Chapter Eleven Golden Orange Memories

Story by Antonio Cesar Cruz on SoFurry

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The Supernatural Academy Series

Chapter Eleven

The Memories of a Golden Orange Color

I was 27 when I had My Son. Through magical means I gave birth to him by a curse from his mother who magically gave me her pregnancy. She left me Calling me a Soulless Bastard and to enjoy Being a Bitch. I knew then that she was a Demon. They never give birth to their children Themselves thank to an Ability to give anyone even males the Child and to give them the 'Miracle' of giving birth. I gave birth ironically on my own Birthday July 27th but on the Year 2027. he was born looking like a Puppy but quickly turned Human and couldn't become a Hellhound. He took more after me than his bitch of a Mother, Thank god. Then My Pups mother came back for him as soon as he was born. I somehow kept her away from him by sending her back to Hell. I then Raised him as best as I Could. He took after me in a lot of ways. he even had My eyes which came from my grandmother who i called Lita short for Abuelita. Then came his 18th birthday. The Day I knew he would Shift into his true form. Then His mother came back from Hell. she tried to drag him away. i pushed him behind me and she Slashed a Claw over my leg where the Artery is. i dropped on one Leg. she then ignored me considering me Dealt with just as he shifted into his Hellhound form. In my desperation I grabbed a Power from Within me and let Loose Golden Orange Flames that Disintegrated Her. If I hadn't done that i would've lived had he been able to heal me. I just told him where to find my True self which was My 18 year old self in my old apartment. The the Only remains of my soul from my Copy was sent back to me. Which is how i am Remembering this life I Didn't live.