Life or something like it
This is a birthday present for a friend of mine, Cyrin the inflatable dolphin pool toy. Lying on the floor is a limp layer of PVC, grey and white with hints of yellow. By its self it is inert, flaccid, useless, a pin point of potential in the...
Dead On Arrival
"Santa Claus Is Coming to Town" is © J. Fred Coots and Haven Gillespie (Fun fact: It was first sung on Eddie Cantor's radio show in November 1934.) On the 26th of December Santa Claus, the great big jolly Polar Bear, arrived home...
A late Night Dinner
Before we begin, this is my first work of fiction that i've finished in a long time, so it's mainly me brushing up my skills after not writting since university (Nothing kills your drive for creative writting like being told you have to write). So...
Cover Letter - Sebastian Swift
This s the start of a series of micro fictions, or coffee break fictions. They will end up all sexfied in some parts, plot filled in others. It will have some M/F towards the start but tends towards M/M or M/M/M/M/M/M or some such by the end :P So...