Life or something like it

This is a birthday present for a friend of mine, Cyrin the inflatable dolphin pool toy. Lying on the floor is a limp layer of PVC, grey and white with hints of yellow. By its self it is inert, flaccid, useless, a pin point of potential in the...

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Dead On Arrival

"Santa Claus Is Coming to Town" is © J. Fred Coots and Haven Gillespie (Fun fact: It was first sung on Eddie Cantor's radio show in November 1934.) On the 26th of December Santa Claus, the great big jolly Polar Bear, arrived home...

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A late Night Dinner

Before we begin, this is my first work of fiction that i've finished in a long time, so it's mainly me brushing up my skills after not writting since university (Nothing kills your drive for creative writting like being told you have to write). So...

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Cover Letter - Sebastian Swift

This s the start of a series of micro fictions, or coffee break fictions. They will end up all sexfied in some parts, plot filled in others. It will have some M/F towards the start but tends towards M/M or M/M/M/M/M/M or some such by the end :P So...

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