The new hive
Bruce always wins, damn his camouflage i'm sure that's cheating.
A changeling and an artist
He transmuted his form to a unicorn, some victim that he took for camouflage when he was still part of the hive. and from there he casted his magic into a form of unicorn magic, slowly surrounding the cast in a grass green glow.
The Suprise
His father told him that he needed to wear black since wearing white would be nothing short of camouflage. cameron looked through his closet and found a suitable dark colored t-shirt and pants to wear.
Project Pandora
Elpis quickly puts on his camouflage suit. the suit was scented with the smell of decaying corpses in order to blend in better with the zombies, along with light fabrics for easy movements.
Off Limits
A toucan in camo pants grabbed the jackal in a headlock and a parrot aimed a pistol at jackie. the roach yanked the pistol out of the parrot's hand to aim it at the toucan.
Change in Venue- December
Even the entrance hallway is just a camouflage for the entire building structure. down a few hallways would lead one to an ordinary looking room. on a particular wall of that room is a hidden panel that releases a keypad elsewhere in the building.
SENTIENCE - Chapter Three - Long Fall
Their camouflage was excellent, many the same color as the red dirt or the plants that surrounded it. many of them smaller, harder to image. for now, i was mostly only investigating the larger ones. i struggled to categorize them.
Chapter 31: Through the Darkness
He brushed aside a last cluster of leaves to reveal a trapdoor framed by dark brick, as if to camouflage itself with the rich black soil. gallus pulled the door open to reveal a dark stair descending deep into the earth. "so then . . .
Chapter 10- The Others
How awesome is camouflage?" "very," kayden says. he can change his fur color to his surroundings, kaleb says in his head. like a chameleon? kayden thinks. exactly. kayden then eyeballs the one who was observing the pool game.
A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 12-To The Rescue
He was wearing a velvet beret and red patterned leaf print camouflage and he had a leather belt that held six rounds for a colt python strapped to his leg. his uniform and gear, like that of his army, looked almost brand new.
Ambush at East Ridge
._ i double tapped both of the anthros, who carried an-94s and wore the weird green camouflage that russian paratroopers normally wear.
Chapter 10: Seperation and Capture
He was wearing the camouflage jacket i had been using as a blanket and a pair of running shorts on while his hair stood up in spikes that were colored in an assortment of colors.