Foxy and Kitty- Episode 17
Teffy woke up the next morning with her warm body snuggled up to his and he started awake, not remembering for a few moments how he'd gotten there. Now her remembered, and he relaxed against her, kissing her hair softly. She'd woken him up during...
Moon Scythe - Chapter 3
_Where am I? Am I dead? Is this death?_ Caseel took a breif inventory of his body. _I can feel my arms, and legs, and head..._ He reached up and felt his face, and stopped when he could see his hands. A slight glow came from...
Kittens and Swords
Kittens and Swords By CalexTheNeko Kickaha leaped the fence into the backyard he had visited on his previous endeavor. The coyote-fox was still in his diminished state after yesterday's affairs. The usually middle-aged foxyote had been reduced to...
Growvember Day 3
### Growvember November 3rd I awoke with an oof as someone jammed their foot into my stomach. Last I was sent to an encampment set up my the government for those of us too big to fit into our homes, or danger of outgrowing them. There wasn't really...
Classic Rock Club Prologue
"Dillon! Have you unpacked yet?" My mother's voice carried with it a certain accusation, though I didn't blame her. I was often wont to shirk what I was supposed to be doing to do... Well anything else, really. But this was different. Had to make sure...
While we're young (part one)
Alice's point of view, As I stepped inside the noticibly busy coffe shop since winter had hit the normally slow cafe was now full to the brim A teenage doe stood in front of me in the seemingly neverending line, after a few minutes the line moved a...
The Risen Curtain - Chapter 10: The Spying Crow & Mother-Son Talk
bunnies didn't had a particularly good night vision, and seeing in darkness of the night was a challenge to them sometimes.
Protect and Serve.txt
I flipped myself upside down a couple times and spun around, carried away by the pink bunny's intoxicating choice in music. before long, i was pulled down onto the cougaress' lap, subjected to her paws and affection on my body.
Under the Gun
And even the dust bunnies hid (behind the broom in the corner). field froze. standing in the middle of it all. heart going hammer-hammer. eyes darting ... from the window to the bed.
Zootopia - Trying to move on - Chapter 1: Friends and partners
But not even the panther saw the smile on the bunny's face. - don't call me "cute"- said, not grimacing in pain any more. as if on call, nick took a dart from his sleeve and pierced the wolf's leg with, who winced in pain before collapsing.
The adventures of Seberith chapter 2 The castle in the swamp
The adventures of Seberith The castle in the swamp Seb looked around and was awestruck at what he saw, it was like falling through a tunnel made of crystals of every color and then more, jinks eyes were closed shut and seb know his should be two but...
The adventures of Seberith Into the void
The adventures of Seberith Into the void Seberith was looking at the shot on the pool table he had on his black fur lined canvas jacket a Wight t-shirt with a cross on it and gens that where tattered at the bottom but the one thing that was his prize...