Folfy Tails Chpt One

Tenke sensed the discomfort from the red fox and stepped back with his wolfish ears laying flat against his head, giving off a small whimper. " everything alright hun?" he asked before being led into the entry.

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #18- Circles Within Circles

_wednesday, june 20th_ sam gwosdz (red fox, gm, wil) held a glass of soda in his right paw as he looked around at all the other party guests, merrily chatting away about whatever was on their minds.

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A Love Unlikely Chapter One.

And lets face it, i wasn't exactly the war type i was a red fox. i had bright green eyes and snow white fur that covered my whole body. my father was a red fox as well but he had completely black fur and golden eyes.

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Tail Underground: A contribution

Leaning on the table and staring at will was a white ram that stared at the petite red fox much as a predator would stare at a tasty meal. will felt slightly uncomfortable under the wanting gaze.

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Bigger, Badder... Crazier

Vince (red fox) & sam (red wolf)- cruise directors for a ship, that mostly holds gay couples, off the coast of canada. "i wasn't sure about doing this at first." vince says.

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A Silent Soul- Chapter 3

Her mother, a red fox just like rachel, slowly approached us upon seeing me. "you look so much like her..." she commented before wrapping me in another hug just as rachel had.

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Furries University Chapter 4: What's this now?

"wow" gasped ozwot "this is what a red foxes arm looks like. i've really never seen a red foxes body before. i've only seen ring tails, fennec, gray, and arctic. your claws are long".

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Star Fox: Inertia - Ch. 9 of 12

The red fox gave it a firm shake. her glove felt almost hot. she must have its internal heater cranked. "fox mccloud. unemployed mercenary." a subtle twinkle of amusement entered her features.

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Wolf's Tickle Torure

- said the red fox then red took a feather and green took a paint brush. the foxes started to tickling the big toes. the wolf tried to hold the laught bitting his lips but suddenly he started to giggling.

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Moving On. (Chapter 2)

This fox was peculiar to damien, as he was used to your average red fox, arctic fox, etc... this one, was black. he was all black, except the tip of his tail and ears.

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Creative Writing Prompt #2: Nature Scene

_sitting under a weeping willow tree_ a small, sleeping red fox sits beneath the weeping willow tree, its fur a vivid orange of captured sunlight resting beneath the soft green of the tree's branches.

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Identity: Chapter Two

The muscular red fox who seemed to be in charge of the investigation was still there now, but the pretty young coyote, the tomboyish vixen, and the lanky black wolf had departed long ago.

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