Pillars of Folly 2 - Setting up Shop
The world was narrowing, his strength was failing... he was going to suffocate!
Wind of Change: Chapter 35
As calventis (a scylla) and dajar (wearing enviro-suit) were impervious to radiation, they did not get major radiation sickness, though calventis sustained bruises due to the ship making evasive maneuvers, and dajar's suit system was damaged and he almost suffocated
Pokemon - TOTGM - After Story Special - 17
"you wanted my help, you gonna let me try or you gonna watch him suffocate to death?" he asked without sugarcoating the situation.
Everwinter Ch28: Adventure of Two
It dripped from the roof, closed in to suffocate him, and the once bright corridor darkened. crystals of ice formed in the air as he drew breath, and like a flowing sap it washed over his head.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book II Chapter 14
Also no flame breaths, as you already noticed the air is pretty stale here, you don't want to suffocate after all" he looked at the fiery dragon " i don't know how you will manage kiddo since you are practically a walking fire but if it were up to me i would
Balto 4 (Pt. 2)
Jarrod dropped his rifle, hurrying to try to get the heavy body off of storm before the dog either suffocated or was crushed. his remaining dogs and phoenix, who was recovered from the hit he'd taken, joined their master.
To be an Assassin 2
She leaned her head against the ha'trin, her sobs so fierce she thought surely she would suffocate, and truthfully at that moment she wished for it.
What's the Matter with Oswald?
His hair was a maelstrom of curls and mashed razor wire pricks, body suffocated by his black dress suit fit for a ballroom. he wondered if his friend's earnest smile was his psychosis before remembering he did not, in fact, have psychosis.
Daemon - Chapter 13 (The Beast of Banuke)
The blood-lust poured off of the beast so thickly that i felt almost suffocated by it!
Your Possible Pasts 8 - Your Time Is Up
She swung down all four arms upon his face, pounding two fists into his head with two knuckles crumpling into his blowhole to make him briefly suffocate, the alien queen grabbing his head with her other two arms to stifle his breaths and jam a finger deeper
The Great War,Hell Division, Heroes Of The Dovahreich Chapter 4
He began search for an exit as he was in danger to suffocated and die.
A New Dawn - Chapter 21 (The Wager)
It was so strong now that it nearly suffocated barnus's. suddenly i realised just how strong tau'ruc really was, and it didn't surprise me when i saw him slowly over power barnus, breaking the hold he had with his legs enough to slip his head free.