Cover Letter - Sebastian Swift

Story by Drackir on SoFurry

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#1 of The Journal of Lord Sebastion Swift

This s the start of a series of micro fictions, or coffee break fictions. They will end up all sexfied in some parts, plot filled in others. It will have some M/F towards the start but tends towards M/M or M/M/M/M/M/M or some such by the end :P

So yes, here is the first of many letters to come.


Yesterday while I was going through the boxes of stuff I have left unpacked since my move, yes yes I'm slack, I discovered an old weathered book. I presume it got mixed in with my stuff during my hast departure of the university. The pages are all yellowed with age but are still quite legible. All the text is hand written and in some infuriating cursive writing and old form of the local language.

There was also a letter attached in a similar hand writing. The language on this one is far more recent and I won't need to refer to my translative texts to decipher it.

"To my Dear son Patrick,

Or are you going by Patricia now you saucy minx? I do worry about you my dear. I know your letters say the land is far more accepting these days but still I urge you to be careful.

While myself and my beloved were preparing our things for the great journey I discovered this journal. I had completely forgotten I used to keep an account of my going ons back in my youth. I know there are other volumes like this one but I am damned if I can find them.

I know you have an interest in the history of the time and trust you to be mature enough to put up with the vulgar young man I was. Given how audacious your own correspondence with your parents is I think you finding out your father had quite the wild youth will not cause you to be visited by night terrors or cause your eyes to bleed.

I have left instructions with the executor of my will to forward you any other such journals and have turned over all the lands I own to you. They will be well looked after until you choose to return home and the money earned should keep you comfortably looked after.

Alas my beloved and family are awaiting me outside. I must confess to being worried about the Journey but it shall be an adventure at least. I just wish I had been able to see you one last time.

I wish you a long life full of love and adventure my dearest son, or daughter.

Your's with love,

Lord Sebastion Exentflam"

The secrets that this book might contain about its age could be colossal! As you know most of the books of this country were burnt to cinders under the last regime. Very few factual accounts remain intact, being replaced by that authorised history doggerel.

Would you be interested in updates from this journal? Or is it foolish to devote my time and energies to translating it?


Charles Baker


Pleased to hear from you. Thought you had been killed or some such after that mishap at the university.

Would advice AGAINST translating possible tome of blasphemous knowledge.

Remember that the flowers here are blooming quite nicely.

Forgive the rushed nature of this letter.

Robert Ingrid

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