Werewolf Story The Curse or a Gift Part2
Chapter 1 http://www.sofurry.com/page/179240
Chapter 2 Seeking the truth
Werewolf Female: I am what you see.
Me: I didn't ask what i see in front of me i want to know who are you.
Werewolf Female: My name is Anna, i am a warrior, and i am a werewolf so do you.
Me: A warrior.. . what do you mean i am a warrior?
Anna: You have a sign of a warrior in your shoulder?
As i knew i have a sign or a tattoo in my shoulder, but i never knew what it is and what it represents, and i also don't know how i got this.
Anna: don't you remember?
Me: Remember what? I don't remember how i got this curse, and i don't know how i got that sign in my shoulder i need some answers, i only remember i was once a human, and i cant change back myself.
Anna: Now i understood..
Me: You understood what?
Anna: I was too once human, its a gift not a curse.
Me: A gift? A gift from who.
Anna: Lets sit down and ill tell you everything.
Me: All right.
As we sit down. And began the conversation, ill hope i get some answers, that torched me for a long time.
Anna: They called us the protectors!
Me: Protectors of what?
Anna: Protectors of the nature, humanity, everything what you can see, we are protecting this planet.
Me: Are there others like me.
Anna: You mean like us?
Me: Yes like us.
Anna: We are outnumbered. Yes there were like us many, like us. We got this gift by one of the agent mineral, that is called something like Balcanic Peninsula, that mineral gives a transformation into a Werewolf for eternity, and immortality.
Me: I see, you say there were like us many, what happened.
Anna: There were a Werewolf called Hemming, he was once as us. But he betrayed us, he killed many people and he was the one who made us outnumbered, When the humans came to us they say that it was our fault that we killed they're children's and woman's, we tried to confessed them that we had nothing to do with this, but they didn't listen and they begun to killing us one by one, we had no other choice but to run, they had weapons that kills us, something like silver that you took out of my shoulder, and ever since we are running from them, deeper and deeper into the woods.we wish them no harm, but we have to protect ourselves.My father and mother was killed, they gave the gift to me to be the protectors of everything in this planet, but everyone who gave they're children to that mineral was burned alive, and i saw how my entire family were burned alive.
As i listened to her story very carefully, i realized that i never knew who were my father or mother, it was so fairytale, but something tells me that i should believe her, i had no other choice but to believe her.And I asked her.
Me: Is he still alive that Hemming?
Anna: I don't know
Me: You should go get some rest.
Anna: Yeah I guess so.. OH whats your name?
Me: My name is Caelum.
As i helped her lay down on the bed she quickly went to sleep.As she went to sleep i was thinking if they run away into the woods there must be some clans remain, there must be some city that they rebuild after the accident, i need to ask her about that, but better let her rest, Shea's weak. As i went to sleep myself.