Fennix race sheet part 4 (behavoir and folklore)

Folklore: when sun god is angry, sun god send walking flames to burn our tents. we must keep the sun god pleased, we must not displease her or her walking flames.

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7even Towers: Chapter Three

It was visible to the trained eye that she had even mixed in the caelestis silver flame.

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thoughts in the shower

Sitting alone in a dark bathroom tub think lit by the flame of one candle no one here to say no one here to hear no one here to understand sitting alone in a dark bathroom tub say lit by the flame of my candle thats


Eionvise Ch1

One of the flame lizards was about to land the finishing blow, but a blurred figure kicked the flame lizard with tremendous force.

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Dragon Story Ch: 3

The heat could be felt across the whole clearing, the grass scorched along the flame's path. as the light faded and small bits of wet flaming grass went out of their own accord the two dragons sat in silence.

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Of the Wolf's Blood

The voice reminded tyler of eric...god he hoped that eric had survived that flaming holocaust.

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Yuletide Prayer

The fox swore seeing a face in the flames, winking at him. proud of himself, he bowed before the flames one last time, before joining the others.

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 2: Mission briefing!

It was no use the red flame was no match for the green flame. the green flame was engulfing the red flame slowly. suddenly, out of no where, a giant silver flame collided with the other two flames which canceled the three of them out.

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Flamechild - Chapter 2: "Power, Debt, Dinner, and Dessert (Part One)"

Suddenly, the flame leapt from his hand, joining the swirling vortex. kira opened up her eyes to an alive-seeming cyclone of flame. all that could be heard was the howling wind and crackling of fire. all around them, flames raced.

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The kaiju predator (ghidorah/godzilla vore)

Unlike them, the flame had a way out. all three of his fanged jaws gaped in agony as streams of blue-white flame burst out. godzilla's hindpaws and tail burned in his own nuclear flame, scorched despite his adamantine scales.

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The Wild

He sighed, the flame wavering as her hair streaked out behind her, the tangles and soil gone, flowing a luxurious, cleansed black as the flames licked through it.

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