Dreams of Edan (prologue)

life, it's like i'm living my life all over again, but the weird thing is i age normally, and when i go to the new worlds..no one recognizes me, no one even knows me, i honestly don't understand it, why is this happening to me, when will it end, am i going

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Creation Story from The Song of Hannari

And it was then given, from among the gods, to balilikei, he of the lowest branch, power over all creatures; and all creatures were made mortal and impermanent, that new life might grow in their stead.

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1989 The Year of the RED an alternative cold war.

Note to all,i'm working on making other alternate history stories in the future,i'm not going to continue a new life i might remake it to current standerds.


Pleasure: Prologue

I could finally start a new life. though, i didn't know the true meaning of my thoughts, and i wouldn't, till october the 5th. _august 11th, 2005_ _hello, i'm writing this from the car of my grandfather, setsuna! i'm finally in america!

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Vignette: Your Unfriendly Neighborhood Ghost Goat

Memories of a past life regained were often lost; memories of his new life were fleeting; even his basic working memory was garbage. michael--or whatever he was--was consumed by a need to move on from this pathetic course.

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S1 Ep3 Escaping Hell

#3 of the rebels of gaia (season 1) new life on earth? the wolves put their plan into action to escape their homeworld, they take the needed things and meet up at moonstone castle's ship bay at 12:45 am in the morning.

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Chance or Fate

It was as though the gods had breathed new life into their very souls. they left through the back, content to leave their companions behind as only their other half mattered now.

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Story time with Kalokin

New sparks fell, of softer kind, to generate new life, pain and sorrow, endless theirs, suffering was rife, but carve a life and home they did, despite unending strife.

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The Deer Trance

They walked off deeper into the forest, both starting a new life.

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Running Tail Excerpt

It didn't matter anyway, none of that existed, this was the start of my new life. i might be on the run, but i was free. and free was all that mattered.

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Vox chronicles - Prologue

But from this destruction came new life. the animals of our world evolved at a staggering rate the gene bombs effects reversed; in a matter of years civilisation began to form various species came together as they salvaged the relics of the human race.

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