Wreckage: Pawradisio Entry

I became more content to pity myself then help others but god gave me the strength to get through and i never stopped trying to serve him.

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Sent Kobold Chapter 11: Kobold's Lament

Farukf is the name of the god that created them, a god with a ambition for glory, strength, and domination.

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Black Waves

The life of a minor god, to put it bluntly, sucks. you can't kill a god, everyone knows that. too bad no one told wepawet, robert's best friend.

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The Wolf of Ragnorok

No god dared attack us, but a few came close. now, every god would attack me, but then they wouldn't dare. 'welcome, welcome,' odin said, sitting on his throne. he was flanked by his wife, frigga, a0d another. i later learned that he was njord.

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Twilight of the Gods (Chapter 15, Book7)

The deity frowned, thoughtfully, and said, "kiko released you but not before destroying those memories you had.

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[Character Profile] Seiryu-ou

He has a soft-spot in his heart for the makai king, yasha, as he was mentor and protector of the young god before he became king.

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Prologue To The Animan

However the peace was nonexistent anymore when the priests that resides at the only place to contact the god learned that god is gone and that his timing of disappearance has led to unnatural phenomenon to happen everywhere.


The Serpent Curse - Prologue

.): in the beginning, god created the heavens and the earth. the early solar system... crash! bang! giant pieces of space rock crash together, forming to create earth.

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Jumpin' Into The Deep End

But people need to realize that god is really the universe that we are and live in. basically, we are all god, god is everywhere, and exists in every unit of matter. i am an atheist but this is my belief on how time and matter is run.

POETRY: Ode to the Wannabe Dragon Slayer

Only in fairy tales, can man defeat a god, dragon-slaying's but a nonsense for small children to applaud.

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Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:30 Funny Sh*t

(toad=t)god no!(cm)mariro want comby chicken!(t)stop it.(cm)where is priiiincess?(t)go back to stomping the animals.(cm)i saw bowser pee pee in coka-cola!" bowser, katie, and the koopalings nearly died of laughter.

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Part: 6 Disaster In Motion

"god" being beelzebubs brother took b-man by surprise by his appearance, he seemed to fit the old visage or stereotype of "god". white hair, beard, robes.

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