Prologue: Battle for Lasri

Her eyes darted around hearing the clanking of armor and seeing lasri guards run past against the tide of civilians. she wasn't about to stick around and find out which idiotic arsonist was going to get a sword through the chest.


The First Stand (Boldly Going Forward Preview)

All that is left is a single taskforce to hold back the tide. but colt has his own internal debate to solve as well. but as the otter heads into battle, he will have to choose between safety and going forward.

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The Fall of the Rubberbirds

They destroyed his ship and rubberbirds with such ease, such speed, the overbird was not too proud to admit that this unstoppable tide terrified him.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 87

The poor souls who had tried to stand up to them were valiantly trying to push back the tide, but it was no use. they were slowly being crushed between the wall and the advancing flood.

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Dreamweaver chapter 1; Rain

He was swept away in the tides of his own confusion.

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Chapter 14: Out of Love

Keeno had succeeded in grabbing wynn by the arm and yanking her around, only to receive such tidings. now free of his grasp, wynn took off running again. keeno chucked his spear to the ground in a sudden flash of anger and pelted hard after wynn.

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Prologue: Troubled Dreams

The tide of battle began to turn, and the black spider-craft was pushed to evade more and more, yellow lasers firing less and less as the pilot gave it fewer and fewer openings.

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High Tail High Chapter 4: New Conflict

The rain dripped down across them in swift tides. mark leaned forward and kissed david's soft, sweet lips. the blue-green eyes sparked with revolation and warmth before shutting on their own.

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When he got there, the tide was low. the air was moist and smelled fresh. the waves sounded rhythmically, every second or two a new wave crashed to shore. he had always loved it here. ever since he was a child he had liked playing in the sand and water.

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Silly Humans, Card Games are for Foxes--Chapter 4

The tide had turned, the vulpine was now in the lead, and had control of the board. "i'll set one card face down and end my turn." the bear drew, hoping for the card to be a game changer... it wasn't. "good game."

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Slime Story: Unfinished

But unknown to her, as she slept the tide washed her ashore onto a deserted beach. as the 2 suns rose, she woke to find herself on dry land. she got up and was a bit weak from being in the water so long.

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Bushido White: A Poke'mon Story

They were still, and the static between them was like crashing tides. "ey! the shorter one shouted, his feet like the master's "aqua jet". he closed the distance with a thrust that the taller one parried with... "ey! toh!"

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