The adventures of Seberith Into the void

Story by seb the bunny demone on SoFurry


Ok so I'll try to do one of these each month expanding the story. Please don't worry about it not really being furry that will change with the next installment I just need to edit it. And sadly I'm not a good editor so if you find spelling mistakes please just point them out to me and ill fix it. Again I'll be trying to post one of these each month.

The adventures of Seberith

Into the void

Seberith was looking at the shot on the pool table he had on his black fur lined canvas jacket a Wight t-shirt with a cross on it and gens that where tattered at the bottom but the one thing that was his prize possession was his amulet hanging from a silver chain it looked like a sliver sun field with blood and a tear drop in the center. He had had it almost all his life and he never took it off. It had no meaning to him though even though he look it up on line and took it to jewelry stories no one could tell him what it meant or point him to the creator, but he loved it all the same. Seberith had played a good game against the stranger named Steva. He was on the eight ball and it was planted right in the middle of the table but the cue ball was right in front of it off to the left a little. Seberith thinking in his mind he could hit it on the left side and maybe it roll into the right side pocket, but that was a risk. Seberith looked up at Steva and in a calm voice "eight ball right side pocket."

Steva smiled saying "will you put money on that?" he did not mean it but was surprised when Seberith took a twenty out of his pocket and laid it on the side of the table Steva doing the same "well I would wish you luck but I want that forty dollars."

Seberith just grunted to focus on this shot. He leaning in rested the cue stick in the nock of his right thumb and pointer finger. Taking a breath he pulled back the cue stick and hit the cue ball with struck the eight ball with a small crack sending it spinning to the right side pocket. Seberith held his breath as it spine to the very edge of the table and then walled for a second and finely fell in. Seberith grind at Steva and picked up the two twenties "that was a good game. We should play again some time."

Steva just smiled "yay we should but I don't think I'll be betting against you." He put his cue stick on the rack and walked away to the bar.

Seberith tired and happy decide not to push his luck and decide to drive home. He was out the door and walked across the street to where he parked his motorcycle and was about to climb on when he heard sirens and saw red and blue lights.

Then all of a sudden he was surrounded by cops in blue uniforms and all pointing guns at him. A man stepped forward in a black trench coat and asked "are you Seberith?" Seberith holding up his hands now just nodded and looked around thinking this had to be a prank.

The cop who had asked him his name came forward and cuffed him and started to read him his Miranda rights. Steering him toward a police cruiser. Seberith was stunned he could only nod his head when he was asked a question no one had told him what he had done wrong but everyone was looking at him strange like he was some kind of monster. But the time he was taken into the police station he was starting to regain his control and soon he was lead down a long hallways to a door he had calmed himself to where he could handle anything sitting down in the chair in front of the table he shut his eyes and decide to catch some rest he had played this game before he sits in the chair waits for a while then they storm in and he acts sorry for whatever he did and then hill get a fine and he will be off back to his home in a matter of hours. So when the door busted open and he opened his eyes and look shock he thought he had everything under control.

"Hello I'm Officer Karin, and I would like to be your friend Seb." passing for a response Karin when on "is it ok if I call you Seb."

Seberith closed his eyes and brought his hands and started to rub his temples "no but could I talk to officer Jinks?" Seberith thinking Jinks could just give him another slap on the wrist and he give jinks a little money.

Karin smiled trying to control her frustration Seberith had been what most would call a troubled youth he had no parents and was raised in a foster center that was later shut down for the caretakers abusing the children. Karin tries caching Seberith eye but couldn't so she just continued "well Jinks just handles pity crimes like shoplifting and such, I handle murders and serial killers." Karin passed to see if that got a reaction out of him.

Seberith look up his eyes getting bigger and his face draining of color his former calmness gone "am I being accused of murder?" his hands grabbing his necklaces. It always seemed to calm him and this time was no exception.

Karin looked at the now pale boy who was only 19 holding onto his necklaces. In any cut and dry case this could be seen as guilt but Karin didn't feel like this was guilt friend yes but why could it be because he's afraid he's going to be court or he's afraid of being accused of something he did wrong. Karin opening a folder of the crime scene and laid out all the photoset keeping the last one and hiding it so he did not see it. It was by far the most damaging evidence agent him it was the symbol of his pendent onto the wall painted in blood.

Seberith look down at the photos they were of a some women he did not know but her chest had been ripped open with something that looked like it had big claws and he stated to calm himself he couldn't do this no human could. The way the chest was just ripped open like someone had just opened a bag of chips. Seberith had seen many terrible things and this was going to be one of them for the list but he knew they had nothing on him he did not even known this girl. Taking a deep breath "you know you should be looking for smoky the bear because I don't think any person could do that." Pointing with a finger down at the photos a cocky smile spreading across his face. "I mean I'm strong but not strong enough to rip open someone's chest like that." Reaching down he slipped of his shoe and took out the liner and pulled out a long black cigarette in a metal tube putting his shoe back on he took the cigarette out and looked at Karin with a cocky smile said "got a light or should I pull out mine?"

Karin pulled out a litter with a haft moon on it and lights his cigarette saying "well yes but you could have used any number of tools. The fact is" taking out the photo of the blood painted pendent and setting it right in front of him "you're the only person we have found who has that pendent." Karin looked at seb trying to gage his reaction. But no sooner had she laid down the photo then the door swing open and a lawyer walked in with jinks the lawyer looked down at Karin with a look of discuses she thought they were all snakes but she stood and shook hands with him all the same "hello" she said trying not to be rude "im.." she was cut off

"I know who you are and I think you should know not to interview someone with out there lawyer present."

Karin looked away "well if you would like to sit I was just asking how seb's pendent got painted onto the victim's wall in her own blood?" Karin looked over at sab as his lawyer sat down jinks closing the door behind him as he left.

Seb looked down over at his lawyer then back at Karin "I don't." he was interrupted by his lawyer

"I don't think seberith will be answering any more of your questions now if you can pleas leave us so we can disuse are planes and then we will be leveeing unless you have any concrete proof?"

Karin shook her head and walked out the door slamming it behind her as she left. She walked into the room next door jinks was in there listing in on the tapes she shut the door softly and standing in froth of the one way mirror flipping a switch the noise from the integration room filled the air

Seb looked up at the lawyer standing in front of him saying "it's about time I mean really weren't you suppose to get here as soon as I was brought in mister....." seb left the question in the air the lawyer started his tie saying "you know I we have been looking for you for a long time."

Jinks eyes widened and he stud up and dashed for the door hoping to get there soon enough

Seb chuckled "what do you mean looking for me."

Suddenly the door burst open and a dagger fly's through imbedding in the wall the and the lawyer exploded and in his place was a hulking beast looking like a bear and a wolf had a child and that child it screamed "no they can't escape." Jinks grabbed seb's arm ripping off his necklace with is other hand and through it on the same wall was the dagger then a vortex spun out of the daggers hilt sucking seb and jinks through the portal.