Dreams of Edan (prologue)

Story by Kile johnson on SoFurry

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This is an interesting but also weird idea I came up with, also sorry if the writing seems a bit confusing, I wanted it to be first person.

A special thanks to :GooBadgericon: @GooBadger for the title, I really appreciate it, maybe the title is forshadowing something ^_^

"Dreams of Eden"

"So um...*sigh*... I guess I should start at the beginning, my life is..not one that most people would understand..well technically no one understands it, one morning, I can't remember when or where or even the year....I was.....I was driving to work in the morning, I had just left home, said goodbye to my wife and daughter, they both made me cookies for lunch.....*sigh*..... I um.... Told them both I loved them so much and that I would be back right after work....gosh I wish that was true, I was driving towards my work when a semi truck...ran a red light, it hit my truck and as soon as it did..I woke up..in my house..on my bed, it was a dream...I wish it was a dream, when I got up and ready for work I noticed that my wife and daughter weren't home..they usually went for walks in the mornings so I just assumed that's where they we're..I drove to work like I normally did and...when I got there everything seemed normal, but that all changed when my coworker/friend came up to me and asked if I could cover his afternoon shift.. I told him I couldn't because I had a date with my wife around 5:30 pm, what he told me next was the most terrifying thing anyone has ever told me, he said...*sigh*... He said...

"You have a wife? Oh my gosh man I didn't know that, congratulations, why didn't you tell me that? Why wasn't I invited to the wedding?"

"What scared me the most was...he was the first person I invited to my wedding, I was in shock and confused at first but just played it off as a joke..why couldn't it have been a joke? As soon as I got home I noticed my wife and daughter weren't home, so I waited..and waited....and waited......still nothing after 8 hours, the next morning I called the police to do a missing persons report, they asked for names and I gave told them the names, but...*sigh*...I'll never forget what he said next

"I'm sorry sir, those names don't appear to be in our file"

"As soon as he said that I nearly passed out, how could they not be in the files? I knew them, they're my family, I just talked with them recently"

"The officer asked if I was ok but...I was in too much shock to even respond, I ran out of there as quickly as I could, I ran home and cried all day and night, wondering what exactly had happened"

"It turns out that...every time I...pass away, I wake up in a new world, with a new life, it's like I'm living my life all over again, but the weird thing is I age normally, and when I go to the new worlds..no one recognizes me, no one even knows me, I honestly don't understand it, why is this happening to me, when will it end, am I going to be stuck here forever? I'm so confused, I feel like I'm getting crazier ever second, my head feels like it's gonna explode....*sigh*.....it's like a nightmare that I'll never wake up from, you probably won't believe me..no one ever does, but if you do believe me..I would be happy to tell you more of my story"