Encounter With The Ghost[excerpt from the story "The Arisen"]
Like the many lovers i have had before a closeness was formed between me and tom. i turned my head towards the fire place, as the flames illuminated the room.
Raiyev Part 1
Brad, also a raccoon in his late 20s, was raiyev's lover, fiancée, and best friend, and was much larger than raiyev, with a body nearly completely ripped with muscles.
Eyes of stone : Prologue
Adam laughed, and begun to caress his lover. troy didn't move, he just enjoyed the romance and the company, but mostly the romance. they fell asleep around 02:15. tommorow was saturday, exactly 2 months since they met.
Death's Master. Chapter One. (Terror's of War.)
He smiled, helping the man up as they searched for his lover's body. "here she is." felo called out, waiting for the man to join him. finally the squirrel joined him, laying down with his lover. "send me back felo, i'm ready to join her."
FlashFic: After the Funeral
A pup losing his mother, a lover feeling his lover's pain, a husband losing a wife. too much pain... yet we will get each other through it. together. i hold him closer, whispering, as i had done so often, softly so as not to wake him...
House Rules
As he rose, he helped to guide his wounded lover toward the back stairs. looking over his shoulder at taz, he grinned more broadly and asked, "got your sketchpad?" the handsome hyena gulped once and followed them.
Grayson 2
And besides, neither is a lover, and i don't know what will happen with either of them. or both. or...? even the wordsmythe can run out of words...
Wind of Change: Chapter 21
"your lover no longer has ties that bind him to this plane. because of that, the 'anchor' is released, and thus he returns home. simply said, he moved on."
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 79: Finding Answers To Questions No One Is Asking (Embracing Demons Part IV)
It was an incredible feeling being sandwiched between my lovers. despite having that phallus covering my penis that familiar, lovely, lovely, tickle found me again.
Sands of the West Chapter 2: Redfang
He whimpered to his lover.
Finally onto the next new world !
Tsume: oh sure everything is fine, except for the part where i'll never find myself a lover sora: a lover , what do you mean by that? tsume: its nothing ( big sigh) so how are you holding up ?
A Fox' Family (Part 6)
Came the familiar voice of bella a moment later as she returned and nestled herself into the lap of her lover. her long soft tail swishing with happiness. "he's going to get hym. anyway, where were we?"