Fugitives Part 2#
#2 of Fugitives
(The story so far: A wolf named Josh and a Fox named Craig Jones aka: CJ, are on the run from the law after Josh's frustration got the better of him and he murdered a panther. The two set off running from a cop and narrowly escaping a certain death sentence.)
The two furs had been running from the scene of the crime for almost half an hour now; never looking back unsure if the cop was still following them. Eventually Craig had run out of energy; even adrenaline so they stopped at a Chinese restaurant. "This is just nuts" Josh said in between timed pants and gasps for air.
"Hey I'm not the one who just shot a guy in an ally" replied Craig with similar pants and gasps. Josh cupped his hand over Craig's mouth, "Shut it CJ do you want the whole town to hear you" said Josh? He looked around the room to see if anyone had heard them. There was only a lonely looking panda who was staring at them for a couple seconds and then just went back to his soup.
"Look I'm not proud of what I did but it's not our problem ok" Said Josh uncovering Craig's mouth.
"Well what are we going to do now genius" started Craig? "We can't go back to the car, we left it on the other side of town and if we try to get to in someone is bound to see us".
Josh had a frustrated look in his eyes and he clenched his fists. Craig could tell he was frustrated and decided to stop giving Josh problems. "I've got a friend on this side of Elderton city who'll probably let us crash there until the heat blows over" Josh finally said. "Alright then" said Craig who had little confidence that a friend of a gun murderer could help him. Despite this the two friends set off on foot to Josh's friend.
It took an hour of walking to reach Josh's friend's neighbourhood because the friends were ducking in allies every time they thought they saw anyone who looked remotely like a cop. Eventually Josh and Craig arrived at a dismal looking cul-de-sac, numerous drug junkies and dealers were standing outside their houses doing their own businesses. One by one they all looked up at the pair with a sneer and then returned to their own business. Craig was holding his tail tightly in fear of the neighbourhood while Josh was staring at his target point focused on one house in particular. "Who exactly are we going to see" asked Craig nervously? "One of my old friends, he's just one of those hip-hop wannabe gangsters" replied Josh. At the end of the road was a two floored wooden house, a garage on the left side of it and a narrow path on the right. Outside the house there was a black roofless low rider with a white skull on the hood. The interior was dark red and the steering wheel was crafted from chains. A Rottweiler, a Jackal and a Bat were standing around the car all with red gang colour bandanas round their heads. The Bat looked up at Josh and Craig as they walked towards them. The Bat sneered at them and tapped the Rottweiler and Jackal on the shoulder. All three of them working on the car were now staring at the serious Wolf and the unsettled Fox.
"What you want" snapped the Jackal?
"I'm here to see Simon" replied Josh indicating towards the Rottweiler.
"We don't know a Simon" said the Rottweiler, "So beat it"!
"Fine I'm here to see Ice, or has your police record changed your name again" said Josh? The Rottweiler cocked his head when Josh said his name,
"How'd you know my gang title" asked Simon with a serious look on his face?
"You really don't remember me" asked Josh? "No" shouted Ice!
"Now beat it"!
"For god's sake Simon it's me, B-dup, or at least that's how you know me" said Josh. The Rottweiler dropped his Jaw looking up from the car; "Josh"?
"The one and only" Josh replied.
"Wow" started Simon "Now I said beat it" he said returning his attention to the car.
"He said beat it kid" said the Bat interrupting Josh
"What about Markus" asked Josh?
"You mean your brother" said Simon looking back up from his car. "How is he"?
"Dead" replied Josh
"Oh how did it happen"?
"He got hit by one of your rival gang cars" replied Josh
"Maybe you two should come inside" said Simon "Joey, Cesar stay here with the car".
"I don't think that is such a good idea" said Craig
"Would you rather stay out here with the rapists eyeing you" Asked Josh? Craig just said nothing and walked towards the Rottweiler's house.
Inside the floor was littered with crisp packets and discarded cigarettes. "Just wait here" started Simon, "and don't touch anything" he ordered as he walked up the stairs. Immediately Josh picked up a vase and started observing it.
"So where did this B-dup come from" Craig said with curiosity?
"I used to be in this gang a few years ago" replied Josh still looking at the vase.
"Then why did they tell you to leave" asked Craig who sat down on the couch?
"It's because there was a big gang fight coming up" started Josh. "There was gonna be gun fire, grenades, drive bys you name it the whole lot was going to happen. "Since I was one of the youngest, I was picked as a front man in the assault; and trust me I wasn't up for that".
"So what did you do" asked Craig?
Josh sighed. "I ditched".
Craig let out a snort of laughter which he immediately regretted doing as Josh stared at him menacingly.
"Shut up it's not funny" said Josh.
"Sorry" said Craig. "It's just that I can't imagine someone like you who just shot some Panther in an ally, actually ditched from a gun fight.
A couple seconds later Simon came downstairs holding a package in his hands. "I thought I told you not to touch anything" said Simon. "Oh you did but I'm just not a good listener" replied Josh putting the vase down.
"What about you Fox boy, the couch is something isn't it" said Simon?
"Sorry" said Craig jolting up.
"Anyways. Your brother wanted you to have this if he died, I don't know what it is though" said Simon sitting down on a chair to annoy Simon.
"You know I didn't just come here to pick up my dead brothers package I didn't even know about. I came here because you owed my brother a favour which I've come to collect.
"Hah, don't make me laugh kid. Favours are non-transferable, why should I do anything for you?
"Because my brother was the only one who came back for you after the retreat to save your sorry ass" shouted Josh pounding his fist on the table.
Simon thought about it for a moment and finally stared at Craig and Josh. "Alright, what do you want me to do"?
Josh let out a satisfied smile that made the scar above his mouth flex. "We're on the run after we..."
"You" Craig corrected.
Josh sighed again "After I shot some dude in an ally way and got caught by a cop"
Simon chuckled to himself "Oh Josh, don't you remember the first rule of the Beaties; never get caught"
"The who" asked Craig?
"It's the name of the gang kid, keep up" said Simon.
"Anyway I know you have a friend who can hack in to the police station's documents; and I need that friend to delete the report of my murder" said Josh now staring at Simon with a hint of undiscovered trust.
"Fine then" said Simon. "But what's in it for me"?
"You didn't seriously think I would do this for a cowardly traitor for free did you" continued Simon with a cocky grin?
Josh sat back in his chair and pouted.
There was a slightly awkward silence in the room for a few seconds before Craig spoke up.
"What about money"?
Both the Wolf and the Rottweiler looked at the Fox puzzled.
"What are you on about now" demanded Simon?
"Well, would you do the job for money" replied Craig?
"Sure kid, have you got a thousand big ones on you" Simon said chuckling to himself.
"No but I can get it" said Craig which made Simon immediately stop chuckling. Josh pulled Craig close to him.
"CJ where are you planning on getting that kind of money" he whispered?
"I know a guy just trust me" Craig whispered back. He turned his attention to Simon who was still looking a bit puzzled.
"So will you do it" Craig continued?
"I would but the guy now lives up north three towns over" replied Simon.
"Then that's where we're going" said Josh.
"Alright then, get your box and let's go" said Craig headed towards the door.
"I'm coming too" called Simon.
"Why" asked Josh?
"That guy owes me a favour" replied Simon
Josh just shrugged and decided to go along with the idea and walked towards the door with his brother's package.
The three furs walked outside where the Jackal and the Bat were playing a game of cards on the car's hood.
"Joey, Cesar put the Wolf's package in the trunk" said Simon
"Where you going Ice" asked Cesar the Bat?
"I'm heading three towns up north to see Shaun".
"You mean the Eagle" asked Joey?
"He'll never see you he hates us remember"?
"He just needs a little persuasion" Simon said pulling a handgun out of the glove box.
"Cesar opened the trunk and put Josh's package amongst a pile of heavy duty grenades and a variety of explosives and firearms.
"Whoa" exclaimed Craig!
"Impressive isn't it" said Joey.
"We've got high powered explosive packs, explosive and gas grenades and rapid fire M4s".
"Yeah" started Craig "I have no idea what you just said".
All three furs got in the car; Simon was persistent to drive while Josh sat in the passenger seat and Craig sprawled out across the three rear seats. Simon started up the car and pulled away from the house. Craig didn't want to say but he was so relieved to be leaving the cold and gritty cul-de-sac.
The threesome had only been driving for ten minutes before Simon pulled the car in to parking space outside a shop.
"Si what are we doing here" asked Josh with a sigh?
"Look I don't know how long we're going to be out of town so I want to get a few things" said Simon.
Josh sighed again and sat back in his seat and turned up the radio.
"Fuck; get down" whispered Josh loudly as he pulled Craig's head down!
"What" Craig whispered back?
"It's a group of Ferals, the rival gang" said Josh.
The group of Ferals consisted of a large Tiger, a powerful brown Stallion, a green scaled Dragon and a Gorilla.
The group had noticed the rival car and were giving it some hated looks.
"Hey Sid, isn't that Ice Thompson's car from the Beaties" said the Dragon?
"Yeah I think so" replied the Tiger. "Let's go check it out".
The group started walking towards the decorated low-rider clenching their fists.
"Oh shit" said Josh.
Instinctively Josh reached in to his pocket and pulled out his handgun.
As Josh took his gun out the Stallion said "Hey look there's someone in there".
"Get him" yelled the Gorilla!
Josh twitched his paw and fired two shots randomly, one went off in to the distance and the other hit the Tiger in the arm.
"Oh shit he's got a gun, let's get out of here" screamed the Tiger clenching his arm in pain.
Josh sat up in his chair and looked around to discover what had happened.
The Tiger who was still clenching his arm looked back in anger at the car and noticed Josh.
"Hey guys its Josh Lee" yelled the Tiger. "This isn't over Lee"!
The Tiger reached in to his pocket and pulled out a small metallic objet and hurled it at the car. The object made a magnetic sort of ping, Josh was about to check what it was before Simon stepped outside the shop with three large paper bags.
"Here, there's a burger and lemonade for each of you" said Simon
"You ready to head out"?
"Sure lets go" replied Josh.
And with that the threesome drove out of town to go and find Shaun the Eagle.
Part 2# hope you like. Tell me if you think I need to change anything to make it better in the next few stories or leave your suggestions. ;)