Only the beginning
His long whiskers, his grey rat fur, his long pinkish tail captivating my interest. no, stay focused robert, just answer him and then we can leave this place of discomfort. just focus on the chair robert, think of those days when life was simpler.
The Anthro Girl - Chapter 4: The Closet
There was something so captivating about it, being a human and an animal at once. it reminded me of that old robin hood movie by disney i had watched when i was young, along with several other shows and movies as well.
Wolf Of the Bloated Stars
There was merely the desire to stuff and humiliate their captive. that was becoming harder to think about by the day however, within him, a strong, ravenous impulse was growing.
Wolf Of the Bloated Stars
There was merely the desire to stuff and humiliate their captive. that was becoming harder to think about by the day however, within him, a strong, ravenous impulse was growing.
Slaying a bad seed...
The clock was ticking. Tikk takk. Every second now. Tikk takk. My paws were sweaty and my breath uneven. I didn't want to do this. It wasn't like I wasn't prepared, it was just that it happened so unexpectedly. Tikk takk. The paper I was holding...
An Unexpected New Beginning
A grey wolf with darker fur then typical sat crouched and hunched over in a cage. He was in a large room full of other furs in other dog crates that were better suited to feral dogs like German shepherds than anthros. However, those that fed these...
The Winter Night
Even thought the chains of hell hold me captive i'll spend every waking moment with the girl i love. the sound of chains echo through the forest. "anya?" "rain..." i embrace you and hold on tight.
She then stuffed both her captives into the bag and took to the air. _arken, _nisha thought to her sister. _yes nisha?, _the aasimar replied. _we must remain calm, _the young tiefling insisted.
Juryokine: April Fools!
One of them ugged, stepping bravely forward to inspect his captive. he was as large as an ox, and almost as smelly, and he thumped his chest importantly when zashiel looked at him.
D.E1 Chapter 45 The Hive Part III
But the thought that what they just did might've have terrible consequences with the captive evocanis, would haunt their minds until they figure out what could be done to save them all.
Freedom Fire Chapter 7: Doing it the Right Way
When working with karkariz in patrolling, despite of given decent food, since he was still a captive dragon, he was still fed with potion-laced meat, and taking out the potion also took out what's left of the taste.
A Life Yet Lived - Chapter 2
#4 of a life yet lived **--chapter 2: a captive of confusion --** **tomas** still couldn't believe what was happening to him.