Shadow Warriors: The Great Enemy Ch.1
Master lennix, the man who rescued me from the village, and trained me to become a shadow warrior. i owe him my life, which he gave me this. to us, master lennix is more than just master.
Journey to Another World pt2 ch51
(along the way he rescues a ralts from a mightena that becomes his first traveling companion, who he name jenavee, later he rescues an abandoned riolu from it's trainer and come to call her rena, yet even further along they come to a river and come to meet
Black Magic - Chapter Nine: To A Safer Place
You know what i mean, right, why try to rescue someone when they're not in jeopardy?!" i eyed dominique furiously.
Where Courage Lies: The Lone Dragon
The little creature was just grateful that it had been rescued. rathian stared up at the mouse who had freed him. at first, he had been skeptical about his intentions, but not anymore.
Bleeding Fire: Burning Hearts
"well besides being rescued thats how me and chris got here," melissa stated moving her hand further up my leg, causing me to jump, "and please do tell how she rescued you." i started the tale with a crack. i swallowed deeply and started again.
Exiles of Mossflower: Chapter Three
"come with me, and i will show you how your friend jans can be rescued," she released broggen's shoulder and held out her paw to him.
Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 6
So as long as i mend the wounded nomads, bow to his will and abandon hope of rescue; i am kept starving to a degree and allowed freedom to move within the camp and tend to my needs. i'd rather see him hang from the neck slowly.
A Foreign Home
"well, we don't have to slaughter to rescue them," said buris. "all they need to do is escape. how we are able to pull that off is still up to debate." "hmm," atheos hummed to himself.
Chapter Eight The First 10,000
Now as for the rescue team, i will need some time to assemble one with the skills necessary for the job," said robert. "you can count me as a member. no one runs off with my child and gets away with it," said sethi-arh.
A Dragon's Tale Genesis-Chapter 8-Eastern Ally
If we heard a helicopter,we would be unable to signal for rescue. not only that,but vc could be lurking anywhere in the jungle.
D.E1 Part II Epilogue
I have faith that those evos will be rescued alive, but now we have equally important matters to attend to. we need to make a recount of the damages, heal the wounded and rebuild.
The Surge: An Argon Story
I said watching as a rescue team launched from the personnel transport and began scanning the area for any survivors. one minute went by very slowly when there was combat involved. "raise the shield!