World Building: Nations of Sethera
Country animal: eagle most used steed: horse rothdell: races: human (60%), gnoll (15%), elf (20%), other (5%) colors: tan/ green symbol: green triangle with a single eye. rays pointing outwards. most worshipped diety: tyrandaar: the god of magic.
The Outlander 1 3
They looked upward and saw a great eagle swoop over their heads. the massive bird perched itself on the broad windowsill of master krinz's dormitory, with a wooden tube grasped in it's massive talon.
Drako Tygon- chapter 5
Tornado's was "eagle bombers," and had an eagle holding a nuke in it's talons for an emblem. i looked at the horizon from the surface. the sun burned red at the edge of the earth. it looked like the clouds were catching fire from the heat.
950 Tactical Demolition
Cleo shakes her head and tries to clear her focus as terrowne grabs one of her over-powered desert eagle hand-cannons and tries to nail the thing over available cover on general principles.
Fugitives Part 2#
"you mean the eagle" asked joey? "he'll never see you he hates us remember"? "he just needs a little persuasion" simon said pulling a handgun out of the glove box.
Leurheart II (Chapter 4)
I almost fell asleep under blaine's arm when i nuzzled against his warm body but was suddenly awakened when the eagle began landing. i held on tight on blaine's arm when the eagle swooped down on to the cliff edge where i had sat before.
Breathing Life--Chapter Two
"shadow eagle?" "yes sir, mr. dark growler, shadow eagle on station and waiting for your descent!"
Chapter Two
The eagle's form softened and began to fade before she had even landed, leaving solid hooves to strike the dry ground. the doe lifted her head, a frown weighting down her lips. "sister, who has done this to you?"
Lost Paradise
I noticed that still from afar that this is too big house for starbucks, but i thought i was mistake (nevertheless, i have eagle's vision!). it was a big shopping center with five levels.
Partners in Crime - Rebellion (1)
Lyther looked to ryonna who nodded yes "mhm, i met him- or rather saved him a few days back, i was on my way back home into the city from that small riverside town, eagle's perch when..."
Lovin' a Vixen (A Moonlace Story) Chapter 2
"don't ever think about hitting or trying to pick up holly again," the male warned the groaning lynx and eagle on the ground. "she's not just another pretty face, plaything, or even worse.
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Sixteen
"eagle crap, ma'am." adlis' white ears took on a greenish tinge, and she shied away from the edge of the wagon. "that is disgusting!" "sure is, but it's effective."