Foxy and Kitty- Episode 1

His large fluffy tail with its rose-red furr and black tip swayed with his gait, poking gently out of his black baggy pants.

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Invention of the Week #4: Transformifier

Lisa's face pushed outward into a snout while her nose became small and brown at the tip of it. her hair retracted back into her fur while her ears became circular and moved to the top of her head.

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Steelfang: A Tale of Redwall Chapter 8

Ingral placed his sword's tip flat over the fox's shoulder close to his neck, a mockery of a knighting ceremony. he blew rainwater from his nose tip and blinked it from his eyelashes.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 2

Banno lifted his tongue and pressed the tip against the roof of his mouth, working it backwards, sweeping it left and right, looking for ander's little goodbye present.

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Jacks Tail: Chapter-7 Free Day

So much so that the tip of my tail tip is laying in front of my nose. the image of what i possibly look like is some over-sized dog sleeping. yawning i uncurl myself with a good stretch before hunger makes itself known to me.

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My muzzle was glowing by the time he finally finished 'giving' me the tip. [] no, actually that kind of thing is considered to be part of the job. the owner gets a cut from all those tips, of course.


Downstream Portland

Everyone got a free skydiving lesson and tips on how to not eat pizza blindfolded. with a little encouragement from zack, a new alliance was confirmed.

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Eighteen

He threw himself forward, landing inside and rolling so that he collided with the far wall hard enough to nearly tip the entire thing over.

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Torn Apart

I dyed tips of my ears a dark blue fading into the black fur on my head and back. just like my tail which had a similar dark blue tip, which i thought complemented the rest of my white and black tail quite nicely.

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my new life

She had long pale blond hair and she was wearing her favorite hat to hide her pink tipped ears. i had to wear my favorite hat, a straw hat that looked kind of like a fedora, to hide my blue tipped ears.


Tales in Vladini

White tipped ears flicking as he looked around the fairly quiet dining area of the inn. cold blue eyes glancing over the other patrons, before meeting the gaze from the cow who was cleaning up one of the tables.

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