Pokemon Team Valiant: Family... (Arc 6.5 Final chapter)
"she is in a better place now, and our grandson and son-in-law still live to fight on her behalf. we have mourned already and are ready to do our part in this conflict." degra nodded. "i too wish that i could...
Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 38
Even her first grandson's. laura screamed as she pulled her way up those stairs, screamed in agony and frustration and anger and horror, every terrible feeling she had repressed over the decades slowly bubbling up to the surface.
Vol. 1, Ch. 1 - “Emergence”
Frankie waved him off, but didn't argue as the nurse unlocked the wheels of her chair and gently pulled her away from her grandson. "bye, grandma," foster said. he stood up from the bench, giving her a quick side hug.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 81
Flashing in front of him and the officers, when they uncovered their eyes rostron saw his grandfather standing before him, smiling and giving his grandson an honorable solute before slowly fading away causing the captain to weep even more with another solute
Enochian: Book 2, Chapter 20
He just happens to be my great-great-something grandson, you know." a pause, and then he looked smoothly-triumphant as zerrex gaped at the drakkaren. "well, all gods start off somewhere, zerrex... and lord, just like you and me, was once a mortal.
Dottie (2022)
One of the members in the recovery was brownfield's grandson, john brownfield. "dottie" was returned to england, where she spent a decade being slowly rebuilt.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 7.6 - The Empire Strikes Back
Don't let me watch a boy young enough to be mah grandson die before me...not again." "i-i...wani-han." tears burned down his cheeks. "n-no, don't say it like that-" "sanjin.
The Promise 4 - To Her Love
[b][i]"but i suppose you two fit each other...one worthless cretin meets another...perhaps your grandson when he passes on shall better understand the truth of his lineage."
Hurricane Kim Chapter 17
"greta, can you lay out the personal things from your daughter-in-law and grandson? we need their scent too."
Sent Kobold Chapter 12: Kobold's Legacy
So much like his grandson's as he reached forward with trembling hands to touch baous' face.
Joey & The Flying Machine Pt. III (2021)
The company passed hands from harold, to his son lloyd, and then to grandson, kurt tanager. in 2016, the company suffered its first fatal accident; a twin otter suffered an explosive engine failure on landing.