly annoyed with
Blossom Joe (updated)
I got pregnant while there, after giving birth i ran off. a family of baboons found me past out on the road, so they took time to get me back on my hooves. in exchange, i trained to fight with them. i met a young baboon name flash.
To help and trust or to not help and not trust
I know its bad to hope something bad happens to her but i do hope she gets knocked up so she will learn a life lesson as she realys on her parents for money and knowing them they won't let her have an abortion if that happens.
Love overflows
He says that you are a bit at risk in your pregnancy. i'd like to suggest you come live with me.
Star Hopper Chapter 10
"never got any of them pregnant." he said with the story, "in fact after, they all said that they enjoyed it but, it's the way you get them. i guess drugs makes any act against the law."
Star Hopper Chapter 9
"well, whoever this is, she's pregnant." the two servants couldn't believe it there muzzle's gapped, "princess colleen is pregnant!"
Light of the new moon submit contributed character: Hilbaot Of the Crescent Pond
Http:// what's your character's name: hilbaot of the crescent pond what's your character's race: toad what aspect of the moon goddess does your character most venerate: pregnant