Tora- The Aftermath and A Promise
Out of all the stupid things he's done, this was the stupidest. she would've understood his want to leave if he just told her about it, instead of hiding it from her.
The Enduring
Where is that stupid thing?_ after fumbling around for a few moments, he finally pulled out a wrapped up cap, padded but still thin, with a piece hanging off one side.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 132
So like i say, not do stupid thing like that again. if you have to die, i want to be one to do it." serenity affirmed, punching her fist into her hand. "you really think you could finish me off?"
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 16
"for the sake of our..." he looked at the ground, seeing the light of flames dancing on the floor "...relationship i pretend that this is the only stupid thing he made me believe in" cynder snorted in amusement, smirking teasingly "don't forget about the
Twisted Night: Chapter 10
"that's right you stupid thing!" the guard sneered, putting an arm around hadariel's shoulder and pulling him close against his steel like chest. "just ignore that thing boy. it can't cast at you from within the cell. now come on."
digi kimi Chapter 15: Do I want to remember?
Soccer play ... also says stupid thing, but funny, draggy.... swimmer .... caring with a big heart like jenny, brandon .... drummer of dats ... also he look like nick, i see him like family because he remind me of me and nick, james .... tony's dog ....
The Start of Something Else
"i don't know why i have to be involved in this stupid thing, it's not like i know how to lead or instruct or anything anyway, i won't be of any use to it other that to fight at things and i don't really care to do that.
For Love of Love 9: A New Begenning
That had been an incredibly stupid thing to do, as it easily could have meant his death, but she was in no state to try to explain such things to a human. she ignored the voce and pretended that she hadn't heard it, trying to keep to herself.
Envy and Darkness
It wasn't until after i tried to kill him for the second time that i realized the stupid thing carries my genes. he would serve as a perfect body for me especially since he used dark magic, allowing me through the door.
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 11
Ol' dean pressed his straw hat flat against his head - _why is he even wearing that stupid thing out here in the middle of a damn blizzard?_ - bent down, and pressed his ear against her mouth, but bartholomew already knew she was dead.
Ripple Effect
"the stupid thing, see, is that mark didn't care about my shifting... every six months, i turn from a girl into a guy, or from a guy into a girl.
Just Breathe - Chapter 2
I've drank a bit now and again and i've done some stupid things. i'm a male colonist. it's almost law. so i thank the maker that we managed to retrieve my money in a relatively short amount of time.