Journey to another world pt2 ch72
Being as i was so rusty with my blade (pun not intended), i decided to spend a couple hours per night to sharpen my edge and get the kinds out of my routine (and trust me, there were a lot of kinks by now).
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.05: A Kirin's Origin - Ep02
Panja smugly smirked, as hazard rolled his eyes at his shameless pun. "that's remarkable... but i don't have any special powers like that, so you must be mistaken," sasuga questionably said. "yours might not have awakened yet.
Bowser Jr.'s punching bag
The prince laughs at his own pun. despite the initial doubts, sheldon seems to be up to the task at hand. he's not going to complain about getting punched, but he's clearly taking them seriously as well. "i've never seen anyone take my punches before!
Eggceptional Get Away: Kickaha 2
He had an absolutely genius pun involving the word 'raptor' and his current emotional state. but now no one would ever hear it! there was no point dwelling on it. it would forever more be the lost joke that went unheard. well enough of that.
Tabitha Crane, Chapter I: Intervention
Didn't mean that pun to be in there. i mean, look. i still needed food, a place to sleep at night, and all the other necessities of life, just on a much larger scale.
Lonely Oak Chapter 14
Lyza giggled, and then as she got more and more of the pun she had to stifle herself from an all-out laugh-fest or else the bullies might notice and come snooping. "i get it," she said, calming down, "that's a neat idea.
Relative Sanity: Chapter Six
He chuckled at his pun. "i've no doubt of it," geniva agreed. "i've seen him. he's a monstrous fellow." _though it's not __he__ that i'm afraid of. i worry more about the white wolf that preys specifically on women.
Tales of Furope: The Adventure Begins!
Pad of old, faded parchment and a miserable pen was joshiah the notetaker, a hybrid of very little distinction in the mostly unknown town of bleaton, which was absolutely the name they decided on when the village was first established, and not a name-based pun
Thirteen Tales (2019): Second Tale
And being so small was a tiny (heh small puns) trade off for the ability to fly. and who knew... maybe his experience playing a video game would somehow help the kid. well... he'd play the mentor role for awhile... or at least try.
Tales of Furope: The Indecesive Phoenix
I made my first world-building pun! oh, joshiah would be **so** proud of me if he was here to see this. "uh, excuse me. narrator? could you please finish setting up the scene so we don't all die?"
A Settled Heart: Part 3
If i hadn't started coming to this site (no pun intended ;) ) then i probably would have never taken up writing again. so leave comments! please, i can't stress it enough. i read all of them.
Kickaha's Day Off
The walking catastrophe, who brings down doom and terrible puns?" "hey!" kickaha shouted. "my puns are not terrible. they are a treat to be enjoyed. not some form of punishment." "he is the kickaha!"