Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 132

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#132 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Chapter 132 - Hello Yulema City!

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Special Gifts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBYW7m5TjY4 Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Working together, Chris and the girls had nearly finished readying themselves for the last of the journey through the border, with Serenity and Rose working on moving about things in their storage so he could finish stripping down and putting away the remainder of the stable. Within the carriage, Alicia watched the group while Rapidash took his place in front of it, waiting to be latched on as the girls stood outside with a nod. "Think that look good." Serenity smirked. "This thing was crammed full, we really ate a lot of stuff on the way through." Rose giggled before all three jolt and looked at one another before focusing on their stomachs. "...It just me, or we still gaining?" Serenity asked, rubbing her torso. "I gotta admit, it does feel like I kinda get a little bigger every day. We're not eating THAT much are we?" she asked with a groan. "I'm not certain myself. Rather difficult to tell if it's weight gain really. Feels to me like I've got some sort of growth going on." Alicia point out. "In my case it's as though rocks of some sort are stuck in my stomach. I've noticed a subtle movement when I slither about. I'd hate to think it's something we ate that's stuck inside us." she added. "If that's what it was then he'd have a problem too right?" Rose asked, the three looking toward Chris as he worked on the remaining frame of the stable. "Maybe we just getting fat fast. Remember he make that carrot dessert other night." Serenity recalled. "He said that was healthy!" Rose argued. "The way we're putting on weight I doubt it matters... Perhaps after you evolve you just gain weight far easier. A metabolism thing, I suppose. Bigger forms mean easier gain." Alicia sighed. "He say he not care if we gain, but still not want to be fat!" Serenity whined.

"At this rate the only way we'd likely lose wight is to stop eating altogether." Alicia point out. "No way!" Rose argued, making the girls jolt. "I-I mean, how do you avoid what he cooks?" she added, poking her fingers with a guilty look on her face. "We not ask him not to cook. That not fair for him. He need to eat too." Serenity reminded. "He should be gaining weight too. At least then it would be fair." Alicia scowled, looking toward him. "That make me annoyed too. We get bigger by day, he stay nice and skinny!" Serenity agreed. "I always thought males were the ones that got big easier... It's not fair." Rose nodded with a pouty looking scowl. Feeling a strange chill run up his spine, Chris paused with an "eh?" before looking back at the girls, causing them to jolt and look away while whistling. Tilting his head, he continued working on the stable while the girls faced him again. "Ah well, that's just our lot in life I suppose. Cursed to be miserable in some form or another." Alicia sighed. "That kinda hurts, in a true sort of way." Rose slumped. "It not fair. Want happy life and nice body." Serenity whined, all three focusing on their stomachs again. "Not much left girls! Just a few rods and stuff and I'll be done!" Chris called out, making the girls jolt as he waved with a smile. "You okay?" he asked, blinking at them as they smiled nervously and waved back. "W-We fine! All good!" Serenity assured. "The storage is ready!" Rose nodded. "Appreciate it! Just give me a few and I'll get this stuff shoved in and we'll be off." Chris grinned before turning his back, the girls slumping with another scowl. "Lucky male." Serenity grumbled. "I suppose moaning and groaning won't do us any good." Alicia sighed. "If we do he'll go on again about how okay it is to gain weight." Rose reminded with her arms crossed. "Men not understand at all." Serenity nodded with her own arms crossed.

"I can agree to that." Alicia nodded as well, she and Serenity looking at one another with an "Amen!" before jolting when realizing they were getting along again, quickly looking away from one another. Looking at the two, Rose giggled as they grumbled. "You know... In a way what Alicia did kinda did all of us some good." the rabbit point out. "What's that now?" Alicia asked, looking at her. "Well, think about it. Along the way, even Serenity was worried, so that proves she cares about you!" the rabbit affirmed. "You bring up nonsense." Serenity scowled. "Say what you want, we noticed how you looked when we were out looking for her. Deep down, you really are friends." Rose nodded with a smile, Serenity and Alicia looking at one another with a scowl. "I just say it was stupid stunt she pull. That all." Serenity affirmed. "Well, if you didn't care about her you wouldn't have lectured her." the rabbit winked. "You really getting on nerves..." Serenity warned, her eye twitching in agitation. Looking at the two, Alicia glanced away with an agitated look of her own. "...I suppose the concern IS appreciated though." she nodded, Serenity jolting before turning toward the snake. "Don't even. I not want thanks. I say it like it is. That was stupid." she affirmed. "I get the picture." Alicia grumbled, the two giving one another a scowl. "Fri--iends!" Rose teased, the two looking at the rabbit as she grinned. "You hold, I hit?" Serenity asked. "Not a bad idea..." Alicia nodded, making Rose step back with a nervous laugh and slight sweat on her face. Pausing for a moment, Serenity turned toward Chris, watching him silently before glancing at Alicia. "...Kind of talk about it before. I not like you, not much, but not want you dead, I guess." she nodded, the snake raising an eyebrow.

"We not like each other, guess that not mean we not family. Not all family like each other, right?" Serenity asked. "I suppose so." Alicia replied. "...Guess that not mean I not care a little bit. I say this much, it be more boring if you not around to fight. So like I say, not do stupid thing like that again. If you HAVE to die, I want to be one to do it." Serenity affirmed, punching her fist into her hand. "You really think you could finish ME off?" Alicia asked with a haughty laugh. "...Better me than ice I guess." Serenity replied before turning and looking away. "I just get annoyed you almost die for reason like that instead of me beating." she affirmed before both noticed Rose showing a grin from ear to ear. "Fam...!!" she started to say, only for Serenity and Alicia to cut her off with a simultaneous "Hush!!" in response, making the rabbit laugh. Scowling at her for a moment, Alicia sighed and shook her head before looking at Chris as he arranged the materials from the stable, folding the tarps up with a smirk before turning his head toward the sunlit scenery. "...It's a strange thing, isn't it?" the snake asked. "What talk about?" Serenity replied. "I'm speaking based purely on my species viewpoints mind you, but hear me out." Alicia replied. "Human beings are such weak and frail things. Often considered so far beneath us with little else but a desire for our power to make up for what they lack..." she began. "As we've been through and know all too well ourselves, more often than not we learn they seek only those with the greatest potential seen from the surface. What lies within is of little relevance to most. Such careless beings who see nothing beyond what lies on the outside unless they're looking at one of their own kind, and even then, how easy they are to treat one another exactly the same as they treat us, should their colors be different for instance..." she explained.

"Such a harsh, judgmental species humans are, to others and even toward their own kind. Such little interest in looking beyond the surface, lacking the patience needed to discover what lies within. And yet, despite how little we think of humans, here I am, after experiencing their cruelty first-hand, and here you are, having been through the same, worse even in some ways... And yet we've fallen for one of the very humans who we look at in such a manner." Alicia point out. "We've suffered at their hands, and yet we've still fallen for one of their own... It's odd how things work out in life, how time and fate can change things." she nodded. "Standing right there before us is a human we've seen sharing the same similarities as any other. We've witnessed his weakness, his frailness. We've seen how delicate he is, how vulnerable, and how he uses the power of others to do things he's incapable of on his own..." she continued. "He relies on others for strength, for safety. He reaches out to others for protection. And we've even seen him attack his own, without a shred of hesitation..." she went on. "Deep down, he's precisely the same... Prone to his species faults and limitations. And yet, somehow, he's different inside." the snake point out. "Unlike other humans, he has the patience to search for what lies beyond the surface of another. He can lay his eyes on the most miserable of Pokemon, and humans, and see something deep down others don't." the snake smiled. "He's certainly human, yet there's something he has that others sorely lack. If more were like him, perhaps this world, the relationship between our kinds, wouldn't be so bad... Maybe this hierarchy between us wouldn't exist." Alicia sighed.

"Wow... It's really something when you talk about him." Rose point out with a surprised look on her face. "Snake can be pretty deep when not hiding things." Serenity nodded. Looking at her, Alicia faced Chris again, going silent for a moment before closing her eyes. "I truly hate saying this, but... We do owe you greatly for helping us get past the boundaries between our kinds. Without you, I suppose we wouldn't have the relationship with him we do now." the snake confessed, Serenity blinking at her. "Thanks to those abilities of yours, we've been able to bridge the gaps between us, we can communicate in ways others aren't capable of doing because our minds are normally closed from one another... Although this is being said begrudgingly, I do... Appreciate... You sharing your power." she nodded, Serenity showing an uneasy look. "Sn-Snake creeping me out. Enough of thanking. Not right." she replied, waving her hands causing Alicia to scowl. "We not need psychic stuff to have relationship with him. Even without we wind up same way we are now, that how I feel. Not need words to let person know you love them, let know you want them. Not forget, we not always talk to him way we do now, and relationship we have not much different then either... He still love us then, and we still in love with him, right? I think way we are now would happen with or without using minds to talk." Serenity point out. "Well, still. I gave you my thanks, so there you have it... For concerning over me, I suppose." Alicia replied, facing away with an agitated look. "I tell you I not worried about you! Stupid snake..." Serenity argued, turning away with her arms crossed while Rose looked at the two and giggled with an "aww" from the scene.

Looking back at Chris, the girls watched as a sudden gust caught hold of the final tarp he'd been trying to fold, causing it to shoot open and wrap around him before sending him rolling back, panicking before popping his head out and letting out an "aw ma--an" kind of whine, making the girls giggle. "He human... That true. There times I wish he was Pokemon instead..." Serenity confessed before jolting. "Th-That stay between US!!" she snapped, pointing at the others. "N-No worries. I kinda picture it myself sometimes." Rose admit with a guilty smile. "I... Do as well. From time to time. He might make an impressive Serperior..." Alicia nodded, Serenity looking at the two with a scowl before nodding as well and looking at Chris again. "But... Still not mind that he human, not able to see him same way I see other humans. I admit, his body weak. He not mature and he not do so good when alone. He mess up, make mistakes. He clumsy and confusing sometimes. But... He have good heart inside. Things he do, all come from good place. Best heart I ever see. Inside, he strong as any male can be, no matter species." Serenity affirmed. "Even when he mad at us, when he yell, can feel it come from good place. Can feel he care... That what make him special too." she smiled. "It's strange but... When he was lecturing me, shouting his head off and stomping... It was somehow... Calming, reassuring even, in its own way. Having him so upset, screaming at the top of his lungs, it startled me. I wasn't ready to have that side of him hurled at me like that. And yet, despite how it hurt inside, at the same time... I felt an odd happiness deep down." Alicia confessed, the girls looking at her curiously before facing Chris as he finished with the tarp.

"I was screamed at a lot by that other human I was with... It was always scary, and hearing Chris yell at you like that just now, it was scary too. But... Not in the same way." Rose point out. "I think... It hurt, because he was hurting. He was scared, so it scared you too... Is that close?" the rabbit asked. "Yes... I do believe that's it." Alicia nodded. "It was like being hit with a wave of emotion really... Being yelled at like that, it was a new experience for me. Being touched by being lectured... It's a strange sensation that's hard to explain." the snake added. "There a difference in being yelled at because hate and because love. I think that why it feel so weird. Just used to being yelled at because of hate. That why it hard to get." Serenity point out. "I suppose so..." Alicia agreed as they watched Chris gather the tarps together in his arms and head toward them. "Quite the mate we've chosen... Even when we're being fussed at we can't help but love him all the more for it." the snake smirked. "He's really something. Even when he's all mad and scary he's still hunky." Rose giggled. "Hunky?" Serenity asked. "I-It's a word I've heard humans use... I think it means attractive?" the rabbit explained, getting an "ooohhh..." and a nod in response as Chris stumbled up between them, Serenity and Rose catching hold and helping him straighten before taking a few of the folded tarps. "Th-Thanks." he laughed nervously. "You be careful. Silly way to get hurt." Serenity lectured. "Though it was funny when the wind got the better of you." Rose laughed. "Beaten by a tarp, somehow that seems just like you." Alicia smirked. "Oh ha ha..." Chris scowled before looking at the snake. "Though if you're teasing me, guess that just means you're doing okay." he smiled. "Sorry again for... Blowing my top..." he apologized. "Don't worry about it." Alicia replied.

"What have you girls been doing over here? Talk about anything?" he asked, looking at the group curiously. "Not much. Just about what snake do." Serenity waved. "And how we feel about you." Rose smiled, making Chris blink and point at himself. "Yeah...? What did you say?" he asked, looking at the girls. "Not much. Just stuff." Serenity shrugged with a smirk. "Come on! I wanna know!" Chris scowled. "Don't worry! It was all good stuff!" Rose giggled. "What was it?!" Chris whined. "Oh come now, don't act like a child again." Alicia scowled. "I just wanna know what you said about me!" he complained. Looking at the girls, all three looked away from him and whistled casually, causing Chris to scowl in agitation. "Fine, don't tell me..." he grumbled before returning to the stall supplies, filling his arms with rods. "He's so--o fun to tease." Rose swooned. "It cute, that for sure. He get flustered and pouty easy." Serenity giggled. "...And we move on, just like that." Alicia sighed. "Well... I think that good thing." Serenity nodded. "He probably doesn't want to think about losing you any more than he has to... Now that you're safe and stuff, he just wants to have a good time again. He's really not the type that likes to stay upset." Rose agreed. "Being serious, you really shouldn't worry him like that again though... Or us. It's like Serenity said, we ARE family after all. None of us want anyone to die. Especially in a way like that. It's too depressing..." the rabbit affirmed with a nervous smile, Alicia looking down at her before facing Chris with a smirk. "Yes yes, I know. I'll keep that in mind." the snake assured. Watching as he returned with the rods, both Serenity and Rose started helping him bring the remaining supplies to the storage, working together to tuck everything in before finally closing it and looking around at their empty campsite.

"Okay, everything's packed. Fire's out and all. Dishes cleaned and stored too... Just gotta get Rapidash latched onto the carriage." Chris nodded. "You girls ready to set off then? By the time the sun sets, we're finally gonna be outta the mountains and back in another room of our own!" he grinned. Looking around, Serenity and Rose nodded. "I admit, not really in hurry to be back with bunch of humans... But do want to see what big fuss about festival about." Serenity smiled. "Me too... Wonder what kinda places there might be to eat." Rose giggled before all three jolt, their stomachs suddenly rumbling making them sweat slightly. "Uhh..." Chris muttered, smiling nervously. "Y-You ignore that!! Not hear anything!!" Serenity snapped. "O-Okay, okay!" he panicked, waving his hands as the girls blushed slightly. "Y-You know, if you're hungry, there's still some stuff left you could snack on." he point out. "W-Well..." Rose muttered, poking her fingers. "We're quite alright, thank you." Alicia replied. "We go now." Serenity added, coaxing Rose into following, the two climbing and sitting in the drivers seat. Letting out a sigh, Chris nodded with an "okay then..." before latching Rapidash in place. Once he'd double checked everything, Chris was about to join the others in the seat before their stomachs growled again, Serenity and Rose clutching their stomachs with an embarrassed look. "...Snacks?" he asked with a nervous laugh, the two begrudgingly responding with "snacks" and nodding with a defeated groan. Returning to the storage, he rummaged until pulling out the bags of remaining Pokepuffs, showing a smirk before holding them up. "Ali--icia!" he called, the snake looking out the window curiously before her eyes widened, the door flying open before her vines shot out, snatching several bags and shutting the door again, leaving Chris blinking in surprise.

"Y-You girls really do love these things..." he smiled with slight sweat on his face, shutting the storage and returning to the seat, only for the girls to reach down and snatch the remaining bags just as fast. "I not see these!!" Serenity grinned before tossing several in her mouth. "I had them hidden pretty well." Chris smirked. "I figured they'd come in handy if you needed something a little last minute to tide you over." he added. "So--o good." Rose shuddered, stuffing her cheeks full of the treats. "Don't choke yourself now." Chris cautioned while climbing up between the girls. "Alright... Everybody ready?" he asked, looking at the two. "Weady!" Serenity replied with her mouth full and hand raised. "Me two!" Rose added, her hand raised as well and mouth just as full causing crumbs to escape her lips. "Th-That's kinda gross..." Chris replied, the rabbit covering her mouth and facing forward out of embarrassment, giving a muffled "sowwy" in response. "Okay then, how about...?!!" he asked, his eyes shooting open as he looked at Alicia through the window behind them, her head tilt back with an empty bag dangling over her mouth, tossing it aside before she started pouring a second bag of puffs in her mouth. "D-Damn..." he muttered, the snake pausing with a jolt as she noticed him looking at her, quickly lowering the bag. "D-Dwon't stare!! If's wude!!" she snapped, crumbs escaping her stuffed mouth as well making her panic and turn away. "Y-You girls are really getting one hell of an appetite..." Chris point out, facing forward before noticing the others giving him a scowl. "Wh-What?" he asked nervously. "Try to say we eat too much?" Serenity asked. "Yeah! What are you hinting at?!" Rose added. "N-Nothing!! You're just eating more, that's all! It's not bad!" Chris assured with slight sweat on his face. "You try to say we eating too much, aren't you?!" Serenity asked, leaning toward him. "Go ahead! You wanna say we're pigs, right?!" Rose added, leaning toward him as well.

"Wh-Why is everybody getting mad at ME all of a sudden?!" Chris panicked, looking at the two as their gazes made him feel as though he were shrinking between them until they finally faced away and started tossing the Puffs in their mouths again. "Not talk about way we eat. It YOUR fault!" Serenity affirmed. "M-My fault?" Chris asked, blinking at her. "Telling us it's fine to eat! Fine to gain weight!" Rose point out. "I-It is!" he assured with a nervous smile. "That because you not care!!" Serenity snapped. "S-Say what?!" Chris jolt, the two giving him another stare and growling. "Males..." they both replied simultaneously before facing away again and eating more despite their attitudes. Looking at the two, Chris let out a groan while looking at Rapidash, the horse giving him a sigh before facing forward and shaking his head with a grunt. "I really don't get girls at all..." Chris sighed, slumping before lightly snapping the reins and clicking his tongue, making Rapidash finally start pulling them along. "Man... Here I was thinking it'd just be a casual ride through the border. Hard to believe all the stuff that happened along the way." Chris laughed nervously. "Instead of a simple mountain trip, we had people from some other world drop in on us, we got launched around the world and into space, I got to meet HIM of all people..." he added. "Still not believe we go to space like that." Serenity point out. "Lets not forget all of the humans waiting for you past the border. You spent an entire day, well into the hours of the night talking to people from coast to coast." Alicia chimed in. "Y-Yeah, that too..." Chris nodded, scratching his cheek warily. "Getting to see space was really nice... But I still think our time at the bath place was nicer." Rose smiled.

"R-Really? You liked that place better than space?" Chris asked in surprise. "W-Well, it's not just the bath part that was good... I mean, the dates and stuff, all of it was good." the rabbit explained, poking her fingers with a slight blush causing him to blink at her before blushing slightly himself and looking forward with a smile. "That makes me feel kinda nice." he replied as they rounded a curve in the road. Looking at him for a moment, the girls faced one another before looking forward as well. "...I think I like time at bath better than space too." Serenity nodded, Chris looking at her curiously. "Seeing other planets was impressive, but... I suppose it did lack a certain something our time at the bath provided." Alicia agreed. "...You mean sex?" Chris asked, causing the girls to scowl with a collective "NO!!" in frustration, making him laugh and apologize. "Though... That WAS kinda part of it..." Rose admit, causing the girls to stutter and groan, unable to deny it yet not wanting to admit it making Chris snicker, Serenity giving him a soft punch in the arm. "Try to say nice thing, why you ruin?" she scowled. "I'm sorry, I won't again. Go ahead, say what you wanted to say." Chris smiled. "Just try to say time with you at bath was good. When spend time with you, it make happier than anything could... I like when get time alone with you." Serenity explained. "I-It was that good?" Chris asked in surprise. "It was rather touching how you took the time to plan something like that for us... Not only that, but to plan something for us individually and with such detail... A child of a man you might be, but you're certainly still a man." Alicia smiled. "Th-Thanks?" Chris replied, unsure of how to take the compliment.

"I just think stuff you plan for us, things you do for us... Those things are more special than anything." Rose smiled, causing Chris to blush again and grin. "I'm better than a trip through space... That's gonna stick with me the rest of the day." he replied. "...It nice, what you say to snake while ago too." Serenity point out. "What's that?" he asked, tilting his head. "You ask what we talk about before we leave camp... That it." she explained. "Yeah, you said we were more important than your staff and stuff, and everything on it is as important as it comes... You said we're even more important than a gift from... You know." Rose added, pointing up. "Well, remember, I did say you girls are a gift from Him too. Him and Ninetales, really. And if I gotta choose which gifts are the most important of all, of course I'm gonna pick you." Chris grinned. "I just hope He isn't too mad I almost lost that medal already though." he laughed nervously. "I've got lots of gifts from lots of people, this coat, the medal from Smith and stuff. But no matter what, the greatest gifts of all are you girls. You'll always be the most important thing in this ol' heart of mine!" he affirmed, patting his chest. Looking at Chris for a moment, Serenity and Rose suddenly gave him a hug, making him jolt and stiffen in surprise. "U-Uhh..." he muttered, blushing slightly while Rapidash glanced back with a smirk. Keeping their arms around him, Chris awkwardly steered the carriage along while sitting in their embrace, the two girls showing a silent smile while Alicia showed a smirk of her own within the carriage. "A childish man, yet still a man..." she muttered quietly with a nod. "Pardon me for interrupting." she called out, causing the girls to jolt and release Chris as he looked back.

"S-Sorry about that. Did watching us upset you?" he apologized with a guilty smile. "No, not particularly." the snake shook her head. "Perhaps this is a bit random but..." Alicia added, pausing while thinking her words over.. "Thank you, for taking me in." she nodded, causing Chris to blink at her with a surprised "eh?" while the girls showed the same curious look. "F-For real? Why thank me for that?" he asked while pointing at himself. "I'm the one who should be still thanking you for sticking around, right? In a different sort of way, I've caused you just as much trouble, what with all the stuff that happens." he reminded. "True, we go through much together." Alicia nodded. "However, it's thanks to everything that has happened, and thanks to you, that we've been able to grow as we have. Through you and all the going's on we deal with, both in body and spirit we've been able to grow, to change... I doubt we'd have accomplished all we have and be who we are now had it not been for you and sharing that curse of yours. So as I said, thank you." Alicia repeat. "W-Well, uh, gee... No problem?" Chris replied, scratching his cheek again with a shy smile. "I feel same! I strong as I am now thanks to you and what happen to us! I who I am because I grow up with you. I not be any happier, that how I feel." Serenity smiled. "Same here! Life is never easy really no matter who you're with or where you go... But since we're together and with you, having a hard life really feels fun and exciting! This curse thing... It's a challenge, but not a bad one really. In fact, it makes me feel kinda proud that we've made it through everything! Makes you feel tough!" Rose grinned while raising her arm and patting it.

Looking at the rabbit, Chris smirked and rubbed her on the head. "You girls are really something." he chuckled, turning to Serenity causing her to jolt and cover her head. "No touch!!" she ordered, not wanting her hair messed up. Showing a smirk, Chris replied with an "okay then" before suddenly poking the tip of her horn instead, letting out a playful "boop!" as Serenity jolt and flushed wide eyed before he started wiggling his finger on it, letting out a "tickle tickle tickle!" and grinning as the Pokemon stuttered and shuddered before jumping out of the seat with a shout, covering her horn while hovering along next to them. "Th-Th-Th-That WRONG!!" she snapped. "Aww, but I was having fun!" Chris grinned. "You're such a pervert." Alicia scowled. "Maybe, but isn't that why you love me too?" he asked, giving Alicia a wink causing her to jolt and blush. "I get you for that..." Serenity warned. "I'll be looking forward to it." Chris teased, making Serenity grumble as she slowly lowered back onto the seat, warily sitting next to him while keeping her horn covered. "I watching you." she added. "Well, I am handsome. It's hard not to." he teased again, causing Serenity to give him a pop on the back of the head as he laughed. "Okay, okay. No more." he assured with his hand up. "That was a naughty trick." Rose point out with a giggle. "I just like having a lil' fun with you girls is all." Chris smiled, giving Rose a nudge and getting one back from the rabbit before turning toward Serenity, finding her poking her horn with a blush before freezing and looking at Chris, causing him to show a smug grin. "Sh-Shut up!! Not say word!! You shut up!!" she snapped, giving him a push. "Not saying anything." Chris replied, raising his hand before snickering while Alicia sighed and shook her head.

"That's one very good reason I'm actually glad we've got walls between us." the snake point out. "Hey, don't tempt me! I can stop the carriage anytime you know..." Chris warned, turning back with a mischievous grin. "Those walls also mean you'd be trapped inside." he point out. "Don't you dare..." Alicia scowled with a slight blush. "You're a little red, you sure you don't want me to come in there?" Chris teased, causing Alicia to jolt and shake her head. "St-Stop acting like that!" she snapped, turning all the redder. "We fell in love with a pervert." Rose point out with a nervous smile. "Wo---oah now, I know YOU'RE not one to talk!" Chris replied, causing the rabbit to flush. "I-I'm not!!" she panicked. "Uh huh... I remember what you did to me..." he reminded, hinting at what happened in the woods making the rabbit stutter. "Wait... What she do? What happen?" Serenity asked. "N-Nothing!! He's just being weird!!" Rose panicked, waving her hands. "Yeah right... You animal." Chris grinned slyly, making Rose hide her face in her ears out of humiliation. "Sto--op!!" she whined as he laughed, Serenity showing an agitated scowl while Alicia raised an eyebrow. "Rose? An animal?" the snake asked. "I not see that... Way she is? You joke." Serenity added, squinting her eyes at the rabbit. "Mmm... Well, maybe." Chris shrugged before smirking as he nudged Rose, making her groan embarrassed. "...Now want to know what happen." Serenity muttered. Turning back to her, Chris noticed the suspicious look on her face, catching her off guard by giving Serenity a sudden kiss on the lips making her freeze up wide eyed and flush as he pulled away. "I was just kidding around, forget about it." he assured, the Pokemon's lips remaining puckered before she faced forward and fidget. "Wh-Whatever..." she muttered, glancing at Chris with a scowl. "Pervert is right." she added.

"You know, I think that's a nickname I can live with. It's better than hopeless!" Chris laughed, Serenity and Rose both giving him a nudge while scowling. "Hopeless better than pervert..." Serenity point out. "To you maybe, but to me it just means we have more fun with each other, right?" he asked, leaning toward her and giving his eyebrows a wave. "You know you like what I do..." he affirmed, making Serenity flush again. "Sh-Shut up..." she muttered. "I didn't hear a no." Chris teased with another smug grin. "Sh-Shut up!!" Serenity snapped making him laugh again. "I love you girls so much." he replied, looking at Rose as she peeked at him from behind her ears, getting a flirty wink from Chris making the rabbit jolt and hide her face again. "You're such a dog." Alicia scowled. Looking back, he let out a seductive "woof" noise in response, smirking as the snake turned a slight red herself again. "D-Dirty dog." she muttered. "Only for you." Chris grinned, the snake letting out an "ugh" in response and rolling her eyes before looking out a different window and muttering in her own embarrassed way. "Haaah... Okay, guess I've had my fun. No more flirting." he promised with a hand raised. "Sorry for messing with you girls. I was just teasing a little." he apologized. "N-Not worry. It okay." Serenity replied, fidgeting slightly. "Y-Yeah..." Rose added, moving her ears away from her face while fidgeting as well. "Huh... I really got you girls worked up, didn't I?" Chris asked with a chuckle, both responding with an embarrassed "shut up" in response. Unable to resist showing another grin, he pulled both girls in close, giving them a hug against his sides. "You know you girls are the best, right?" he asked, both nodding with an "mm" in response.

"I know I can be kinda immature, but thanks for putting up with me. You really do make me feel pretty good, you know that?" Chris added. "Luckiest guy ever... A dork who's got the best Gardie and Lop in the world tagging along with him." he praised, looking back as Alicia glanced at him. "And the best Serperior too. Don't worry, I'm not leaving you out." he grinned. "I-I didn't say a word." the snake replied, looking out the window again with a small scowl and a blush. "I've got a pretty sweet life." he nodded as Serenity and Rose put their arms around him. "We have sweet life too. Even if you are pervert." Serenity giggled while poking Chris's stomach. "Only for you girls, like I said." Chris smirked, rubbing his nose against Serenity's before they looked onward at the path ahead. Making their way along, the group spent the day passing by the mountains that remained along the border, enjoying the last of the silent scenery around them before arriving at their bustling destination. Eventually, the sun finally started setting behind the final row of mountains before them, and as they climbed a final hill, the group noticed a light glowing in the distance. "What that...?" Serenity asked, squinting her eyes. "Dunno... We'll see in a minute." Chris answered, squinting his eyes as well while Rose and Alicia did the same. Making their way further upward, they were finally able to make out a large sign at the side of the road, carved of wood and lit up by display lights as well as the festive decorations blinking around it. "Oohh... That pretty." Serenity muttered, looking at the tiny lights and the wreaths lining the sign. "Look at those shiny round thingies." Rose point out, noticing the various colored ornaments hanging from the wreaths.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Welcome To Yulema! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoPEMthR6pk Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

"Rather ritzy decor for a piece of wood." Alicia added. "Looks like we're finally here." Chris smirked, looking ahead at the still setting sun. "And right on time too..." he nodded. "What it say?" Serenity asked, pointing at the sign herself. "Oh! Right..." Chris replied while turning toward it. "Welcome to Yulema City, home of the Aurora Festival, a place where legends gather and dreams come true." he read. "Ohh, that sounds neat." Rose giggled. Looking ahead, they could see more light shining skyward from the other side of the hill. "The city must be just past this climb." Chris grinned. "Well, lets be on our way then!" Alicia replied. "Right." he nodded. Clicking his tongue and giving the reins a soft snap, Rapidash started climbing upwards once more, grunting with his nostrils flaring in pride from nearing the finish line after having successfully pulled the group through the mountainous border on his own. As they neared the top of the path however, a loud cry suddenly echoed down from above, making the group jolt and pause while looking around. "Wh-What that?" Serenity asked. "That sounded... Big." Rose added before Chris's Pokedex started going off. Reaching into his coat pocket, Chris pulled out the device as it flipped open. "Legendary Pokemon in range!" it revealed just before they heard the cry again. "Is it that Lala being again?" Alicia asked. "Lunala you mean? Doesn't sound like it." Chris replied as the cry echoed a third time, his Pokedex letting out sounds as it scanned the noise. "Legendary Pokemon confirmed, Ho-Oh, the Rainbow Pokemon!" the device exclaimed, Chris's eyes shooting open before the cry echoed yet again, this time much closer.

Quickly halting the carriage and shooting up, Chris looked around while the girls looked at him curiously before standing as well and having a look around, with Rose climbing onto Chris's shoulders for a better look as well. Suddenly, Alicia started panicking within the carriage, looking out the back window and stuttering nervously before shouting "duck!!" and lowering within. "Wh-Wha?" Chris asked, only for the same cry to ring in their ears from just over their heads as a colossal blast of wind hit the carriage, making it rock and nearly knocking them out of the drivers seat. Panicking, Chris held onto Rose and reached out toward Serenity, snatching her hand as she nearly fell off the side before pulling her up against him with the group clinging to one another with their eyes shut until the winds died down. After a moment, they slowly opened their eyes and looked around warily. "Wh-What was THAT?!" Rose asked. "A-Apparently it was Ho-Oh..." Chris muttered as they slowly sat, looking around cautiously before spotting something glowing above. Watching the object, it slowly waft in the breeze toward them before landing on the seat between him and Rose, the two blinking at it while Serenity leaned over Chris for a look as well. "Is that a...?" Rose asked, Alicia having a look as well through the window. "A feather?" the snake added as Chris picked it up and looked it over. "P-Pretty feather..." he muttered as it shined a golden color. Looking toward the top of the hill, he handed the feather to Serenity before ordering Rapidash to hurry along. Making their way toward the top, the light grew brighter and brighter until they finally reached the peak of the climb, making Rapidash and the group freeze in surprise as Yulema City shimmered before them at the base of the border.

With buildings spanning as far as the eye could see, and each covered in lights as much as the other, the group found themselves awe stricken by the festive paradise before them, with even Alicia looking on in wide-eyed wonder. In the sky above the city, Rose quickly point out what appeared to be Ho-Oh, already far off in the horizon and glowing like a star in the sunset. Letting out another noise, Chris's Pokedex detailed the legendary bird further. "Ho-Oh's feathers glow in seven colors depending on the angle at which they are struck by light. These feathers are said to bring happiness to the bearers." the device point out as Serenity held up the feather curiously. "It will reveal itself before a pure-hearted Trainer by shining its bright, rainbow-colored wings." the device added, the statement causing Chris to suddenly smirk smugly. "See? I'm pure hearted." he point out, the girls scowling at him collectively with a simultaneous "Yeah right!" making him let out an agitated "Hey..." in response, looking at the girls before he snickered and started laughing, with them doing the same. "Well, the sign DID say legends gather here." he point out. "Didn't think we'd have another one run into us so soon though... Or uh, over us." he smiled nervously. "So this thing make you happy?" Serenity asked, holding the feather out. "I guess so... It's definitely pretty, that's for sure." Chris nodded, taking it for another look. "We got a present from Ho-Oh!" Rose giggled. "Yeah... But I kinda have all the happiness I need already." Chris smiled, Serenity and Rose letting out an "aww" from the remark. "Maybe because I have so much, it means I should share some happiness with others while I'm here..." he added, holding the feather up to the sunset making it shimmer.

"Try not to go around playing everyone's saint again..." Alicia replied. "Well, if folks need help they tend to show up without me having to do anything really. I don't have a problem with it at all." Chris smirked. "Alright then! On to Yulema City!" he grinned, clicking his tongue and having Rapidash begin their trek down the mountainside to the base where the Aurora Festival awaited them...