While we're young (part one)

Story by Roxelle Wolfe on SoFurry

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#1 of While Were young (series)

Thanks to Alice who helped me with this and artwork for the series will be out soon I am also going to be including whoever wants to be in the series so send me a pm or just comment, I will respond, thank you and Rember to give your feed back.

Alice's point of view,

As I stepped inside the noticibly busy coffe shop since winter had hit the normally slow cafe was now full to the brim

A teenage doe stood in front of me in the seemingly neverending line, after a few minutes the line moved a little but I was

turned around by the ring of the door, a slender folf stepped into the cafe He saw the line and gasped at the crowd, I almost thought I regognized him

I did, he was in my biology class, I think his name was roxelle , "hey Rox!" I waved at the Timid boy, he saw me and waved back,

End part one.