Werewolf Story The Curse or a Gift Part2

But he betrayed us, he killed many people and he was the one who made us outnumbered, when the humans came to us they say that it was our fault that we killed they're children's and woman's, we tried to confessed them that we had nothing to do with this, but

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Presto - Chapter 14

In the split second between rants, he turned his ire on peter's rumored secrets rather than confess his own.

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Maybe All Confessional Essays Should Be Written In Blank Verse

The tales were all of unrequited sighs and afterward, confessions made too late. if no debauchery was possible because the loved one was beyond the grave? why, then and only then, it was now safe to let the prince or princess say "i loved."

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Cover Letter - Sebastian Swift

I must confess to being worried about the journey but it shall be an adventure at least. i just wish i had been able to see you one last time.

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Love’s A Double Edged Sword - Chapter One

He embraced it, confessing that he was bi himself. but then he betrayed me. i had left to go to work, managing to get off early, to find him sleeping with my ex girlfriend. ignoring my thoughts i hop in the shower, and wash, getting out quickly.

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Hello Agrabah !

Jake: funny you would know them sora: hey maybe riku is with them goofy: yeah and the king donald: keep dreaming you two sora: c'mon donald you were thing the same thing jake: confess ! donald: no i wasn't !

Swans and Women

You have to kill the witch before confessing your love. what a tragic thing right? so far all men who have tried were slaughtered by the witch. no, not slaughtered but turned into her guard dogs that protect her and the swans.

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Identity: Chapter Forty-Seven

He'd find brett; they would reconnect, and he would confess his undying love for the husky.


More Time

Also for full disclosure purposes this is the first time we are injecting you, so this video also gets to act as a confession if we accidentally kill you. i worked really hard on the programming for this batch.

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Vadim, Chapter 3: More Than a Feeling

"i have something to confess to you... please don't be mad." addan tilted his head while sig gave him a hug and whispered in his ear.

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D.E1 Chapter 31 Lone Great Canine

Husky confessed to the surprise of hasky and fx. "fx is right, hasky. i think we can't stay here not doing anything while not only our family members, but also our brothers and sisters might be alive, held imprisoned who knows where."

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A Pleasant Coming Out (Revised)

He managed to muster up so much courage to confess something like this. _how long had he thought of this? how long had i been oblivious?

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